Things I learnt this week

Morning - I learnt that, after having had a bit of a carb binge yesterday, that they give you wind!

Hope you have a good day :)

Haha YES! Some folks say that ketosis is the best way of judging of well you are doing - I think the best way of judging is how long it's been since the last good "rip"!!

Hello all - I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! All being good I hope.

I had a weird dream about eating a Creme Egg the other night! Strange as I haven't had any carby urges recently....I don't think I enjoyed eating it though.

Decided to try oven baked Flax bread - might be a bit of a treat but if I find it stalls me I'll not do it again....only time and the scales will tell!
Afternoon piglet... You made me chuckle ! Lol

I hope the flax doesn't stall! You have some really good ideas food-wise - creative solutions. X
I dreamed that I forgot I was on Atkins and was eating a bowl of cereal. Then I remembered and was freaking out! When I woke up I was happy that it was only a dream!
It's been a very productive weekend for me :)

Also found out that I can find an Atkins friendly solution to eating out, yes!

I fancy trying to make a flaxseed cracker for cheese.....I'm missing my crackers and oat cakes, anyone ever had a go?
I dreamt I forgot I was on Atkins too and was halfway through a lasagne when I realised and freaked out heee heee!!! That was yesterday whilst asleep, never had a carby dream before and I was soooooo relieved when I woke up!!!

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Lol. Not had any food dreams yet but I do keep trying pasta, peas etc as I'm cooking them for my other half to make sure they are done. Realise what I am doing halfway through and have to spit it out lol.
Me neither... No dreams about anything! Lol
Such a busy day no time to read anybody else's diaries - i will catch up!

Anyway will let you know if I have a carb fest in my dreams tonight when I pop in tomorrow evening!

night night all :)
Hope you have a good day piglet xx
Morning PV, how's things?
I have learnt this week that if you drink 2 bottles of champagne in one week, you will be very lucky to stay the same weight, even if you don't eat one single thing off plan!

Also that I can't eat unlimited amounts of cream and cheese, this week is going to be a total cream and cheese free week!
You are still doing very well with your weight loss.

I have been out to lunch & couldn't resist the steamed ginger pudding with custard. Hey ho....
Hi pigletville, how's it all going?
Hey!!! Good to see you!!! Hope you've been well? Xxx