Tinytootz rant-and-involve-some-food diary

Yup. 22lb isn't a lot over a year, but if I hadn't of done anything, then there would be an extra 22lb and the rest in my life! It makes me laugh how I've figured I'll hit 22lb by the anniversary date - sure hope I do, its the 14th September.

I have done that with jackets before, but I think I'm gonna have lunch in stages as I'm at a loose end, so rice before I go out, then if I'm peckish when I get back in, jacket wedges or a jacket potato.
So, Thursday I had 1 syn, then we had a takeaway. I chose a piece of chicken, 1/2 portion of chips and some cheese. So I probably maxed out on syns.

Friday I had a bacon & cheese oatcake for breakfast (HE for cheese, fat torn off bacon, 6 for oatcake), then we went to McDonalds and I had a chicken nugget happy meal. I'm pretty sure that is 16 syns. So I went over, but it could have been far far worse. So let's stop feeling sorry for myself, and get on with it :)

Bran flakes - HE
Milk - HE

SW wedges

Fruit salad
Muller light

4x Malteasers - 2

2x WW sausages - 1
Mashed potato
Baked beans
3x Yorkshires - 3
Gravy - 2

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I'm not coping very well today :(

I seem to have become ever so sensitive, narky, and can't stand noise. I was in bed working, but I cannot stand to hear OH snore, so I've come downstairs in the dark, in the cold, to work. The dog was barking earlier as OH was playing with him, and I lost my rag. OH cut me some cake, I took a bite and gave it back, saying I didn't want anymore, he should have it. His reply - "I feel bad", so I snapped, exclaiming that he always feels bloody bad. I don't want to take it out on him as I'm not sure why I'm being like this, hence why I am sat downstairs in the dark typing this out. I've been short all day, I thought it might be hormones, but I think I'm just getting sick of trying to please every other sod in the world, and putting myself right at the bottom. Take Friday. It was spent too-ing anf fro-ing round the city, trying to please OH and his daughter and whatever their needs or wants were. He ended up in a bloody bad mood anyway. I went to pick him up today, and all he keeps talking about it bloody birds (he wants to start breeding again). Its all I hear at the moment. Meanwhile I'm at home all day, trying to work, whilst doing a wash, washing dishes, caring for the various animals, keeping the house tidy, sorting out meals. Then I get in the car, get him, hear more about bloody birds, get home, and rush to sort tea, whilst he is planting cactai and sat on his arse watching TV. My 4 hours off today = 1.5 hours driving, listening about birds, going to ASDA, 45 mins sorting out tea and washing dishes, 15 mins eating tea, rest of the time looking after dog and cats, whilst being pretty much ignored. I start work at 10pm, and he sees this as a great time to wind the dog up, making him bark, which, to be honest, leaves me in tears. The barking combined with the noise my computer makes during work drove me mad. Then we go upstairs, and within 3 minutes (no joke), he is snoring. I get up, and he has no idea what could possibly be wrong with me. Maybe its because I have had enough of being a blumming servant. Working till 3am tonight, then I'm up again at 8am to take him to work, I then get back at about 10am, and have an hour in which to strip the bed, walk the dog, wash the bedding, and possibly get a shower, although I usually miss getting a shower. Then I start work at 11am again, till 6pm.

My stress levels are through the roof, as this ranty post probably illustrates! Question is, do I stay down here till 3am then go to bed, or do I skulk back upstairs early, to face questions as to what is wrong with me. At the minute, I'm favouring staying down here. If the spare room was in a better state, I'd sleep in there.
Part of me wants him to come downstairs to see where I am. But I know that if he does, I'll snap. But if he doesn't, I'm in a bad mood anyway, thinking "typical man, fast asleep, doesn't give a s&^t". Basically, he can't win no matter what he does! I don't think it helps that the only reason I'm doing the 3am is so I can take him to work on a Sunday as buses don't run till late. He did promise that he would try and stay up with me, but recently, he has been asleep by 11pm, and I'm left wide awake on my own till 3am, for his benefit. At the min he is using his tooth as an excuse for everything - the reason he needs to go to bed early, the reason he won't eat certain things, the reason he is cranky, the reason he leaves his clothes in the middle of the stairs and walks over them.......ok, I made the last one up, but he does do that.

