The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

basically, one of my 'friends' (i will call her S) was there with her friend A who i have never met before. they kept dancing with their backs to me and basically pushing me out of the group. my friend J was really sweet and kept moving round to dance with me but the other two still kept pushing me out. it's so silly and petty but it really got to me.

i got a couple of snide remarks about my clothes and size from some skinny blonde bimbos aswell but like i always say, i would rather have brains and be a nice person than be a stupid, *****y model type!

i just didn't feel very comfortable all night. i have been inspired today though and am starting again, 100%. going to do SS until i feel the need to cheat, and then i will move onto SS+. i find SS so easy during the day but in the evening i want to eat. SS+ seems the best option!

how is your day today?

where is everyone else??? x
oh yeah and forgot to say that the skirt i was wearing, the zip undid from the bottom and i couldn't move it. had to be cut out of the skirt and borrow my friend's which just made me feel so fat!!! at least i noticed the zip had bust before i left my friend's house!!! :(
Hi there, was on earlier but seem to have got a virus off this site! Eeek. Sorted now as far as I can see, by using system restore.

Well done jayne on the 11lbs! You go girl! Know how you are feeling about the mountain of work. I too am drowning under work at the moment, which is why I haven't been on here much. Hope you got your diagrams sorted. It is hard to say what you need to do without seeing it. Normally I just fiddle and try and use a bit of logic. I sort of get there that way most times!

Gem, you poor thing, the ready brek, row with mike, nasty girls on the night out and bad skirt!! This is not on! Turn the page and throw yourself into CD. You know you will be much happier in yourself when you are back on track. Just do one good day, then two etcetc. Then you have your first week weigh in to look forward to. Then I reckon it takes about 10 good days and you will be back in your groove again. Remember I only joined this team because of you! You are the woman who Sole Sourced over Christmas! You got me through! So focus on that and your goal for Swansea. You know very well the weight comes off quickly with CD and you will be slipping into those new clothes in no time.

Know you don't like SS+ much but as you know I have lost all my weight on it. The difference in weight loss over the long term is minimal and I like the fact that I can sit down and eat with my family -- albeit different food. The trick is to see the green and white meal as just another meal pack. It is not real food to me as I don't even like chicken that much. Try SS first if the meal does trigger a need for you to eat other stuff and as you say, you always have SS+ there if you really feel the need to eat. Let's face it to have a bit of chicken/tuna and brocoli, it has to be real hunger, not head hunger lol.

Focus, focus, focus. I have a size 18 Wallis trouser suit (pale greeny colour) if you are interested? But by the time I post it to you, you will be in a size 16!

Gonna try and do the scores. Have you got any thing for me?
hi Gem, I'm putting you down as a 5lbs loss this week. As far as I can see, you were 243 when you pm'd me on 10th july, down from 251 the previous week, and going by your signature you are 246, which still means a 5lbs loss! See, things aren't so bad! Hope this is OK.
the trouser suit sounds lovely Frances, thank you :) i must owe you a whole wardrobe by now!!!

i put on 2lbs this week but last week i lost 8lbs which i don't think got counted :( will be getting weighed on weds next. my weigh ins are all over the place due to my shifts :mad:

i did SS over Christmas. blimey that seems so long ago!!! if i can do that, i can do anything!!! i don't want to be doing it this year so i better get a wriggle on!!!

like your idea about seeing the green and white food as a foodpack. for some reason whenever it is referred to as green and white food, i think of playdough...what the hell?!!?? :confused:
You are doing CD, you are on the team so you are counted!!! You got to start somewhere!

