This board is a lot quieter than I remember a few years ago

LOL, us oldies-but-goodies were/are hardcore. :D

I hear what you're saying, YummyMummy (love your signature by the way - so true!!) but I honestly don't think it's being unsupportive to suggest not eating and hanging on in there. Hunger pangs usually pass quite quickly. The trick is for near-blippers to come here and let us talk them out of blipping!

The trouble with minor cheats - like protein eating - is that can be enough to trigger wholesale bingeing for some. The idea that you've cheated even a little can lead to a "what the hell, I've blown it!" mentality. I've already written today about the all-or-nothing thinking that many of us have developed over the years. That's not healthy either, mind - the key to maintenance is overcoming all-or-nothing thinking, I believe. But in the early days, it gets us far enough into the diet to see amazing results that we don't want to blow on a handful of chicken.

Better to suggest that someone has an extra shake instead of chicken. In fact, better to suggest that someone drinks a pint of water then brushes their teeth - it's amazing how having a minty taste in your mouth can send the desire to eat packing. :)
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Hi girls

I'm back too and for my sins I started on Boxing Day with the spare packs I had kicking about. Last time I was on this diet I was in the low 14's then the 13's, but after a killer of a year I was 16.11 when I got weighed on Boxing Day! Loads of reasons for it, but mainly I blame myself. I've now drawn a line under it and moved on, I'm now on day 5 and weighed 16.4 this morning, still horrific but moving in the right direction.

I'm determined that nothing will stop me this time. I have loads of clothes I can't fit in to (some with tags still on)!!! I'm sure if we all support each other we can do this

Big hugs xxxxx
Well I have decided I am going to start tomorrow while I still have the momentum and excitement of starting again! I am going to do my measurements tonight and pin them to the fridge - I didn't do measurements last time and really wish I had because I think they would have got me through the tough weeks! I am seeing my Counsellor or Consultant or whatever they are called now in the morning. I remember from last time that once I really got in to the swing of it it was a real struggle to actually want 3 packs in a day! Hoping that is going to be the case again...
Well I have decided I am going to start tomorrow while I still have the momentum and excitement of starting again! I am going to do my measurements tonight and pin them to the fridge - I didn't do measurements last time and really wish I had because I think they would have got me through the tough weeks! I am seeing my Counsellor or Consultant or whatever they are called now in the morning. I remember from last time that once I really got in to the swing of it it was a real struggle to actually want 3 packs in a day! Hoping that is going to be the case again...

I loved it when i actually couldn't be bothered with the third pack but knew i needed to have it x
Hi Guys,

Another oldie rejoining!

Have been popping in and out and just generally lurking mainly because it is soooooo different in here than my time many moons ago but time to get posting again.

Great to see so many 'oldies' which I am unfortunately a chronic restarter but no more no more - 2013 our year!!!!!!
We can do it, we can do it :)

Am freezing tonight and I haven't even started yet... Going to have to layer up the next few nights I think! At least being single I can go to bed wearing as many clothes as I like ;)
I do think there is more tolerance to cheating than there ever was and I agree with Lily, one thing can lead to another quite quickly! I'd love it if we "oldies" could manage to resurrect the 100% section again. That was always my safe haven, but it's no fun posting when no-one is there.
Hey SH,

I have started as I mean to go on and posted in 100%.

After all I'm blooming proud I've made it through day 1 so I'm celebrating ;-) x
Heading over there now :)
LOL loved what Lily wrote abouit us oldies being hardcore :D Hey let's set up a team-Hardcore Honeys ;)

I'm having my 3rd shake-still one more to go and it's so late already.Had a minor wobble looking in the fridge earlier for veggies for the small furries but shut the fridge quickly and carried on :)

What I fab idea!

Oops, I'm gatecrashing but hey, why change a habit of a lifetime ;-)

Well done chick on winning the fridge battle, another victory :) x
Oh how true, spent a lot of time on here posting when I originally started Cambridge and found the support invaluable especially when the demons strike.

Looking forward to winning the battle x
My kids have set up my own sticker chart on fridge, next to theirs Every time I go to it for chocolate and resist I get a sticker:) ( i havent told them I'm on a diet as dont want little ones becoming obsessed with weight- so told them i need to not eat chocolate to keep my teeth looking nice!)if I reach 7 they will give me a treat- like a cuddle or a magazine ;) ( they are only 3,5 bless them,but 5 year old tells me she's in charge!)