This time I will do it! Propoints food diary.


Hi everyone, so - I have tried and failed at dieting so many times but I am determined to do it this time. I have two children to think about aged 2 and 6 months and by the time they start school I don't want to be the frumpy mum at the gates! I have decided to try and keep a diary to keep me on track. Any thoughts/opinions greatly received! Here goes!

Thursday 12th of July

Breakfast -
30g Ready Brek - 3pp
150ml Semi Skimmed Milk - 2pp
1.25 teaspoons sugar - 1pp

Kinder Maxi - 3pp
Toffe Muffin - 11pp (damn it just jumped in to my mouth!)

74g Bread Roll - 5pp
13g Lurpak Lighter - 2pp
51g Roast Turkey Slices - 2pp
Sunbites - 3pp

Grapes - 0pp
Satsuma - 0pp

Tea- (not what I planned on but all went a bit wrong tbh!)
74g Bread Roll - 5pp
40g Seasoned potato wedges - 1pp
10g Lurpak Lighter - 2pp

Snacks -
Satsuma - 0pp

25 minutes walking (2pp)

40pp (I blame the muffin!)

38 weeklies left plus 2 activity points earned.

Things I have learned today:

1) I need to ensure that I don't go too long between meals and snacks or meals and next meal. I ended up eating a muffin because I took my daughter to the park and library and we were out a while and I got too hungry and made a bad choice. Need to keep topped up with fruit etc between meals.

Things I am happy with today:
I logged, I logged, I logged!! Even though I was over my daily points I logged everything. This is a massive achievement for me and I am pleased :) x
Hi Hun.

I have a 2 and half and 3 month old and so know what u mean.

Day looks but double check sun bites I thought they were 4? Xxx
Hi, thanks for replying - ww website says sunbites are 3? x x
Well here I am, diary time again! I've got to admit I am dreading writing this down as I have had a terrible bingey day. I'm embarrased for people to see what I have eaten but if I'm going to start hiding things or lying as early as day two then it's not going to be much of a diary is it. I don't know what happened really. The kids got me up at five and I didn't get to sleep till eleven plus DS woke at one for a bottle so I think I only had around 5.5hrs sleep and was a bit tired and fed up this morning. Unfortunately what I do in this situation is eat. It goes like this, I get up at five and eat breakfast about 6. About 9ish I go to the shop to get any bits I need and end up buying chocolate or something else sweet, then it sets me off for the day. I need to go to the shop later in the day but I am a complete diet coke fiend (I can't have it in the house as I would literally drink 10 cans a day if it was there) and it is my caffiene hit first thing! I need to give it up really.

Anyway, here is my awful day :hide:

Friday 13th of July

45g Rice Krispies - 5pp
Sugar - 2pp
Milk - 2pp


Turkey Slices - 2pp
Lurpak Lighter - 2pp
Crusty Roll - 6pp

Dinner -

1/2 Pizza - 9pp

Snacks - :sigh::sigh:

Galaxy Bubbles - 5pp
Galaxy Ripple - 5pp
Space Raders - 2pp
Toffee Muffin - 11pp
1/2 flapjack - 5pp
Cupcake - 5pp

I didn't eat all these things in one go, I know that doesn't make it any better, but it wasn't a binge so to speak x

61pp used
6 weeklies remaining

Things I have learned today:

1) This is not an unusual days eating for me if I am honest. I deal with my tiredness and low mood by eating. I can't continue to do this. My mood probably wouldn't be as low if I didn't hate what I see when I look in the mirror! Plus what am I doing to myself health wise and what example am I setting my kids. I have learned that writing it down honestly is a good thing for me.

2) I have learned that this diary is going to be quite therapeutic for me, so forgive me if it gets a bit boring reading it!

Things I am happy with today:
Depsite being extremely embarrased and very teary, I logged x that is all x
Hun try not to worry. We all have days like that! Ur not alone. I was up at 4 with my daughter and was up till midnight.
I just eat when I am tired too.
Hugs its hard dieting with kids! Trust me I know. Xxx
Hun try not to worry. We all have days like that! Ur not alone. I was up at 4 with my daughter and was up till midnight.
I just eat when I am tired too.
Hugs its hard dieting with kids! Trust me I know. Xxx

Thanks x it sure is! Well done on your loss so far too! xxx
So, here we are, day three of actually logging!! This must be some sort of record in itself :) x Today has been an average day food wise I would say. I definately haven't eaten enough fruit and veg (or any fruit at all tbh) but in comparison to my pre ww diet I am relatively happy with today.

Saturday 14th of July


2 x best of both bread - 5pp
15g Lurpak Lighter - 2pp

Lunch -

Marks and Spencer Cafe Sandwich Selection - 8pp (left one sandwich)

Dinner -

Weight Watchers Recipe - Pork with Caramelised Onions - 7pp


Dairy Milk Caramel 6pp
2 x Kinder Maxi 6pp


1 weekly plus 2 activity points left

Things I have learned today: I feel so much better at bed time if I know I have stuck to the plan!

Things I am happy with today: I stayed relatively close to my pp allowance.
lovin the diary kep up the good work here to subscribex
Hi am subscribing,love your little thought pieces along with your diary :0)

Aw thanks!! x

Sunday 15th of July

Late diary due to a manic day yesterday sorting the garden out followed by tea at my parents and then more sorting once the kids were in bed!! Hmm yestereday was not a good day food wise by some people's standards but I am reasonably happy.

