Tillymax is trying again

Hi Tilly - Just read your recent posts and it reminded me of an email I got a few days back. It's from website I went on when troubled by my IBS (depression etc too but I was more looking for something for the IBS). Anyhoo I did the plan for a few days and with time off work and meds for the depression etc the IBS pretty much went away. Now I can't vouch that it would help you but if you take a look and contact her she sends a link to a 4 day tester of her eating plan. It might help and I don't think it would do you any harm, but I completely undertand if you think it's a croc of sh1t and ignore it.

Let me know how you get on cos I'm curious though. I've attached the relevant page below but her website claims to cure pretty much all that ails you. (I dont mean YOU here I mean Ye ie anybody can be cured of anything just about.)

Stimulate Anti-Anxiety & Anti-Depression Signals To Your Brain
How many times have you heard someone say something like, "The final scene in that movie scared the crap out of me!"
Getting the you-know-what scared out of you is a common funny expression, but believe it or not, that silly saying is based in fact.
You see, there is a complex, powerful network between your state of physical health and your state of mind.
This network is the reason that a large percentage of people who have psychological problems or are heavily stressed also have digestive issues.
And conversely, people with GI problems are more likely than others to have a psychological challenge.

There are three different branches of this mental/physical network and each is equally important:
Branch 1) The brain-gut connection
First there is a little thing called the brain-gut axis.
You see, there is a series of chemical and electrical signals that continuously pass between the central nervous system (your brain) and the gastrointestinal system (your gut).
What affects one directly affects the other.
Many experts even call the gut your "second brain."
The brain-gut connection is the reason why you feel butterflies in your stomach when you're nervous, or get diarrhea when you're worried or upset.
It's also the reason conditions like anxiety and IBS frequently go hand in hand.

Branch 2) The nutrient connection
Nutrition is not only vital for your physical health, but your state of mind as well.
Lacking certain essential nutrients can have devastating psychological consequences. It is for people all over the world.
Here are some examples:
1- Zinc
Zinc is needed only in small amounts, but it's crucial to your mental well-being. It plays a role in at least 80 different enzyme reactions and is a brain neurotransmitter, helping your brain send messages to different areas of the body.
Zinc deficiency can lead to irritability, chronic anger and poor memory, among other things.

2- Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is involved in over 100 different enzyme reactions in your body, including the all-important one that converts the amino acid tryptophan to serotonin (your body's natural antidepressant).
So it's no surprise that experts estimate that 95% of your body's serotonin is found in your digestive tract!
Vitamin B6 deficiency is VERY serious and can lead to irritability, depression and confusion, as well as a weakened immune system.

3- EFAs (essential fatty acids)
Your body uses EFAs to repair cell membranes, absorb nutrients, expel harmful wastes and produce hormones.
Deficiencies in EFAs have been linked to schizophrenia, depression and decreased memory.

4- Magnesium
Magnesium is needed for several enzyme reactions, calcium and potassium absorption, bone formation and nerve transmissions.
A low magnesium level is linked to attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD), autism, depression, fatigue and learning disabilities.

Branch 3) The gut flora connection
Chronic stress and/or anxiety causes the protective mucosal barrier in your gut wall to become less effective at defending your body against harmful bacteria and dangerous pathogens.
That's why you seem to catch viruses or infections easier when you're under stress or very upset -- at those times, your body literally cannot fight them off as well.

Take care of your body AND mind
Although the network between body and mind is undeniable, unfortunately many members of the mainstream medical community have not caught on and/or refused to acknowledge this fact...and simply give their patients medications for their symptoms.
What that means is potentially millions of people are taking prescription drugs for GI problems and/or anxiety and depression which are doing little or no good at all.
And they're likely suffering horrendous side effects to boot!
If you're one of these people, listen up. Because a whole new world of relief can open up for you when you take care of your mind-body network.
I can help you do just that with these three very effective suggestions:
1- Get those nutrients
Getting essential nutrients for your body and mind not only involves eating good-for-you foods, but also ensuring that your digestion is efficient so your body can actually ABSORB and USE those nutrients.
The Great Taste No Pain system will help you achieve both of these important goals.
The GTNP manuals not only give you delicious suggestions for enjoying healthy, nutrient-loaded foods, but they also show you how to pair your foods for easy digestion and maximum nutrient absorption.

