The Things People Say?

I was eating a philly breadstick dunker in work and a collegue suggested I should eat an apple instead. Ggrrrr! Just because I'm dieting doesn't mean I have to live on salad and apples.

The worst thing is being called 'Big Emma' by my family (My sister in law is 'little Emma') I hate it and I've asked them not to do it but apparently is based on my height not weight. I'm 5ft 3! I hate being referred to as big. I know I'm big, I don't need a label to remind me.
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I had a "friend" who would constanly tell me what I should and shouldnt eat. She once even had a go at me for eating a sandwich made from nimble as she believed bread was bad for weight loss. Thing is this girl lived on pot noodles, sauage rolls and lambrini and fed her young daughter on similar rubbish. Fruit and veg didnt feature in their diets at all.
It's weird, I think because I have a blog where I give my exact weight, people asking me about it doesn't bother me. Even if a stranger asked me I don't think I'd mind letting them know. I've desensitised myself to all of that!

Actually I've got so comfortable with the fact that I am overweight but losing it that I make fat jokes of my own. My close group of mates are all guys and I'm sure this makes them feel a bit awkward! They're all really supportive though, asking me how I'm doing etc.

I'm pretty sure I had someone shout 'fat' at me the other day from across the road. I didn't want to look to see if it really was aimed at me because I didn't want to look like I was bothered. Wish I was quick enough to shout back some amazing retort.

What sort of annoys me is when skinny people try to convince me that I'm fitter than them because I run a lot. I went for a 5k run with a friend who has lost an amazing amount of weight. (Not as much as me but her start weight was lower.) She kept telling me I'd be able to out run her and go for longer. Not the case, then when I couldn't and she was barely out of breath I felt like a fool! She is my best friend though so no harm done, I'm not holding it against her! The next 5k will not be directly after I've eaten. That was a mistake.
I've just read through this entire thread, and honestly I can't believe the audacity of people! Grrr...almost feel like flinging my kettlebell at them! :mad:

Someone mentioned getting shouted out on the metro, similar thing happened to me when I was on my way back from uni on the tube. All my friends had gotten off at their stops, leaving me sitting on my own for the rest of the journey and reading a book. Unfortunately I wasn't alone for long as these absolute w**kers saw me and decided to come and sit all around me and shout abuse "hi fatty! how much do you weigh??" then they proceeded to rap about my "chubby limbs". :cry: I couldn't actually believe they went to the effort of making up a rap. It was mortifying. I just sat there in shock and wanting the Earth to just swallow me up. :( There were other people around in the carriage and I was just so embarrassed. I was terrified about having to get up and walk through them when my stop came. I was hoping their stop would be before mine..of course it wasn't and I ended up missing my stop - they got off the stop I was supposed to get off but I didn't want to get off with them incase they followed me or something. Normally I would have given as good as I had got but I was just one girl against 4 males, and they looked really dodgy so thought it wasn't worth getting hurt over.

Someone else on here mentioned getting shouted at in the street? Also happened to me, was walking along the street with my cousin, turned a corner and see a group of lads walking on the opposite side and suddenly hear "YOU'RE FAT!!!" followed by "NOW WE KNOW WHO ATE ALL THE PIES!!! HAHAHAHAHA". :cry: I mean, I know I'm fat, you obviously know, everyone else can see, so who the f**k are you telling?

When I was about 11 years old, this drunk guy on the bus looked at me after mumbling some other rubbish and said in full hearing of everyone around me "...and you, you're supposed to eat to live not live to eat". Hey genius, I could say the same thing about your drinking habits.

I bumped into a "friend" that I hadn't seen in a while and this is what he said "hi..oh you're looking fat". Gee thanks. Moron.

I was in a bar with a friend, this guy comes up to us and starts chatting up my friend, then turns to me and says "I don't find fat people attractive". Well I hate to break it to you, but I don't find shallow, obnoxious, greasy-haired men attractive either. :rolleyes:

Another thing that annoys me is whenever I'm seen eating "healthy" foods people would just automatically assume I'm on a diet. "Oh are you on a diet? You're not? Then why are you eating that apple?" Err, maybe because I like it? As if it's a shock to see anything but McDonalds and chocolate pass a fat purposes lips. Suffice to say I wasn't on a diet at that point.

