This time I will do it!!...

Tonight turned into a mega binge, a binge on the scale of my pre-SW days.

My OH kept all the wrappers/packets of everything I have eaten tonight so when I just went into the kitchen to tidy up before bed they were all there, it looks like there has been a party and no way the snacks of one person. To say I am ashamed of myself is an understatement.

I had really wanted another good week this week as I am out with two groups of friends next Friday and Saturday that I haven't seem for months and I really wanted to make an impression with my weightloss. This feels like an episode of self-sabotage again - a good weightloss one week and my self-sabotage mode kicks in.

So, although I would like a loss this week, I think what I'd rather do instead is to concentrate on finding my 'control' again - I want to control what I eat and I want to find the willpower in myself to do that again.

I'm drawing a huge, bold, black line under this weekend and intend to try to exercise some control and be strict with myself for the rest of the week. I may also try Success Express for a day or two to try to give myself a boost as ironically I always feel better in myself when I am on plan.

My levels of self-loathing tonight are off the scale - I have no-one to blame but myself.

Here goes for tomorrow...
Aww Hun I feel for ya, I did the same had a great day on plan and blew it late last night. Woke up this morning feeling crap because of it.

Your doing the right thing focusing on getting control back and realistically you could still loose but don't put that pressure on yourself.

Your great at restricting syns but I wouldn't recommend been to strict while your feeling like this.

It's orobly the pressure of seeing friends that's made you loose your way. You will look fab remember earlier in the week when ya said size 12's are to loose, hold in to that and be proud
I avoided friends in town the other day because I've gained to stone since I last saw them its riddiclouse because I've still lost 28lbs we need to be proud of how far we've come.

Be kind to yourself xx
Thanks Kel. I think your right, the pressure and a good loss one week makes me fall right back into my old habits.

I'm not restricting syns for the rest of this week, I'm just going to carry on as of the binge had never happened.

I am so bloated today and went to bed last night feeling sick as I'd eaten too much. Why oh why do we do it to ourselves? My OH sat there and had one chocolate bar, I offered him another and he said 'no, I'm full'. Why can't I stop when I'm full?! Argh!

And your right, why should we avoid people or try to be even slimmer before we meet friends? This is our personal journey and we have both come so far. That said, I'll do the same thing time after time - try to look my best and slimmest to go out. I honestly think it's conditioning, that we've mentally told ourselves that we have to lose weight for this or for that and so our mind automatically starts putting pressure on us to achieve that...

Not thinking of it anymore as it just makes me feel cr@p. Onwards... Xx
Trying a Success Express day today to try to minimise the damage from yesterday. Hoping I've got it right as never tried it before.

HExA = 40g Reduced Fat Cheese
HExB = Kellogg's Chewy Bar

Omelette - 2 eggs, Courgette, Peppers, Spring Onions, Mushrooms and Tomatoes

Jacket potato with cheese (HExA) and a salad (Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Spring Onions, Green Peppers, Beetroot and Pickled Onions)

Gok Wan Noodles - dried noodles, Mushrooms, Spring Onions, Ginger, Chilli, Stock Pot, Soy Sauce and Oyster Sauce (1 syn) Strawberries

Hi hunni I hope your ok. Ive never tried the SE before so I hope it goes well for you. You cant change what you did last night so just focus on the future. I dont know why we do it, its like our bodies have a switch that gets triggered sometimes and we just cant switch it back off. 1 day at a time hun. Little goals.

I wont be back on minis now until the 26th unless the hotel has free wifi - so keep up the good work and speak soon x
Ill be back before you know it lol you just take it easy and get better before you let the doc sign u off x
Fed up today. Thinking of giving up the diet.

On the one hand I am sick of 'dieting' and always watching what I'm eating, I want to be normal and be able to say yes to cake/butter and not have to worry.

But then... If I quit I know I'll gain all I lost and when I do stick to plan I gave good losses just finding it so difficult to stick to plan, it seemed easy at the beginning as motivation was high but the longer time goes on the harder I find it to stick to. Surely the longer your on plan the easier it should get!!

Argh, I dunno, just fed up I guess
Fed up today. Thinking of giving up the diet.

On the one hand I am sick of 'dieting' and always watching what I'm eating, I want to be normal and be able to say yes to cake/butter and not have to worry.

But then... If I quit I know I'll gain all I lost and when I do stick to plan I gave good losses just finding it so difficult to stick to plan, it seemed easy at the beginning as motivation was high but the longer time goes on the harder I find it to stick to. Surely the longer your on plan the easier it should get!!