Breakfast -

2 x large eggs - 5pp
15g Lurpak Lighter - 2pp
1.5 Slices Hovis Best of Both - 4pp

Lunch -

Half a square wrap - 2pp
Lettuce - 0
Pepper -0
Half a slice of ham - 1pp
5g of ex light soft cheese - 0pp (apparently this is too little to equate to a pp value?)

Dinner -

Sunday roast at my mums - I was going to be good and not have any potatoes etc but after 3 hours gardening I was starving and ended up eating a bit of everything! I'm calling it 20pp to be safe.

Snacks -

99 ice cream - 6pp
magic stars 5pp
banana - 0pp

Activities -

Walking 40 mins - (2pp)
Weeding/raking 50 mins - (4pp)
mowing 30 mins - (3pp)

45pp used
10 pp earned

-4 weeklies left and 0 activity points (oops!)

Things I have learned today (well yesterday lol): Maybe dieting doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing for me? Yes I am over my weeklies and still have Mon, Tues, Weds before weigh in, however I have eaten so much less than normal and have felt in control for the first time in months or maybe even years. Ok so I'm over my weeklies and this might make my weight loss a bit slower, but I can live with that, as long as the scales are going down and I'm not stressing over food all the time!

Things I am happy with today: In terms of food I'm happy that I didn't have a bowl of Ben and Jerry's for pudding like everyone else at my mums house! I had a teaspoon which I have accounted for in the 20 pp (I hope). In non food related musings, I'm happy that I spent the day with my gorgeous family and got to witness my babies laughing and playing together despite my son being only 6 months old :D
Ek! Typed my diary out three times and page keeps crashing! Will update tomorrow x
Mrsh2011 said:
Aw thanks!! x

Sunday 15th of July

Late diary due to a manic day yesterday sorting the garden out followed by tea at my parents and then more sorting once the kids were in bed!! Hmm yestereday was not a good day food wise by some people's standards but I am reasonably happy.

Breakfast -

2 x large eggs - 5pp
15g Lurpak Lighter - 2pp
1.5 Slices Hovis Best of Both - 4pp

Lunch -

Half a square wrap - 2pp
Lettuce - 0
Pepper -0
Half a slice of ham - 1pp
5g of ex light soft cheese - 0pp (apparently this is too little to equate to a pp value?)

Dinner -

Sunday roast at my mums - I was going to be good and not have any potatoes etc but after 3 hours gardening I was starving and ended up eating a bit of everything! I'm calling it 20pp to be safe.

Snacks -

99 ice cream - 6pp
magic stars 5pp
banana - 0pp

Activities -

Walking 40 mins - (2pp)
Weeding/raking 50 mins - (4pp)
mowing 30 mins - (3pp)

45pp used
10 pp earned

-4 weeklies left and 0 activity points (oops!)

Things I have learned today (well yesterday lol): Maybe dieting doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing for me? Yes I am over my weeklies and still have Mon, Tues, Weds before weigh in, however I have eaten so much less than normal and have felt in control for the first time in months or maybe even years. Ok so I'm over my weeklies and this might make my weight loss a bit slower, but I can live with that, as long as the scales are going down and I'm not stressing over food all the time!

Things I am happy with today: In terms of food I'm happy that I didn't have a bowl of Ben and Jerry's for pudding like everyone else at my mums house! I had a teaspoon which I have accounted for in the 20 pp (I hope). In non food related musings, I'm happy that I spent the day with my gorgeous family and got to witness my babies laughing and playing together despite my son being only 6 months old :D

You are doing very well :0) sounds like you've had a nice time :0)
Right going to try and log for yesterday after numerous failed attempts last night! Yesterday was not been a good dieting day, it's wasn't terrible because having logged everything for the past five days I am feeling more in control than I have in a long time however I seriously need to get my sweet tooth in check.

Monday 16th of July
2 x crumpets - 5pp
13g Lurpak Lighter - 2pp

Lunch -
Bread Roll - 5pp1
10g Flora - 2pp
half chicken breast - 3pp

Dinner - P
Prawn Stir Fry - 6pp

Snacks (don't judge me, don't judge me!) -

Ripple 5pp
Kinder Maxi x2 - 6pp
half a pack of skittles sours - 2pp.

Urgh total pp = 36 meaning I am now 11pp over for the week

Things I am happy with today; I'm still logging and confessing, despite being over and a bit embarrassed!

Things I have learned today; I need to put much more thought in to my food and find better ways to deal with how tired I am getting.

I am really enjoying writing my diary so I have decided to turn it in to a blog, the address is if you check it out let me know what you think x
Hey don't beat yourself up! It's a long road dieting and u are overcoming them by highlighting them

Like the blog idea. Xx
Blog is a good idea.As to snacks,how about having low pointed snacks instead so you have a treat but less pp? Curly Wurly,chomp,fudge,two finger kitkat they are all 3pp each.
Hi, I have subscribed to this thread. I thing that your food diary is amazing! Good on you and I love the little comments you make before and after! Don't feel embarrassed and I doubt very much that anybody would judge you. We are all guilty of snacking etc, that's why we are here! Maybe worth planning your meals in advance so you know roughly how many points you will be using each day if you don't already. And stocking up on loads of low point naughty treats and don't have the higher point treats available for you. That is what seems to work for me but we are all different so it's just finding out what way works best for you and I wish you luck in your journey. Love the blog too!