Well done Jayne with your 11 lbs loss (5.4%) and for being our Slimmer of the Week :party0011:

We come out with a 3% team result, which is not bad going for the three of us, so pat on the back all round!
i forgot to mention:

one good thing about last night was being at J's house and looking through some old photos of when we used to go out and boy did i look fat in them!!!! such a relief to see that i have lost a lot of weight and i look a darn site better than i did!!! x
Hiya Gem, sounds like those 2 are the ones with the problem, I'd try and grow a thicker skin if I was you, not that i'm any good at that, I'm always crying when people are off with me, to the point where I even imagine that I've upset them. - bit of a wimp really

You asked where I was today, I'm in the same place as yesterday at the kitchen table surrounded by work - HOWEVER - everything I need to do is in tasks pane on computer with dates and urgency etc, all emails are filed and everything in inbox are things that need sorting,

still have a mountain of things to do but feel able to just get on with them now in order of priority .
Going to carry on

not doing well on the ss front, but as I never committed to sole source then I havent failed. I knew that going out on friday would bo**ox it up

doesn't it feel better to be organised???

i am doing okay today. still got two shakes to have and done nearly 2l of water. only problem is i am drinking sugar free flavoured water which has citric acid (no carbs though) in it so won't let me into ketosis. i am going to wean myself off it and onto plain water. i just hate plain water and cannot stomach it! i know i have to drink it though because it's crucial for me to get into ketosis to limit the risk of me straying off plan.

it's all so hard!!!!
sorry girls - was I too late with my loss ths week - I lost 5lbs! I thought it had to be in by 6pm on a sunday? Gem - why don't you buy the cambridge water flavour? It's not too bad at all and you can freeze it into little ice-lollies! Cake course was fab and I stuck to my diet all day! Well done all on collective weight loss and sorry if I was too late! Speak soon. Amanda x
don't think it's too late. well done!!

i can't use the water flavourings as they give me a rash :(

gosh i am fed up with work! i think now the end is in sight (my last day is 7 weeks tomorrow!) that i have given up and am past caring!!! i'm working extra shifts for the next two weeks aswell to cover holiday which i am p*ssed off about because i didn't have much choice in the matter. it means my weigh ins are all screwy and irregular which sucks. i have to go two weeks without a weigh in aswell because i am off on 2nd and 3rd of August (Sunday and Monday). my CDC doesn't work Sundays and Monday i am in Swansea with Mike as he has a job interview and we are viewing some houses while we are there. have to wait for the following Saturday to get weighed!!! at least it will be a nice big loss to keep me spurred on! x
it's easy to get distracted when your schedule goes a bit wonky - but you can do it Gem. If I can survive a cupcake making course without breaking my diet (they just looked far too nice to eat!) then you can go two weeks. I wouldn't weigh yourself at home if you can help it and then if you have a moment where you've put on you won't know and will be less tempted to stray!!!! Good luck with the job/house hunting in Swansea! Speak soon xx
Sorry everyone is giving you a tough time Gem, dont let them get to you they really are not worth it... I thoughtI posted earlier this week that I had lost 2lb.... hmmm maybe I didn't, but too late now I guess. Wont have a loss this week I shouldn't think, for the first time in 16 weeks I lost it big time today, it is hubbys birthday and did a party for him but we had party food and I managed to eat a sensible if slightly big plate of food, but then just kept picking even though I wasn't hungry, and now for the first time since January we are having a bottle of wine too, so now really worried about my weight and am now not going to weigh myself until Wednesday and hope I can lose it again, I was so pleased that yesterday although not sticking to the 1200 menu I managed to not put on any weight and eat sensibly, wish the inlaws hadn't bothered coming to visit us now, especially as around 5ish they decided to leave and we thought they were spending the whole day and we had planned a trivial pursuit night tonight, and they are flying back to Australia on Tuesday, oh well, at least it will probably be another 6 years before we get to see them again... lol
Hi Linda. Don't beat yourself up - you'll get back into ketosis pretty quickly - just don't let the I won't lose any weight this week mindset drag you down for the rest of the week. Draw a line underneath it and move forward. We can all do this!!!! (Of course it helps me to feel optimistic having lost 5lb this week - but I'm managing now to draw a line under any moments rather than writing off the whole week like I used to!). Good luck - Amanda
you'll get past that Linda, you are made of strong stuff! look how far you've come!!!

well i am feeling headachey today, as expected. always hard going back onto SS but it will be worth it when i hit the 7st lost mark again! can't wait!!! x
jayne are you about today???

i'm so bored :(

i will probably keep coming on here posting rubbish to keep my mind off food!!! x