The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

fantastic news!!!! i keep thinking about having a bash at those stupid black trousers again but i dont want to ruin my high today. will try them tomorrow!!! x
LOLOL not the stupid trousers (groans and hides her head) i hate them and they're not even mine, have you tried measuring them and comparing them with a size chart (i have a bit of a grudge against wrongly sized clothes) you know, you won't want to wear them by the time they fit you as you will be buying 18's and the stupid trousers will be 22's.

i love that you hate them too!!! that's double the amount of hate directed at them lol!!!

just tried them on again (i couldn't resist) and guess what???

they only bloody fit!!!! extremely tight but they were on and done up!!!

Gem 1, Trousers 0
Blinking heck Gem, 7lbs!!!!:wow:That's what I lost in the my first week! And those trousers fit! :bliss:Woohoo! It's all happening on here!

Sorry, I haven't been around lately. Always see my niece at the weekend, and I have actually been on Minimins but have been strangely engrossed in reading someone diary. It's like reading a flipping novel! But yes, I agree, although CD has become a way of life, so has Minimins, and I need it more than ever now I am on the second half of my journey and need all the staying power I can get!

I want to go all the way down to 9 stone 8lbs for the first time in my life (obviously I passed that weight once before......when I was about 10 I reckon! but you know what I mean!) and I need to stick at it. If I start saying "Oh I'm just going to tottle off and lose the last stone on my own" or "I'm quite happy with 10 and a half stone," SLAP ME and bring me to my senses!! LOL

Catch you's around, best get some shut eye!
Ok Frances, I will be ready to give you a good slap if I hear those words lol! I don't think you would say them though. You are far too motivated!

I'm actually going out tonight for the first time in months!!! Mike and I are going bowling with some old workmates which will be fun I hope!!!

I was just thinking that if we get this house (fingers crossed we will!!!) then we have got to pack!!! We have negotiated a 3 day weekend off to move in but no time for packing!!! Thank goodness we have been living out of one room and don't have that much to pack!!! Might have to make it a 4 day weekend so that I can devote a whole day or two to packing everything up!!! xxx
So glad you are moving into your own place at last. It must be so exciting. You'll be much happier when you are sorted and have somewhere of your own.

Have a great time out.
Hello chums,

Right, i'm a word begining with F, fuming! Its official 1 stupid pound for all of my efforts on SS, to be fair thats better than my scales this morn they said i had sts!

Nevermind, i'm not dwelling on it but i will be very mad if i haven't lost something by tuesday!

On the plus side been to see a friend i've not seen for a month and her hubby answered the door and said "have you left half of you at home?" then my mate made a big fuss over how much i'd lost so whilst it was embarrassing it soothed my bruised ego!

Will be back later to post the results, still nothing from GT and Pbfhpunk we need to discuss a deadline for next week as its crazy to wait until the last minute for me to sort them out, if there is nothing by 2 i will post them with just the 4 results.

Results time....

Not surprisingly with a stonking 7lb loss our new Shrinking Violets Slimmer of the Week is......SOONTOBELITTLEGEM, wow what a fabulous WI congratulations the title is well deserved.

Soontobelittlegem -7lbs 2.75%
Thinkthincd -4lbs 1.97%
Smurf & Francesmag STS

Only recieved 4 results this week - Team Percentage=1.35% Don't think we will win,but i do think that Gem could get the team challenge biggest loser star with that percentage...fingers crossed.

Well, we came 4th, which is fairly respectable. Hopefully the scales will move again for us soon Hayley. By all means check again on Tuesday as I think you will be pleasantly surprised and you need that boost.
yay!!!! 4th is not that bad considering we didn't have many results

Hayley, that 1lb week happens to the best of us. might be your turn for a huge loss next time!!! xxx
So sorry not been around at all much for the last week or two, starting own business which has taken a lot of time and sorting our house out and making an office and stuff like that, not been to my CDC and not stuck 100% to the diet. I'm going to try and get an appointment with her for Friday but I understand if you want to recruit another member and I'll drop out.

Sorry I've let you down.

hi everyone, had my wi and lost 4lbs this week!! sooo pleased to be losing again!.....xx
no way Helen, we don't kick people off this team!!! you're a shrinking violet and always will be until you decide to leave us x

well done Jan!!!! i'm so pleased you are happy again! xxx
Yay Jan, well done, 4lbs, that's great. Fingers crossed for Friday Helen. Hope you get sorted soon. I work from home and know what it's like.

Miserable day and I have been badly let down by my CDC. She told me her order would come in today, but it turns out she didn't actually put it in until this morning so now it won't be in until tomorrow. Then she was supposed to drop some chocolate mints that she had managed to find for me off at my house this afternoon, but forgot! Just been round and got them as I only had one porridge left to last me to Wednesday. She's just sold her house and said everything is a bit manic for her at the mo. She's staying in the area, will actually be closer to my gym than she is now when she moves but think I might check out another CDC just in case this happens again.
On a happier note, I bought a gorgeous pair of black cords, size 16!, in M&S at the weekend. Only £15.I am so pleased with them. Nearly slept in them last night as I just didn't want to take 'em off!!

Gem, or anyone else, I have got quite a few pairs of size 18 trousers going spare and if you pm me your addy I will happily pop a couple of pairs in the post. I won't send you jeans Gem as you bought some recently, but I have got a few pairs of smart trousers, in black and brown, that you might like.
Sounds great Frances will pm you my addy! I will be constantly trying them on to see when I can get into them lol!!!!
Sorry to hear about the problems with your CDC. Bit unprofessional of her to let her personal life interfere with her work. I know she is going through a tough time but even so.
I am so cold tonight!!! Got jeans, t-shirt, jumper, scarf and my dressing gown on over the top and still freezing!!!!xxx
Back from the beach. I'm giving this diet 2 more weeks then stuffing it, because this whole STS thing just plain sucks. I can do that with food - I proved that!