Another gripe is how everyone has an opinion on what you're eating..or at least what they think you're eating. I was shopping in a supermarket with a friend of mine, she had just gotten a McDonalds meal to takeaway and left it in my basket. Long story short, we forgot it was there and went to pay, the woman at the checkout took one look at me and one look at my thin friend, assumed the McDonalds was mine and thought it was perfectly acceptable to lean over and tell me I shouldn't be eating that. It wasn't even mine!! She then proceeded to give me diet tips. :rolleyes:

I have so many more stories like this, its no wonder my self-esteem is in tatters. :( Oh well, whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?
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Oh those stories are awful! Just one of those things is enough to make a person curl up in a ball and never emerge from under the duvet! You poor soul!
Im currently working in a very challenging rough high school and the kids comment on my weight all the time. Normally under their breath. We were doing a lesson on being healthy and a girl asked me if it bothered me that I was so much bigger than I should be and if I felt unhealthy because I was so 'chunky' I tried to explain that I was trying to shrink because yes I did feel unhealthy and she just looked me in the eye and said 'it's not hard tho is it? Eat less and go for a jog or something once in a while!!" I tried to change the subject onto how some people feel addicted to food like a drug and another girl replied... But drugs don't make you fat and ugly! Silly girl - and she is one of the nice ones!
Also I year 11 terror burst into my classroom mid lesson and yelled hahahaha You fat F*ck!! My year 9 class found it hillarious and I didn't see the kids face as he ran away!
People are just ignorant and intolerant and the thing is, I bet if I had always been a size 8 I probably would have little tolerance for morbidly obese people either :(
At least we have minimins!! :D

Oh those stories are awful! Just one of those things is enough to make a person curl up in a ball and never emerge from under the duvet! You poor soul!
Im currently working in a very challenging rough high school and the kids comment on my weight all the time. Normally under their breath. We were doing a lesson on being healthy and a girl asked me if it bothered me that I was so much bigger than I should be and if I felt unhealthy because I was so 'chunky' I tried to explain that I was trying to shrink because yes I did feel unhealthy and she just looked me in the eye and said 'it's not hard tho is it? Eat less and go for a jog or something once in a while!!" I tried to change the subject onto how some people feel addicted to food like a drug and another girl replied... But drugs don't make you fat and ugly! Silly girl - and she is one of the nice ones!
Also I year 11 terror burst into my classroom mid lesson and yelled hahahaha You fat F*ck!! My year 9 class found it hillarious and I didn't see the kids face as he ran away!
People are just ignorant and intolerant and the thing is, I bet if I had always been a size 8 I probably would have little tolerance for morbidly obese people either :(
At least we have minimins!! :D


It's definitely true about people just being ignorant and intolerant. If it was that easy to lose weight noone would be overweight in the first place! Lets see if she still thinks its so easy when shes older, possibly develops an emotional attachment to food, has kids and her metabolism slows down. :rolleyes: I guess in the end, we just have to use these things as motivation. I'm grateful to have found minimins where I can talk to people who actually understand rather than make snap judgments. :) Anyway, onwards and upwards! The weight will come off and then we won't have to worry about getting nasty comments like this from ignoramuses. x
I've never had anybody (anybody skinny, at least) say anything mean to me... but then I suppose that's due to my general lack of social activity because of how overweight I was. I just shied away, so I didn't hear anything very negative.

I've had a few passing comments from strangers - just a few, one notable one was when waiting for a friend at a bus stop, I was leaning against the timetable and some idiot in passing traffic yelled out "watch you don't knock it over"... and this was after having lost 4st, so that really kicked my motivation into overdrive! - but it's surprising how it sticks with you and colours your perception of how everybody will treat you, regardless of whether they're a nice, genuine person or not.

One of the things that does bother me, from an overweight friend, is how she's "not going to try too hard to lose weight, just watch what she eats and see what happens" because "she still wants to be able to have fun whenever she wants, have a drink every now and again, etc."

Like I'm not living my life (much better than almost 8st ago, thank you very much) and dedicating all of my time to being miserable, counting every last pea and grain of rice, and working out all day.

This was just before we were going to the pub (I didn't drink, but due to a health issue not because I can't), and she's ramming half a four-cheese pizza down her gullet.

My sister was the same, she lost a good 3st... but it was by eating virtually no real food and stuffing herself silly with sweets and chocolate. No exercise either.

My goal is to be healthy, not necessarily what is conventionally deemed thin.
This is hilarious!
There was some comments on fb a little while back about some womans legs ''you would think she'd have done something before looking like that!'' ... when the fact is her legs wern't much fatter than mine! I don't like things like that, but what they should bear in mind is weight problems can hit ANYONE and one day they themselves might have similar looking legs if not fatter ones"
You should never get too cocky in this life.
I do avoid going to see the practice nurse now because she can be a bit patronising, my doctor's OK though. He tends to stick to whatever I want to talk about - so no weighty chats with him for me!

This reminnds me of when I lost 5 stone and rejoined my old doctors surgery and i toldf the doctor I had lost 70lbs and she said ''You must have been MASSIVE before'' ... well, yeh thanks for that! I was in size 12 jeans at the time but she made me feel like I was a 20!
Ugh, some peple are so judgemental. They say "Eat less, move more - it's that simple, people!"

