I have also found that sometimes the cigarettes taste really weird, not like normal at all, a bit like sweet/sugary. Or am i going mad!x

YES!! I wondered about that too!!:) yay- I'm not weird!:D

I smoked a lot before CD, but during CD it really got out of control....:/ But smoking is the only thing left for me to enjoy... so what the hell:) at least I'll leave a good looking corpse:D
hi all, I stopped smoking last september, then put on about 2stone. I stopped til march this year then started (very slowly at first, maybe one a day then two ect until i was back to being a smoker!) I thought that the weight i had put on would fall off as i was back smoking again. It didn't! so then i thought i would diet as i was back smoking...i couldnt!! Kept cheating. Anyway...long story short, i havent had a cigarette for 1 month today and have been on this diet just over a week.

Dieting and smoking are both so difficult and require strength and willpower. And guilt is such a wasted emotion.

One thing at a time girls, then use the strength from controlling one adiction to fight the next. when you're ready to stop theres a website called '' it is amazing, very honest and factual, and also has a forum like this one attatched to when you are ready, if this has helped you lose weight then that will help you stop smoking.

good luck to you all