This is my year, EE and Green days with Photos

Ah so chocolate, drink and eye candy - sounds a great evening lol thanks for sharing yum yum but do I mean the food diary or the other shared pic or both! :). Sun in shining here in Cornwall today so going to make the most of it while summer is finally here and escape to a chilled day on the beach - hubby and daughter did all the house work yesterday!
Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

Hi Biker!! I notice you had noodles!! I've been really missing noodles as didn't think you could have them (and can't find them in my books).. My question is what noodles ( other than super noodles) can I have??? Thanks as ever x
Re: Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

Mmmm tasty! And I don't mean the food! Congrats Sharon, bet you're thrilled :thumbup:
Morning Ladies.
Vicky...... Just a few photos for the stir fry I made the other day
my brother who is a bit of a foodie got me the tins of veg in sainsburys and not only are they handy, they are tasty too.



I used 2 tbsp oyster sauce (2 syns ) 3 to 4 tbsp soy sauce and 1 beef stock pot with about 150 /200 ml water for the sauce
Threw in some chicken, chestnut mushrooms and onion..... Dinner in 15 mins..

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Saturday food diary

Breakfast.....big bowl of strawberries banana pineapple and a muller light

Lunch.......porridge more fruit and muller light
Had a busy day in work so needed quick to eat food !!!!
2 slices of chocolate Swiss roll

Dinner.......chicken salad with baby potatoes roasted, sorry no photos but I was starving and couldn't eat it quick enough

Syns way over again, had a few Bacardi and crisps....but without the Swiss roll I'm still on target, wonder how many syns for the cake ????

Today I hope to be as good as possible I'm sitting in my garden for the afternoon with a book, hubby is watching motorbike racing on the telly and with the exception of alcohol I have nothing bold to eat in the house . So fingers crossed for a good day.

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Morning Ladies another fab day here.....
I plan to do a little gardening this morning and hopefully sit out for a few hours afternoon.
Weigh in is at 5 pm, I have a feeling I've weight on so won't be surprised with a gain.

Yesterday wasn't too bad at all

Breakfast...... Porridge fruit and muller

Lunch........ Huge bowl of fruit and muller with an iced coffee in the garden

Dinner...... Couscous roasted veg feta

Daughter came in @ 10 with a curry cheese chip butty and I ate a piece about 2 inches long..... God it was lovely
Had 2 glasses of this wine during the day so about (9) syns



I've tried the ww white one and the black tower B rose and red and I thought they were all awful.....
But this one was not bad at all, needs to be icy cold though,I will defenitly get it again and it works out at 16.5 syns for the whole bottle so half the regular ones !!!!!!

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Re: Thyroid Troubles, EE and Green days with Photos

Don't post photos of wine! It's just cruel to those of us that have none in the fridge lol :D
Hope wi went ok x
Evening Ladies

Can't believe it I've a half pound off, I'm surprised and delighted.
I had one of those days when you don't get a minute to sit down and still seem to get very little done, this weekend definitely went too fast.

I went to Aldi this morning and the super 6 was good for a change, cherries melon peppers courgette tomatoes . Stocked up, so plenty of roasted veg for me this week

Anyway food for today was ok
Porridge as usual for breakfast
Had a beef and tomato sandwich for lunch and a small mars bar
And for dinner did some baby potatoes,roasted veg, couscous and my first time using those maggi so juicy with chicken and it was lovely

Finished off the rest of my wine from the bottle from yesterday and now I'm off to bed with the new mag for a wee read


I have to try some new things soon to stop getting bored.
Hope you all had a good day x

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Morning Ladies,
I've been very bust with work, the good weather has them all out getting the hair done, so finding it hard to get the time for all the diaries including mine.
Hope your all doing well.....
Decided the last few days just to have a big bowl of fruit and muller and keep my HEb for 2 alpen light bars in the evenings
On tue I had lunch out with a sw friend so had salmon and crab fish cakes with salad
And dinner was chicken fillet ,couscous ,roasted veg and feta
4.5 syns for 1 chezk low alcohol lager and 1 cappachino

lunch was turkey and ham salad
Dinner was steak, 3 new potatoes and tomatoes mushroom ,onions

Syns (cover your eyes Mandy).........1/4 bottle of that black tower B white wine 4 syns

fruit and muller for breakfast , needed tea bags for work so popped in to Aldi a while ago and got a pk of ham cos I'm having a hungry day, bypassed all the buns with difficulty.... But I did it. so go me yeaaaaa

Lunch today is a mug shot and more fruit and I think I'm gonna have a chicken stir fry tonight, nice and fast cos I've a bit of gardening to do tonight
The only new photos I have to share is of a new bag I got in the river island sale, got my daughter out of bed to buy it for me online..... She was really impressed with me lol


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