I'm just being an impossible stress head. And I know I won't feel any better tomorrow, as I won't have had enough sleep, I'll be driving him again, and I'll have yet another 7 solid hours cooped up with the animals, followed by cooking tea, and pandering to whatever mood he is in.

In the end, he came downstairs to see how I was. I think the problem isn't him, its me feeling sorry for myself. I can't help that think that I have got to the age of 27, and have nothing to show for it. I don't have a career, a life map, my own house, children, nothing. OH was talking about the future a lot on Friday, like "ooh, we could get this when we move to a bigger home", and I can't help but think I am destined to never do any better for myself. My earnings are below minimum wage, I work stupid hours a week, and have no prospects. And it's not even as if I know what I want to do, as I don't! I have pipedreams, like becoming a councillor, owning kennels, or being a breeder, but they are just that, pipe dreams. I guess I'm feeling lost in myself, and last night I was getting annoyed by anything and everything. It was at the stage where the TV couldn't be on, my laptop had to be muted, the works. OH was kinda understanding, but he just keeps saying I have lots of time left, and it's not that my body clock is ticking or anything like that, I just feel all lost and as if I am a huge disappointment to everyone.

Ho hum :cry:

Bran flakes - HE
Milk - HE

Pasta pack
Fruit salad
Muller light

Not sure on tea yet. I can't really be fagged to cook, but I guess I need to. Thinking:

Chicken escalope - dunno how many, probably a days worth
Jacket potato
Salad (lettuce, spring onion, cucumber, tomato, gerkins)

Then on Monday I'll probably do fish, SW chips and veg. Yay......
Oh sweetie. I feel so bad for you. What is it you do that keeps you up till 3am??? Would you not consider going to college and working towards something? Don't say it is too late cos 27 is NOT old and you have no kids or mortgage to keep you down. Might be worth looking into it and seeing what is on offer. Even if you had to go for 4 or 5 years then you would only be 32 when you finished and then you'd be on a better wage. You sound like you are stuck in a real rut and things need to change. hugsxxxx
I work from home as an internet researcher, and in order to get Fridays off, I agreed to work till 3am on a Sat night/Sun morning.

My problem is that I don't know what I want to do, what I want to be. And even if I did, I don't have the funds to do it at the moment, and I'm not entitled to help as OH earns over the threshold. I was good at school, 11 GCSEs grade A-C, but personal situation meant I flunked my A levels, coming out with 2 A/S levels. I attempted college twice, but each time I just couldn't stick it. I think its something I need to give serious thought to, and push for next year, as I'm far too late for September this year. I also considered being a plumber once!

It will pass soon, I still think its TOTM, well, sort of. There's hardly any work out there at the moment, so I am lucky to have a job. I just hope that prospects pick up soon, cause at the moment, I am really on the line. I've always wanted to have my own business type thing, work for myself, as I don't work well under other people.

I dunno, I'll give it thought, then decide on a course of action. Just feel like such a pointless human at the moment.

Bran flakes - HE
Milk - HE

Not sure, perhaps savoury rice - joys

Fruit salad

Jacket potato
Baked beans
Carrots, if they are ready.

Worried I won't lose tomorrow due to last night, so upping the super speed for the day - melon, apple, leeks at the ready!
STS this week. Bit bummed, should have been a loss really, but this morning my insides refuse to do what they are supposed to, so I guess I have to stick with STS! Possibly TMI, but you know what I mean :D

Soooo close to getting my shiny back - dammit!

Still bummed at the STS :(

Bran flakes - HE
Milk - HE

Not sure. In the mood for eating junk :(

1/2 bottle wine - 16

Spaghetti & meatballs - 3 syns for jarred sauce.

Dont fall off the band wagon everyone has sts and gains try not to let it dampen how well you are doing before hand you have lost over 20lbs so you must be doing something right!!

It sounds like your on a downer at the moment perhaps due to totm?

