This is me! (Management diary)


I've been reading your diary from last year, the thing is you can maintain, you have learnt loads about yourself. You have a life it gets in the way sometimes but you have recognised what you are doing with the carbs and the wine and have stopped. If you were anything like me before you would have only nipped it in the bud a stone heavier than when you started the diet in the first place.

Well done on the 4lb i've not looked yet too scared ha
Got to say I love the clarity that comes with packs. I had begun to realise I have a critical parent/rebellious child battle going on in my head most of the time - but didn't realise how LOUD the critical parent is. ALL THE TIME!

That's one of the reasons LLT is such a relief: I'm being a "good girl" foodwise so no one can tell me off.

Brought up loads of stuff today from the past... thing is I've always "blamed" my sister's unexpected death for my issues... which is only partly true. The REAL issue, is my parents were on at each other all the time, bickering, fighting, miserable (I used to hear my Mum weeping in the bathroom in the small hours), drinking, fighting... then putting on a "respectable" face and going to church. I was so scared, most of the time (except at school). I never knew when I would have unexpectedly stepped out of line and get yelled at or smacked or sent to my room. Ok not major abuse maybe but emotionally very very damaging.

There was NO emotional closeness. Even now my Mum doesn't really know how to do a hug - she digs her fingernails into my shoulders and it's all awkward and unpleasant.

Nothing was/is ever good enough. "I don't want to praise you as you might get big headed." "Pity you didn't get an A" (when I got a B), and when I try to fish for compliments :)rolleyes:), realising I have actually achieved quite a lot in my life and am quite proud of myself, she says, "yes you have been lucky, haven't you?" like it's all fallen into my plate (good metaphor).

Thing is - my sister "was" my Mum, kind of. She was almost six years older than me, and whilst not at all perfect (!) was emotionally warm and comforting and available. When she died I felt all alone.

My poor poor inner child :cry:. Feel so sad realising all this - but also amazingly empowered and positive. Roll on ketosis!

Now to write out some positive affirmations on post-its (a tip from another group member yesterday) and get them up round the house. I am lovely! I am successful! I am actually, I am!
Actually, reading that back I realise it's not strictly true. I was scared at school, often. At primary school some of the children and some of the teachers were v scary, and the big old Victorian building was horrible after the lovely familiar small place I went to before we moved house. Then senior school was worse: some of the lessons were fun - but I was told to give up Art as it 'wasn't academic'. Some of the teachers were terrifying - used to put you on edge all through class and pick on you and then ridicule you if you got the wrong answer.


I suppose we all have our weirdnesses and obstacles in our backgrounds and overcome them as best we can. I just hadn't realised how deeply ingrained and entwined all this is for me.

So if, for instance, I'm not 100% perfect at work (who is?!) I beat myself up, over and over and over. And I worry so much what other people think of me. Madness!

Not real madness though. There is sanity in finally realising all this stuff. But it's a bit intense!

On a different note, I'm going to give myself some positive strokes for today. I was dreading it: loads of meetings and that feeling of being ill-prepared. But I got through the day and what's more some of it was actually good and happy and fun! Haven't done my post-its yet. I think my 'cynical parent' (!) is saying it's a bit 'woo' too far... Yet my adult would like to give it a go.
Yes I know! I've been thinking positive in spite of not having (yet) done the post-its. Am definitely going to do them... just seem to be racing from one thing to another at the moment. Came to work early this morning for a conference call with a colleague in Australia - who had got the date wrong and never turned up!

Got loads on this afternoon, but I'm getting through it. I just feel so much better on packs and I'm trying to work out why. I think it is partly (a) not being bloated and (b) feeling I'm being "good".

What I want to work out is how to feel both of the things ALL THE TIME without packs! That's what the next few weeks of abstinence is about for me...

I do know that carbs = bloat & cravings

so that's a start, and

alcohol = out of control around food, munchies and low mood next day

Soooo... I don't like the vision of a life sans carbs and alcohol altogether, but I want to find a way to enjoy both in moderation, and not beat myself up about having them occasionally, which then leads to prolonged overeating and low mood...
Big day tomorrow - my first appraisal in my new job.

It should be positive though as my boss told me yesterday that I've passed my probation (he actually said he couldn't believe I'd asked about it as in his opinion it was a no brainer!) woop! Go me! :-D
Way to go Spangly! Life really does get in the way sometimes and it sounds as though you are finding a balance under even the most difficult of circumstances.

