The start of the journey


clicking on it does make it bigger. Not sure I did good job at making before and after pics. but hear it is anyway :) I was not at goal when that was taken. so I'm even thiner now. well... lol i had a KFC and a Krispy Creme or 3 today. however, I have worked a lot of it off I think ;)

Weigh in tomorrow, so it will tell me. I will be off of Cambridge soon.
Things have been super mad hear. Literally.
I'm at a complicated time with my relationship. Headed into a stressfull time with that and with uni. But so far so good.
Sitting at 12.6.
Going to the gym tomorrow.
the last 4 days I have slipped into eating rubbish. I need to not do that. So this next week on it!!

I realised with the split from my partner of 12 years that I have lost quite a few friends. And that sucks as I never had many to begin with. But hay ho, I will go make new ones I guess :/

How are you all?
Well that was a long time ago, since then I have graduated from uni, done a PG dip, graduated from that, I start a new job soon. And in between all that I have managed to put weight back on.
I went right down to 10.5 stone. while I thought I looked really good, I got A LOT, A **** tone of people telling me I looked ill. I mean people who have no right to coment on my weight. It was starting to get to me.

Every time I see my friends they say you are looking good, still looking skinny, well done etc. well no I am over 12 stone now. so... not good at all. None of my clothes fit me. I am having to get larger sizes till I loose some weight again.

I have tried to eat healthy for a few months now. I do really well and loose a few lb's but then one blow out and that buggers it. I am being quite seriouse. my best mate split up from her partner, we had lasanga garlic bread and cake with icecream for pudding. That week I put on 2lb. So I was good the whole of the next week. It got to the friday again, and she came over for tea again, this time chinese take away. And that took be back over 12 stone.

I met a guy, we went for food a few times, back over 12 stone I go. So its been like that since june last year. I can go to the gym three times a week, live off of salad and carrot sticks fruit, nuts etc all week and see a loss of a few lb. ONE slip up and it comes back.
Today I was in such a mood I took it out on myself. I just felt fed up. So tired of it all, the strugle that we all do just to be 'better' people. So I had a burgerking for lunch and then a donnor kebab and chips for tea. Disgusting.

But lets chalk this up to a wasted day. Tomorrow is a new day.
New job soon. New life soon.

I tried to get down in wright for the holiday, for wearing a bekini, and that failed. So now i need to do it just to do it. Because I know I can!