2- Supplement with Omega-3 EFAs
Omega-3 EFAs are SO crucial to physical and mental health, but sadly the average person is seriously deficient in these essential nutrients.
It didn't used to be that way. Back in our grandparents' day all the Omega-3 EFAs they needed were obtained naturally from their diets.
But because of the current prevalence of processed foods, vegetable oils, farm-raised fish and meat from grain-fed animals (which are heavy in Omega-6 EFAs but have few or no Omega-3 EFAs), most people are lacking the Omega-3 EFAs their minds and bodies so desperately need.
That's why supplementation with a high quality Omega-3 fish oil formula like VitalMega-3 can make such a difference in your physical AND mental health.
VitalMega-3 is a top-notch, pharmaceutical-grade fish oil formula that delivers a much-needed 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in every daily two-capsule serving.

3- Keep a healthy flora balance
Stress clearly takes its toll on your gut, which in turn can harm your physical health, which then can affect you mentally!
But Super Shield probiotic formula can help you strengthen your gut wall and stop this mind/body sickness cycle.
One of Super Shield's 13 superior bacteria strains, Bifidobacteria lactis, has been shown to have high adhesion to the human mucus in the intestinal lining. That means it will stick to your colon wall and keep it strong and protective.
In addition, Super Shield also contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus. This strain has been shown to stimulate antibody production and enhance phagocytosis, one of your body's weapons for destroying invaders.
It also helps strengthen the gut-barrier function, and can even have beneficial impact on autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and allergies.

It's been said that, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything."
Nothing is more important than good physical AND mental health.
Take care of your body and mind now. You couldn't do anything nicer for yourself.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Josephine is done with depression and anxiety:
Dear Sherry,
I am thankful for you and your Great Taste No Pain program. I've been on it for about three months and am enjoying life once again.
No feeling sick, bloated, uneasy with pain and bowel problems. I'm sleeping better and look forward to each day. It is so good to not have to worry about making plans to go out or buy tickets for up and coming events worrying if I will be well enough to attend.
No more depression or anxiety. I've never eaten better thanks to your recipes and information on food combinations. I have not taken any digestive aids or missed a productive day since I discovered your program.
I have suffered with diverticulitis for the past twenty years and ended up in hospital with a severe infection twice. I truly believe that most illnesses begin in the gut.
Continued good luck spreading this most useful information.

Want more case studies? Here are a few THOUSAND for you.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive? Well, now's the time! Now is the time to get rid of digestive problems and some excess pounds, too!
Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends
- Great Taste No Pain
- Great Taste No Gluten - Home Page
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com
Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here To stop getting this letter, simply use the link below and it will end automatically and immediately.
Thanks ladies.

I'll have a look at that website.

Daughters just got home but she's going straight back out to a party and then sleeping at a friends. So that means I've got even more time to myself :bliss:

I can read my book tonight without feeling guilty that I'm neglecting her. I'm reading a book called Thirteen at the moment. So far I'm enjoying it but I couldn't tell you what it's about. It keeps flipping from one place to another and I'm not 100% sure what the hell is going on :rolleyes:

In my previous post I mentioned my sons birthday on the 21st. I think I might be kicked out of the perfect parent club cos his birthdays on the 22nd :eek:
Haha I have been kicked out of the perfect wife club for the exact same reason Tilly and last year I even forgot his birthday all-to-bloody-gether and he spent the whole friggin day saying to me in a somewhat huffy tone.... Have you forgotten something today dear ?
I'm glad it's not just me Mandy. Not that I want you to feel like this but it makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone.

I've been having trouble sleeping for ages which I think is down to the meds. I'm either asleep all the time or can't sleep at all. Last night I couldn't sleep. I went to bed at 5am cos that was the first time I felt a bit sleepy. Then I had to get up at 7.30 and go to Tescos. I feel fine at the moment but will probably feel really tired this afternoon. Now that's a bit of a problem cos mums coming this afternoon. Hope I don't fall aslepp while she's chatting to me :eek:

We're having a Chinese later. I can't wait :gimi:

I finished the book. It had a crap ending. I hate it when you've been glued to a book and then the ending is a let down.