Argh, I dunno, just fed up I guess

I know how ya feel Hun, I know if I stopped I would pile it all back on although I'm frustrated that I can't stick to it aswell.
Why not try healthy eating, and enjoying things within moderation. It did me the world of good and you'll find that you'll probably still on plan but without the worry of it.
Jumped on the scales today to see the damage - looking at a 2.5lb gain for a few off-plan days.

I've also spectacularly missed out on my goal of being at target by the 20th April as I'meeting some friends I haven't seen in ages.

I've realised that it is completely my fault why I'm not at target by now. I can do it - when I stick to plan I have some amazing losses. And I usually do stick to plan all day but end up snacking in the evenings even though I'm not hungry. The only person stopping me from getting the battle withy weight under control and finally getting to a healthy weight is me.

I want this and I know I cam do it if I only try. All I have to do now is put this into practice...
Hi hun sorry your feeling like u wanna give up. I just think lately your body and mind have had a lot to deal with. It's not easy this losing weight malarkey. Try to relax a little dont put so much pressure on yourself. That's what my c told me 2 weeks ago. I do think we put too much pressure on ourselves to lose every week. I know I get frustrated if I don't have a good loss for all I've been 100%. Just take it easy for a while. You know the plan inside out and you will do it, it just may take u a little longer but there is no race hun. X
Hi hun sorry your feeling like u wanna give up. I just think lately your body and mind have had a lot to deal with. It's not easy this losing weight malarkey. Try to relax a little dont put so much pressure on yourself. That's what my c told me 2 weeks ago. I do think we put too much pressure on ourselves to lose every week. I know I get frustrated if I don't have a good loss for all I've been 100%. Just take it easy for a while. You know the plan inside out and you will do it, it just may take u a little longer but there is no race hun. X

Thanks hun. Getting fed up with myself at the mo so god knows how I must be annoying everyone else moaning lol.

I thought you were supposed to be chilling by the pool?! Go! Enjoy yourself! Xxx
Right! <determined face>

I DO NOT want to get fat again. I DO NOT want my legs to run and chaff. I DO NOT want to have to shop in the larger section.

Decision made - today is my last blow out day. I will have what I want to get it out of my system. I'll go to WI tomorrow, take the gain and then get my arse in gear!
I am out two nights this weekend so that's a huge challenge but I CAN make better choices.

I LOVE getting compliments on my weight loss and I LOVE the way I'm starting to feel.

Everybody deserves to feel good and look good. I deserve it aswell. I need to recognise that and allow myself to feel good and stop the self-sabotage.

I WILL do this x
Yay well done, that's the sprit. Get out ya system today and back to it tomorrow.

You've just reminded me of the chaffing that's something I don't want back lol

You've got this, you can do it xxx
Lol! Glad it's not just me then.

Went for a walk today with the baby in the pushchair - she was screaming so I hoped it would make her sleep :). Anyway, I walked all the way to my parents for a cuppa and back again. All in it's about a 3 mile trip with lots of hills.
I managed it easily, no breathlessness, no sweating...just reminded me of how far I've come. Xx
Lol! Glad it's not just me then.

Went for a walk today with the baby in the pushchair - she was screaming so I hoped it would make her sleep :). Anyway, I walked all the way to my parents for a cuppa and back again. All in it's about a 3 mile trip with lots of hills.
I managed it easily, no breathlessness, no sweating...just reminded me of how far I've come. Xx

Well done non scale victories. Xx
Gained 4lb this week. Gutted.
It's the biggest gain I've had since doing SW and completely wipes out my loss last week.

Been and done a SW food shop, have looked at the website for recipe ideas and have bought a few new tops from New Look in a size 10 to inspire me to lose.

I'm going out both Friday and Saturday nights but will use my syns for whisky and diet coke and will try to chose healthy options.

Hopefully will get a loss and my @rse back in gear this week.

HExA = 70g Low Fat Soft Cheese
HExB = 20 Almonds

2 Crumpets (10 syns) and Clover butter (5 syns) Apple

Garlic Mushroom Pasta - wholemeal pasta, mushrooms, onions, garlic and soft cheese (HExA)

Salad - potatoes, egg, yellow peppers, cucumber, spring onions, lettuce, cabbage, carrot, beetroot and pickled onions

Fab night out last night. Cannot remember how much I drunk so can't even count the syns and I did pinch a few if OH's chips on the way home...

But I had a fruit salad for breakfast yesterday and a salad for lunch to minimise the damage.

Out again tonight with friends I used to work with so will try to count tonight! I hardly ever go out and then two come up on the same weekend :) x