To find the real me

Just had crispy choc shake blended with ice which was nice but think I will use less ice next time as it was a bit watery. Got a choc Truffa bar I am going to Munch on in a mo and have my sparkling flavoured water in a wine glass next to me so I still feel I am having a Fri night treat :)
Hey hun well done so far not long till wi!!
Hope u have a good day tomorrow, Deffo take ur chicken and have some salad with it, ur mum and dad most likely can notice a stone loss but ur right everyone else only seems to notice 3 stone plus! That's what I've found too. Enjoy ur Friday night s&s treat ;) xx

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Omg I am so happy, WI today and I have lost 7lbs in my first week of sns. The three Weeks prior to sns I was doing avidlite and lost 11lbs but sts for one of the Weeks. Before starting sns I had a meal out last Friday which would have taken me out of ketosis but I gotta say I am loving sns so far :)

Still in bed at mo as I have noticed I am awake a lot earlier and brighter on sns. Looking forward to my nephews party today and that weight loss is definitely spurring me on. Current weight= 16st 5lbs :)

Have a great day everyone x
Well done hun amazin loss keep it up xx

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Congrats that is a fab loss! Great motivator for you :) can't wait until my first weigh in but it's still 6 days away lol well done!!!
Thanks guys your support is fantastic

Honestly if you get through your 1st week 100% then you will be well chuffed when it gets to WI and really motivates you.

I just need to try and stop weighing myself everyday now.

Right I had better get up, although it is nice being snuggled in bed lol x

Well i dont know why but i have woken up this morning in a really foul mood, and am feeling really emotional and its not even my TOTM. I went to my mum and dads house yesterday for my nephews party which was lovely. My brother was there who knows i am on this diet and all he could do was critisize me. 'Oh this is only the 17th time you have tried doing something like this', 'well you only go and put the weight back on again' 'The diet itself is really easy' (He lost 2 stone 2 years ago on it and doesnt have the same issues with food as i do, i.e emotional eating) :(

It really annoyed me as i am determined to do this and i pointed out to him that yes i may have done LL in the past and gained weight again but that can happen on any diet if you lose weight and then go back to your original bad eating ways and unfortunately i have had to learn the hard way. The trouble is that my brother always likes to be right and is VERY opionated. It was the way he just poo poo'd this diet and even when i said 'well i have lost 1st 4lbs already', he just said 'well its easy on this diet' :cry:

My mum and dad are supportive but as i have said before i think deep down everyone is expecting me to fail, fall off the wagon or gain weight after i finish sns. I cant really blame them as i dont have a great track record with VLCD's or any diet at all really. I am not sure if its my brothers comments that have triggered my bad mood today or not :confused:

I woke up and just couldnt be bothered to get out of bed, I am feeling VERY tired today and keep crying over stupid things that i cannot even really sum up. My bf is being great and really makes me laugh but i am snapping at him and deep down i know i am being unfair to him but he is being brilliant and not getting p1ssed off with me.

Going back to yesterday- So my mum and dad had laid out a massive spread of party foods, like all my favourites were there- sausage rolls, crisps, sandwhiches, mini quiches, mini bitesize pizzas, chinese and indian platters, and so on. Now originally we were going to be having a BBQ but because the weather wasnt great they arranged this instead. I took round my marinated chicken breast and some salad and had that whilst everyone grazed from around the table. One thing i noticed is that everytime i walked past the table, i automatically went to grab a sausage roll or a crisp and i suddenly had to stop myself. This was really hard as it was something i always used to do by eating nibbles here and there :gimi:

I sat in the conservatory with my Aunt & Uncle (who dont know i am on this diet), Nan, brother, nephew, mum and dad and ate my chicken salad whilst they all had the party food. My aunt and uncle didnt comment on why i wasnt joining in and had a plate of greenery rather then a plate of carbs but was prepared to tell them i was 'watching what i ate'. Maybe they quietly assumed that i was trying to lose weight but certainly didnt notice my weight loss so far but then again its not really noticeable for at least another 2 stone yet.

So maybe my bad mood today is due to the fact that i felt deprived last night, or the fact that some days this diet can feel very cold, lonely and depressing. I know its best to picture the end result and focus on the end goal and i am taking a day as it comes. I am not giving in (no matter how p1ssed off and fed up i feel today) and will beat this. I am learning not to turn to food as a 'comforter'. I am hoping that my mood will pick up tomorrow, but its horrible feeling like this. :argh:

I have suffered depression in the past which was very hard to deal with and alot of that was due to how i see myself and a complete lack of confidence. The way i feel today is similar to back motivation, no positive thoughts, just wanting to crawl into bed and lie there but i cant do that, not to give in to these feelings.

The main battle i have is with myself and my thoughts and this is going to be tough some days and easier on others. I think when i start dropping dress sizes and really seeing a difference is when i think my head will clear a little.

