The Things People Say?

Yeah my goal when I started was to lose 20lbs so about 1.5 stone. I dared not tell anyone because it sounds so drastic for someone of my height, but it's not that drastic really. If I manage it I should be about 3-4 inches smaller than I initially was and I'll still have a healthy BMI so, it's not always as much as it sounds!
My cousin was always a 12-14 growing up, she's now a size 10 & my mother is 'convinced' she has an eating disorder because 'she's always been bigger' - maybe that's cos she was brought up eating rubbish & now she's eating sensibly, & she exercises a lot more now? She looks fine, healthy etc but mum won't hear it. Drives me mad! Whereas because I was a size 8/10 until I was 18 it's acceptable for me to be actively dieting to get to a size 10/12. I don't get it??
Our mothers spend their lives comparing the two of us it drives me mental. Just because we are the same age doesn't mean we are the same people!
"You're always eating when I phone/see you" - Even though that's not the truth

When eating a meal - "I don't know how you can eat all that, I'd be sick" - Yah thanks for saying I'm a PIG.

"Do you want a biscuit? (I answer yes) oh you'll get fat eating those" - WTH?

"You have a pretty face but you would look so much more attractive if you lost weight" - Thanks, not.
Those are all pretty much things I think to myself haha such as when managing to eat an entire pizza to myself, not wanting to share it to tell the truth and still having room for fudge cake. Then being hungry again for a sandwich about 4 hours later XD
'I can't possibly eat breakfast, I'm still full from dinner!'
Re: What skinny people say?

Ugh, some peple are so judgemental. They say "Eat less, move more - it's that simple, people!"

Er, no it's not. First of all a lot of people have physcological issues that need to be addressed before they can get in the right frame of mind to lose weight and even despite that - there are many other issues at play. You can follow a 1200 calorie a day diet and of the calories are mainly made up of refined carbs, satured fat aka the wrong foods, it will not be as easy to lose weight as it would if you were eating 1200 cals a day of the right foods. And not everyone is well versed in "the right foods".

I wish people would realise that just because something applies to them does not mean that it applies to everyone. People are different and their bodies do work differently.

That is why the worst anti-smoking preachers are reformed smokers, the most close minded anti-fat decriers are people who used to be a bit overweight and have lost weight. You see, they think "Well, I did x, y and z and it worked for me so it should work for everyone" but as most of us know, just because something worked for one person does not mean it will invariably work for everyone.

Hunny, I gave up smoking years ago, I would never tell anyone to give up, or a person to loose weight!! I myself have a serious health condition and can't move far or do much. To Look at I look "normal" not overweight or don't smoke, yet if you seen me walking up the street I look 90 not 40!! My health has got worse only last 11 month's. Don't let anyone tell you what to do, I wouldn't I would have to tell them what I think. Xx
"If diets really worked you wouldn't still be overweight" - Diets do work if you stick to them, the hardest part is maintaining the weight loss.
Re: What skinny people say?

"If diets really worked you wouldn't still be overweight" - Diets do work if you stick to them, the hardest part is maintaining the weight loss.

Yes!! Every day battle for me hun x
Ahh I love my skinny friends, I really do.. but only one of them really understands the struggle it is to lose weight because she has been a bit of a yo-yo with her weight over the years (as small as a size 6 and as big as a size 22 over 3 years), so she knows its not easy to lose weight and keep it off.

The others are all tiny, I'm talking no bigger than a size 12 at their very biggest during university, and all of them at some point have been guilty of saying "I need to lose weight, I'm so fat" etc. One of them calls herself "Gemma Elephant" because she thinks she is so huge. She's 5 foot 10, a size 10, doesn't have a scrap of fat on her... and I just sit there and think "if you think you are fat, what do you think of me?!" and it's kind of offensive. Especially when in the next breath she will tell me I don't need to lose weight, that I'm fine as I am, and yet I'm a size 20!
Becimarie, you're dead right! Been there with my friends many a time too I'm afraid! It's like they don't even realise who they are talking to!!! HELLO!!!! I'm the one who can't shop in most of the high street!!!
"You should just drink loadsa water - the weight will just drop off" - HAHAHAHAHA
"Really? You don't want anymore? Really? Are you sure? I'll just leave it here for you just in case" - Ah, sorry I forgot I'm supposed to eat everything put in a 10 km radius of me! Whoops!
It's so frustrating. I mean, I have oodles of confidence despite my size, I've always said I need to lose weight for health, not for confidence. But they know how much it frustrates me that I can't find dresses I really want in my size etc. And they just say "it's fine, you'll look better in *picks up something in my size*" and its like, that's not the point... the point is, I can't just walk in here and buy anything like you can, and yet you have the cheek to say you are "so fat" :/ frustrating.
I never go shopping with friends or family now. It's too annoying! I go only by myself!
My 6'5" mountain instructor, ice-climber and marathon runner friend just told me that diets don't work, and that he's never dieted and always been slim. THAT'S BECAUSE YOU SPEND 8 HOURS A DAY CLIMBING MOUNTAINS!!!
Re: What skinny people say?

.........I may punch him, add that to my cardio for the day.......

I'm laughing so hard,.... With a fracture to the jaw it hurts!! ;) x
I wear a size 4x. Not a 3x, not a 2x and not a 1x! People will say I don't look like a 4x or give me hand-me-downs in smaller sizes because I don't "look" like a 4x to them. What does a 4x look like?:confused: Why do you ask what size I am if you are going to tell me I don't look like that size!

People do not understand if you have a metabolic disorder "eat less & move more" does not always equal weight loss. You can get very big even while eating normal portions of food and doing a lot of walking. I remember after having radioactive iodine therapy attending WW (since I started to pack on the pounds) where the leader told me I must not be compliant because of my gain. :sigh: The well meaning friends with fad diet recommendations or nutrition tips they read in a magazine, make it hard for me to bite my tongue at times. I didn't gain 120 pounds because I didn't know bananas eating after 4pm when it's a full moon makes you gain.:rolleyes:

It's nice to have a place to vent about it! :)
I didn't gain 120 pounds because I didn't know bananas eating after 4pm when it's a full moon makes you gain.:rolleyes:

It's nice to have a place to vent about it! :)

Ha ha too true. People who have never had a weight problem, and some who have but have conquered it, can find it difficult to recognize that some times people have more obstacles to overcome than them. It's a bit like asking a blind person to follow a hand-written plan. It's easy just read and follow the instructions!
my friend was telling me about a guy we both know "hes lost like 4 stone hes sooo sexy now"
but when i told her i had lost 3 stone she was like oh i didnt really notice, must be cos i see you all the time. i see this girl a couple of times a month if that
very discouraging

she is also the kind of girl who is heavier than me and she complains shes fat but then takes the piss out of me for trying to be healthy and trying to tempt me to eat more and be "bad"
If she's got a weight problem too then I'd say she "didn't notice" your weight loss because she was jealous. It's a shame she doesn't join forces with you instead of against you but she's clearly not ready. No excuse for her to cause you problems of course!