Seeing your childhood for what is was is a great thing to do as an adult. We can rationalise the behaviour of pir parents and understand them to a certain extent. you can also understand your feelings as a child and put them into perspective. But now you are an adult and able to step away from it all. Your choices are now down to do and have nothing to do with anyone else. that has to be a good thing.
Well it did go well. Hurray!

Weigh in tomorrow. I'm hoping for a good result as I've been 100% and feel a lot less bloated than I did. Fingers crossed!
7lb off!! Given that I only started LLT on last Friday, that's 11lb in 8 days! :eek: Kind of explains how I can gain so fast too. Brilliant! Now to get back to goal... and work out what my triggers really are.
Well done, wonderful news, do you feel much better now you're back in control?
Yes, 100% better! Had a wobble today (but didn't succumb). I had my first bar - and have had the munchies really badly ever since! Not sure if it's psychological, but whatever it is I've contacted my LLC and arranged to swap my other bars for packs. I feel more in control without the bars. Strange, eh?!

Been planning high protein breakfasts and low carb meals for post packs. I am going to do this!!!
Hi Spangly, you seem to be much more positive which is great to hear. Its funny how the bars affect people in different ways. I dont think I could manage without mine lol.
Flagging a bit today, but I think that's just Mondayitis! I found it difficult yesterday evening, but ended up having a very early night, realising that tiredness is a big trigger for me. They miscounted my packs on Saturday so I'm picking up one extra and swapping my six bars tonight. I thought I'd also pick up some mousse mix for variety - haven't had any in ages and I think it will help me get through the next few weeks. The results are so quick and so brilliant, it's easy to start the mind games of "oh but just one XXX won't hurt" etc. Mad!

I went through some stuff in my wardobe yesterday and found some things that I can get on comfortably (hurrah!) and some that are still ridiculously snug (boo). I will do this. I will! I AM DOING THIS!
Not long to go now spangly. You are already at a healthy weight, so anything from now is the icing on the cake!
That's true - I was losing sight of the fact my BMI is back under 25 again. I had to read your post twice to convince myself :rolleyes:. You're entirely right. I do give myself a hard time, don't I?! I'm already there!! Will be nice to get back to my ideal weight/size though. I did rather like it!
I hear you! My goal is to get to under a BMI of 25. But less than that would be amazing!
Really low today. Not sure why. Going out this evening to the opera of all places. First time I've ever been! I should be excited but i just feel I don't deserve it. Keep thinking about negative stuff today. Hmm.
I need to be veeeeery kind to myself today as I'm exhausted and I know that's a massive trigger for me (foodwise), and also triggers me to feel depressed. The opera last night was amazing and I'm very glad to have gone - my Mum got us tickets, and it was great to spend some quality time with her. Only problem is the tiredness today. I have a LOT of BIG meetings today, and I feel overwhelmed already and like I want to go home. I'm sure I'll get through it but it's tough.

Think I will plan to have a long soak in the bath when I eventually get home tonight.
All you can do to get through a day which you know is going to be difficult is to set yourself small goals.

Get through this meeting then have a cup of coffee and a chat with your colleague
Get through the next meeting and enjoy a walk in the fresh air
Take it step by step - allowing yourself some down time between each important event

The most important advice I would give is: IT IS ONLY WORK! I have shouted that because all too often people get hung up about what is essentially the way we pay our bills and little more. We all want to do our best, but sometimes life gets in the way and to be honest - life is more important than work.

Who do you work for? Your boss, your clients, your supervisor. In fact work is done for everyone but yourself. Put yourself first and if that means work has to slide, or you don't come up to scratch in someone else's eyes, that is their problem not yours.

The fact is that if you put yourself first you will actually work better, more efficiently and with more purpose. this is a fact which is lost on most bosses who see dedication to the "team" and to the business as paramount. It just isn't.

You can tell that I used to work in a corporate environment and left it all behind. I guess I saw the light. I now work for myself and put myself first every day. Now if I feel overwhelmed, I can blame myself. Needless to say I don't let it happen. I am the best boss in the world!

Spangly - you will be fine to day. you will get to the end of the day having achieved more than you expected and that warm bath will be a well deserved treat!
Got through it. Today is another day! Today and tomorrow also busy - but on the positive side I'm really chuffed to have this job and the opportunity and to feel useful, so when I'm not so tired I find all the "busy"ness energising. Got lots of sleep last night so feeling more positive today. Still LOADS to do - am sure someone slipped an extra day into this week (!) - but getting there. Thanks for the support, nzmegs. I appreciate it.