Thanks witchy!

Ive never peed on a stick before lol shes never even mentioned the sticks?? she is fab though :D

I also need 'telling' hehe
Haha at least I cannot fall off the wagon and this time it will affect my health if I do as I have gall stones and was in hospital last week, i cannot go through that pain again so doc has said go back on the diet, which i was finding it difficult to get back on it, this way I have no choice.
Just had a massive fall from grace. I'm only on day 4 and I've buckled already. I had a major argument with h2b because he was swanning off to work and leaving the house a real mess- especially annoying was the filthy kitchen with food everywhere. It was only a few hours ago I was praising how fab he is on this very thread! My usual ketosis mood swing kicked in big style, I just screamed and shouted at him. After he left for work (very late I must add) I made myself a fried onion sandwich- how disgusting is that? I didn't even know I'd done it until I'd scoffed it all up and then burst into tears.

I'm so ashamed. I've never ever let my little girl see me like that but I just sobbed and sobbed uncontrollably. I wanted to cancel my CDC appointment, I wanted to eat more, I wanted to say f*ck it to Cambridge and just eat. Why am I such a failure? I feel like crap right now, I feel like I've let everyone down AGAIN. This must be like the 10th restart and I never get past day 4 or 5. I just want to cry and cry and then go to sleep until Summer and wake up as a beautiful slim new woman.
lisalulu, if you can do four days, you can do four years, you have it in you! One little slip up you can always recover from. Just make a promise to yourself that you will continue trying. Those who dont try never get to the goal...

and one last thing... your NOT a failure!!! You have done so well to come this far - most people never even decide to do anything about their weight.
Ah lisalulu - what is it about arguements with our loved ones that sends us straight to food. I wasn't on a diet at the time but I remember a row with an ex-boyfriend that drove me into a newsagent where I grabbed a load of chocolate - the woman behind the counter took one look at me and asked if my husband had upset me?!
So you are not alone at all.
Its a blip, drink lots of water and carry on. Don't be critical of yourself for being human just like the rest of us.
I'm watching Loose Women, they always make me laugh and in a pleasing way they were chosen for a high profile tv programme because they have made all the same mistakes in life as us!
You will be fine x
Hugs lusalulu, like blungbabe said drink lots of water and keep going, you can do it :) xxx

I thought I'd pop back in because it's all quiet here just dropped my son at nursey and the child I have today is having a nap, we didn't end up at the pet shop looking at crabs this morning in the end, it looked lke quite a nice day so I whipped up a quick picnic and we went to the zoo :) wow picnic food is hard to resist bit I did :) and am now on my 4th lt of water :) I dint normally count because I drink so much of it anyway but today have been keeping the bottles as I was curious :)
hope everyone elses afternoon is going well xx

What to do in the evenings?
Watch a lot of TV, how come we can buy digital, sky etc and there is still nothing decent to watch some nights?! Actually I don't have sky so maybe its much better than digital.
I 'post a lot' and read entries on minimins, occasionally looking at lipotrim and lighterlife as the diet plans are similar.
Email or call friends and family (I live alone so that sort of contact has always been essential for me) -my new hobby of cross-stitch, have a pampering bath with candles and reading 'chick-lit' novels although I am trying to plan for the new me, so I have bought a couple of 'lifestyle' books - dating, developing self-esteem and confidence (more chick-lit in other words, except its non-fiction)
So far haven't resorted to early nights although this diet makes me feel tired.
I have filled my planner up with me things as hubby works nights, so bath pamper with firming creams and and a date with the sofa and my thigh master lol.
I just sleep or watch DVDs upstairs, if j stay downstairs the fridge shouts too loudly xx
Hi all, Sorry havent read through all the thread, will catch up later.
Lost 1 lb at WI today and chuffed with that as Im on 1200 step and it hasn't been the best of weeks but onwards and upwards or downwards scales wise but tbh Id be happy to STS for a bit. Last time I'll see my CDC though, shes moving away and Ive found one closer so Ive got a few packs to keep me on track just now and I'll get in touch with the new CDC if I need to.

Been on CD for 6 months now, 6 months and 4 stone down! yaaay!
I just sleep or watch DVDs upstairs, if j stay downstairs the fridge shouts too loudly xx

See thats my problem the cheese and the branston pickle haunts me, so I cant be near the kitchen I dont trust myself, so im keeping myself occupied.

Looking forward to a pamer session tonight ive bought some body wraps from Boots so going to bandage myself up tonight.
evening girls
well im downloading more songs to my ipod
later im going to try and burn one album to cd for my car, i play reggae while i drive ( and well the rest of the day too ) and a friend played me bedroom gangsta by mad cobra and have been trying to find it to buy online ever since. its not being sold anywhere but i found it on itunes yay. im not technically minded so im sure something will go wrong
Well at least summayah you are doing something constructive with your music tonight, unlike me with my favourite shopping channel.

I have to admit to getting tempted with the 5pm Butler and Wilson show on QVC, bought a silver coloured swarovski crystals teddy bear handbag charm.
Well it will bring me pleasure, along with the other five (all different designs) I already own. Perhaps I should be on another site for shopping addicts, lol!

Had one shake and three litres of water already, and settling down to a night in front of the tv.
Hi guys, well four shakes all gone and had five litres of water, im done for the night, think its bath and bed soon. Im achy tonight.
bling, you deserve some treats along the way with cambridge, we all go for different things, you go for the bling on the shopping channels and i search the net for hard to find reggae albums, lol

that reminds me, i must pay for the rastafari books i bid for on ebay, lol