Daughter rang me late last night from her party and said "mum can you get me the number of the takeaway." I said don't they have the internet where you are. She said she hadn't thought of that. I then said you've also got the internet on your phone. She said she hadn't thought of that either. Smartphones obviously need smart people to operate them or at least people who aren't drunk :rolleyes:

I told you before about my neighbour having a baby in October - the one she brought round here when she was delivering a parcel in the freezing cold, windy, pouring down without a coat on. Well I think she thinks the baby is a puppy :eek:
She makes the strangest noises to him. I know we all do it but not all the time. She never talks to him. She just goes wooo wooo wooo. The poor kids gonna end up demented. Although he might be deaf cos her and her hubbie are always arguing and slamming doors. The kids first words will either be wooo or f*ck. Hope it's not f*ck wooo :8855:
OMG Tilly that made me splutter my coffee :8855: :8855:

Emma and her smartphone :rolleyes:

Actually was thinking could do with a natter about teenage boys when you feel up to it please :D cos you iz kind and will put me right you have a sensible head on those shoulders. :) :bighug: xxxxxxxxxx
:8855::8855:Too your last comment Tilly!

And I can assure you, that you are not alone with the horrible butterflies!....I have them so often, that I actually find it strange when I don't!

Like today, I woke up with them, for no reason, other than I am going out today, so will feel like it until I actually go out, and then I know that I will feel fine, but that still doesn't stop it, does that make any sense?

Hope you have a lovely day Tilly x
tillymax said:
Sorry Lynne I missed your post. It really does make me feel better to know that I'm not the only one that feels like this.

Morning Kally

I've had a lovely chat with Jackie and the laughter has done me the world of good. I feel brilliant right now so thanks Jackie :D

Thats brilliant to hear Tils x
Yesterday was brilliant. I didn't feel frightened about anything!!!!!!!!

I started the day by having a good laugh with Jackie and the laughter continued once my mum arrived. I was in pain I was laughing so much. I should have a washboard stomach this morning cos it really hurt. Unfortunately it still looks like dumplings :rolleyes:

Yesterday was the first time in the last three months that I actually felt like me.

I woke up today and I want to go somewhere. I feel anxious today but still want to go out which is a massive thing for me. I don't know where yet but it's a nice feeling cos normally I have to force myself to do anything. I might just go for a walk with the dogs.
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :woohoo: to a good day :bighug: thats fantastic :) Bet you felt so much better for it. Yep all that body magic giggling, hadn't thought about it looking like dumplings before :giggle: but yep mine does too, something else we have in common then dumpling bellies :8855:

Actually I used to love dumplings but that thought has kinda put me off now :eek: :8855:

go for a little dog walk Tilly it clears the head :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww thats made me smile Tilly
One day at a time I also think that if you can start your day with a bit of laughter it perks up your mood to continue through the day..
Happy Sunday vibes xx
Yesterday we ended up going to a big shopping centre. I was fine until I decided to go and look in a shop on my own. Because I'd been feeling so good I'd forgotten what I get like. They were having a look in one shop and I said I'm just gonna nip in that one and I'll meet you back here. I got half way into the shop and had a panic attack. Looking back it was all ok cos it didn't kill me but at the time I felt like it would. Then I got grumpy with hubbie. I just expect him to know how I'm feeling without me having to say anything but he's a man so that's never gonna happen. I apologised cos it's not his fault that he's a bit thick :D

Even though I'd had the panic attack, I'm gonna say that yesterday was a good day cos if I'd gone there just a few days a go the feelings of panic would have been constant. I also wanted to go which is a massive thing for me. I haven't wanted to go anywhere since January. I have had to make myself do things. So all in all another good day :)

I've just said to hubbie that I fancy chips and beans for tea. I said the simplest things in life are the best and he replied yep that's why I married you :8855:

Me and hubbie are going to the pics in the bit. He wants to see Battleships. It's not my sort of thing but it has lots of things blowing up for no reason whatsoever so he will love it. Nobody else wanted to go with him and if he keeps on with the cheeky comments he'll be going alone.
Hahaha.... Poor hubby being thick and all that
But good for you Tilly for getting out and about ok you might have had a wobble out there but the main thing is you did it....
And that is progress sweet cheeks xx
Hubby :eek: :giggle: for some reason reading what he said that line from the song came into my head 'the best things in life are free' not sure why as that would make you sound like a cheap date :eek: :8855: :8855:

anyway lovely a) proud of you for yesterday b) even more proud of you as you are going out today too :D:D:D:D:D :woohoo: xxxxxx