Er, no it's not. First of all a lot of people have physcological issues that need to be addressed before they can get in the right frame of mind to lose weight and even despite that - there are many other issues at play. You can follow a 1200 calorie a day diet and of the calories are mainly made up of refined carbs, satured fat aka the wrong foods, it will not be as easy to lose weight as it would if you were eating 1200 cals a day of the right foods. And not everyone is well versed in "the right foods".

I wish people would realise that just because something applies to them does not mean that it applies to everyone. People are different and their bodies do work differently.

That is why the worst anti-smoking preachers are reformed smokers, the most close minded anti-fat decriers are people who used to be a bit overweight and have lost weight. You see, they think "Well, I did x, y and z and it worked for me so it should work for everyone" but as most of us know, just because something worked for one person does not mean it will invariably work for everyone.
God I know! I'm an ex obese smoker (now I'm just a chubby non smoker lol) and I don't lecture people on quitting or dieting.

The only advice I will willingly dish out is two things.......make whatever your trying to do as easy on yourself as possible. If that means accepting help or 'cheating' with patches or ready meals etc then so be it!!!!! There's no shame in not being able to go cold turkey.

And secondly.......try try again. If you slip up then just get back on the wagon ASAP and go again. The slips will get less and less I promise!!!!
I really can't believe what people think its acceptable to say to perfect strangers... And worse! To close friends and family! What is wrong with people?

It’s really weird… I suspect that people have randomly commented on my weight, but I can’t put my finger on any particular instance. I tend not to absorb mean comments from strangers. That probably comes from having been bullied long before I was ever overweight. At some stage I just decided not to take crap from anyone. If someone on the street says something, I just think ‘they don’t know me, I don’t know them… who cares what they think?’ If I feel that someone I must deal with all the time is giving me grief, I confront them about it. Never really happens these days, though. ^^

What DOES bother me is that my wee mammy who is herself a bit overweight hands me over any dieting plan she comes across, saying: “I thought you might be interested in this!” And in the next breath is trying to get me to eat crisps after a very filling dinner. *facepalm*

The other thing that bugs me is my wee sister, who is my best friend in the world and a gorgeous, thin, leggy blonde, tries to give me dieting and nutrition advice. I love her so much, but she is a former anorexic and suffers from body dismorphia, and although she’s better now, she still has a somewhat dysfunctional relationship with food. I had a dysfunctional relationship with food to the opposite extreme, but I’m getting over it. But bless her cotton socks, she always tells me how well I’m doing and how fabulous I look. She’s never called me fat or made hurtful comments about my size, although recently she did say she was worrying for my health before. That just made me sad for making her worry. :(
It's a bit sad that people feel they have the right to be rude and comment on what they see as the failings of another without any real insight into their situation. Some think it is a positive thing, 'Call a spade a spade'. I may be fat but I am neither rude nor judgmental. Funnily enough, although this thread is about how thin people react to fat people, many naturally slim people are very supportive and nonjudgmental and it seems that other overweight people can also be very insensitive.
Wow! Where was this thread all my life?! :O

I've had everything said to me!! Why do people feel they are EXPERTS at nutrition just because they're slim?!

It's hilarious because some of my "cousins" who were giving me advise about nutrition a few years ago are now 10 times the size of everest :') haha! Karma, it's GOOOOD.

I think I've come to a point where I can handle criticism myself but when people say things about my mother, it's sooo hurtful. She's morbidly obese, advise like "when I was your age, I wasn't THAT fat", "why don't you try the gym", "When are you going to lose weight", "you are a meaty lady aren't ya?" all from her family is just heart breaking. I can't wait till she has her surgery and slaps them in the face! :D
I hate it when certain thin girls who clearly make an effort to be thin say they eat whatever they want and post pictures of huuuuge meals all over facebook as though they eat like pigs when they clearly don't. In the end they probably only ate a few chips while their boyfriend ate the rest. I know I'm not a stick, so I don't get offended if people say I'm a little bit fat or chubby, I just say I know and laugh about it. In the end I did eat too much junk and drink too much wine and it's up to me to do something about it. But I do believe in a bit of politesse I mean, is it really necessary to call someone chubby to their face? What does it achieve? Although I do appreciate honesty from the people I'm close to, like my boyfriend said recently when I brought up the subject that I had gotten a bit chubby, but then it was followed up with 'but I love your body please don't lose weight!' (I really don't know where he comes from I loves him I do) :p
I have had the 'if you lose a stone there'll be nothing left of you' well I plan to lose at least one hopefully two stone so prepare to be amazed!! Grr. It's supportive I know & meant as a compliment but I'd much rather they went with 'you're looking great' or something. My grandma said to my mum that I was going to (quote) 'ruin all my hard work' if I drank any of the gin my mum bought me for Christmas. CHRISTMAS! Despite trying to persuade her that g&t is extremely low calorie & with 2 small children I was hardly going to go mad she kept sighing and saying 'its such a shame' as though post Christmas I'd have gained the two and half stone I had lost by then!!