Keep your chin up we will all do this together :)
Aye, I am on a proper downer at the moment, I am blaming the weather and stresses at home, the pill seems to have stopped regular TOTM, so no idea where I am in relation to that! I just ate some pizza, a pack of wotsits and a Muller rice. Pizza must have been about 30 syns for the bit I ate, about 5 for wotsits, and about 10 for the Muller. Darn it. Think I'm going to paint the bathroom in an aim to distract myself till I go meet a friend at 5 and have a good old moan!
*hangs head in shame*

I went a bit chicken oriental yesterday, didn't I? I was feeling so fed up, that I stopped caring about pretty much everything, including what I was actually eating. I ate: Bran flakes, pizza, Muller rice, twix finger, cream egg, wotsits, 1/2 pack McCoys, 1/2 bottle wine, 2x 25ml vodka and a dairylea dunker. I'm kicking myself for it now, and I know I'll be kicking myself even harder next WI. Oh well, I went and did it now. Perhaps I got it out my system for a bit. (I sure hope so!)

Darn it, out of milk, and can't get to the shops till 1pm. So I'll have to improvise till then :)

2x WM bread - HE
Trimmed bacon
Small amount cheese - HE

Pasta and sauce with spring onions and gherkins......random

Fruit salad
Muller light

I got meatballs out to defrost for last night, but we didn't have them. So I guess I'll have to use them tonight...

I'm gonna try and do a meatball type stew, as I don't fancy spaghetti, and OH always has garlic bread with pasta, and basically, I can't be bothered going out and buying any! So I'll make a sauce from passata, onions and garlic, and perhaps serve with roast potatoes, roast parsnips, carrots and peas. Or perhaps chips for OH, jacket wedges for me. Bit random perhaps!

* wish I would stop changing my mind! Meatballs have gone back in the freezer as I really don't fancy them. Tempted to go out and get some mince so I can make cottage pie, but we REALLY need to use the food we have in, rather than me keeping on buying more. Tempted to do stew, but the beef is still frozen. So I am leaning towards either fish, SW wedges and veg (chips for OH), or chicken wrapped in bacon, SW wedges and veg (chips for OH, he is an addict!). Hmmmmm. Gonna get the fish out to defrost :)
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Out for lunch, so breakfast is different to usual!

Fruit salad
Muller light/Activia

Jacket potato with cheese and beans - HE

Takeaway for tea. Now I have the fast food out of my system, I'm thinking chicken kebab with salad, my HE being used on a WM pitta :)
The fish was lovely! Basa fillet, with salt and pepper. I'm sure there were syns in the 'crust', but to hell with it! I also didn't have chips, opting for SW wedges instead and some leeks.

Mornings are a right pain in the a-hole at the moment! We have taken on a kitten (which the dog ADORES!), but he is a right bully! We feed him and my cat at the same time (he is 2), but Chester eats some of his, then shoves my cat out of his bowl and proceeds to eat his! So breakfasts now have to be heavily monitored. It wouldn't be so bad, but Chester needs the nutrients from his rather expensive baby cat food, and the adult stuff won't do him much good, just make him fat! Hopefully have a HUGE kitty activity centre coming soon, so may have to feed little one from on top of that until he is old enough to share with my cat. We are also in the process of trying to breed birds, so after walking the dog, I have to prepare egg food for the little blighters and cut them up fruit. The tortoise is loving it though, he gets lots of fresh fruit in the mornings! It's a bit like a zoo :)

Oh, and little ones nickname is 'nippler', as he seems to think any part of human flesh is a nipple.....seems he must have been taken off his mum too young.
Ah your kitten sounds gorgeous (even if he is a bully!)
Can you post a pic of him?

I don't think our cat would ever accept a kitten in the house (or any other animal for that matter), I'm already wondering how on earth he'll react to the baby!! He's a sulker when he doesn't like something
I thought the same as Dude is a proper sulker, but we kept Chester in his own room for 3 days, then let him out for wee wanders, then let him out on a permanent basis after 7 days, and all of them are getting on fine. Of course, you can't really do that with a baby :p

Oooh, not long to go now, although I am sure you are FULLY aware of this :) And I bet your cat will be as soft as anything with the new arrival. You could always bribe him with Dreamies :D


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