Things to assist results?!?


So I only discovered VLCD fairly recently (i'm only 18) and Exante is the first one I've done.. if I'd found it
earlier I would have started earlier! But I'm going traveling round europe with my 2 best friends who are BOTH models
(i know) and I was wondering if anyone has any tips to help the results as I reaaaally want to lose 4 stone in 3 months not 3!!!! So
that I can at least be acknowledged by others! If anyone else has gorgeous friends you'll understand I hope haha :) :sigh:
There isnt really anything you can do to make the losses better other than staying absolutely 100% on the plan, no picking at foods you shouldn't have, and drinking lots and lots of water and probably even staying away from the extras that are allowed like coke zero and boullion. Unfortunately you can't make your body lose any faster than it wants to, you're already going to lose weight faster than on any food-based diet. My body doesn't lose it quickly, I've had to accept that. I only lost 6lbs my first week when others have lost over a stone. In some ways it depends on your starting weight, but your own metabolism will affect it too and you can't influence that. One thing not to do in the first few weeks is lots of exercise. Burning lots of calories wont help you lose the weight faster, it'll stall it because your body will go into starvation mode and hang on to the fat instead of burning it. If you want to do some exercise they recommend no more than 20 minutes gentle exercise like walking a day for the first few weeks while your body adapts to using fat as fuel instead of food.
I know how you feel! And I've put my gorgeous friends as my bridesmaids! Big blinking mistake! I'm going to make them wear sacks. Unfortunately 4 stone in 3 months is a tall ask, I think the average is 1 stone a month after the initial big loss. But inches matter more then lbs so if you do a toning DVD workout or the gym to "lean" out that will make more of a difference with the vlcd xxx
thanks for all your advice, luckily i am a waitress at Pizza Express so i'm on my feet all the time and i think that for the moment the time i spend running around the restaurant for 8 hour shifts constitutes as 20 minutes solid work out, but after the first month i think i will add in regimes too :) i wont have any of the extras although i never really liked coke zero anyway and i dont have sugar in black tea so i'm quite lucky! but thank you anyway ladies :)
I would think that if you stick with your diet 100% and make sure to take all of your shakes and bars you should get over 3 stone at your height of 5' 8"...I am 4" shorter and this is not my first time on a vlcd and I have found those of your height always had better weight loss results. I am aiming for three stone in three months.

Good luck on your weight loss journey alicimo and if you need any help please ask
Well, I'm a therapist in a busy spa, massage all day as well as being on my feel and clock about 15000 steps a day but I found slim in 6 dvd really sorted out toning me up. It's not cardio really but I started losing inches so quick, it's not all about cardio and being on your feet and cutting calories for some ladies, I'm 5ft 9 and I found it really helped suck in my waist, normally it's take me about 21lbs to drop a dress size when my shorter friends only have to lose 14lbs. But I dropped 2 wedding dress sizes with only 21lbs doing this DVD as well as low carbing.

It's just a thought though :) xx
im totally gonna look at that dvd!!

Im 5ft10 and lost 3stone in like 9-10 weeks each time ive done TFR - so it is doable - im quite lucky though that my loses happen quite quickly!!
oooooooh that gives me hope chellywellyboot :) this is my first time on one so i'll see how i go from my loss on tuesday (weigh in day) and i guess i'll get an indication of how realistic it is :)
It's sooo hard to judge cus I'm expecting my loses to slow down now but it's too hard to say! Lol