Anyway so far today i have had a hot vanilla shake with coffee (try and wake me up a bit) which was ok but a bit sickly. I have had a muesli bar and a small tub of sugar free jelly. I am going to have some scrambled egg for dinner and another shake (maybe hot choc) later tonight. Need to get glugging too as only had 1l of water so far.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend xxx :wave_cry:
Big hugs! You will do well with all the support around you! We are all in the same boat and fighting the same issues, some more than others!
Take care and just remember you did it before you can soo do it again! This is my first attempt at a vlcd so my hat off to you!

And remember this time you will do a controlled stop after getting to goal that will make your life soo much sweeter!!

Good luck and I am rooting for you!

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Aww thanks that means a lot and the support on this forum is fantastic and a great place to let off steam, have a whinge, celebrate etc etc
Keep up the good work and try not to let ours affect your mood, as its only you that is feeling down not them. I know this is easier said than done and this journey will be an emotional one but you just need to take each day as it comes. I am hoping I can take my own advice as I start tomorrow. X
Noooo u want to be sticking with this, i KNOW you can do it!!!
Lots of hugs :grouphugg:
Keep up the good work, your emotions will pass and probably come again, the main thing is you stay strong and remember tonmorrow is another fresh day :D

Much love xx
Thanks elbsmith,

Good luck for tomorrow...In my opinion this is the best VLCD i have done as the flavours are so varied and sometimes you dont feel like you are on a diet as you can have your 3 packs and a protein/veg/salad meal. I am just having a 'down' day so i hope it hasnt put you or anyone off starting this diet :d'oh:
Coming on here is a bit of a lifesaver for me as it occupys me and the support is amazing so with this and drinking lots of water, you should be fine. Hope the ketosis kicks in quickly for you and good luck on your weight loss journey x
This is the place to type away! Keeps the fingers busy! Keep going, and ketosis will kick in soon! Good luck?

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Hey sezzy!
I'm like you... I've done CD and LL before and have put the weight back :/ And I just noticed we're the same height and start/goal weight!

I find down-days interesting. Being on a diet (especially a vlcd) focuses our attention on the fact we aren't happy with our size.... and almost in turn makes us confront other things we aren't happy with too... especially with the taken away quick-fix comfort food. At least for me.

Like you too, I've also had issues with depression and self confidence... and i've found so far being on this diet has helped with that.... I may not be near my goal weight, but just knowing im working on it has given me a reason to hold my head higher and try other new things. Plus getting through the hard low days and not craving in to old patterns makes ya feel stronger too.... and i hope soon you can feel the same!

Don't give up on yourself - remember your worth it - and can suceed! xxx
Hi Sezzy

You could be talking about me. All my food hang ups stem from my own self-worth. I was a size 14 after being on SW, but my job is desk based so my behind stays permanently attached to my chair. I work with a group of lovely people - lovely, but young & gorgeous with sparkly eyes, glowing skin - you get the picture!

I see myself through their eyes and I'm devastated at what I see. I never look in a mirror apart from a quick glance in the morning - I detest the way I look & how it makes me feel. I'm getting to stage in my life now where is notoriously hard to lose weight (I think it's called middle-aged spread.)

I have to be determined to lose the weight now otherwise it's just not going to happen! After looking at your diary it's nice to know I'm not the only one feeling the same way!!!!
This is the beginning of the new me!

Good Luck to you & to everyone on the forum with your weight loss journey.
Awwww it's lovely to hear from others in the same boat as me, I mean I know everyone on here is doing this diet but our journeys are all different. I totally agree that this diet helps enormously with increasing your confidence and encouraging you to try new things. I feel very strongly that I need to do unis for
This for me and I know I can be the person that I want to be.
Well i am working from home today (usually based in an office all day in the Telecomms industry) but my bf came and woke me up at 6am to tell me that our dog (beagle x collie) called Poppy has injured her paw whilst out walking this morning. I have had a look and it looks like her dew claw is broken and some of the pad has been scuffed. It is bleeding a fair bit but i think thats because the wick inside the dew claw has been broken too. I have washed it in hibiscrub which is a antibacterial wash and bandaged it up but we are off to the vets later this morning as the vet may need to remove the claw :( I think Poppy is going to be one sulky little pooch later but i have promised her lots of cuddles today , poor little mite :doggy:

Its quite nice working from home as the office i work in is like a morgue. No one talks or has a laugh and the atmosphere is horrible. There is a complete lack of motivation in our team and lack of management/direction so everyone is down in the dumps. I only stay there because the money is ok and i hope that when i lose weight, we can start trying for a baby and i wont have to return after maternity but we shall see. I am going to kick my feet back and relax a little today (one of the joys of being able to work from home) and tend to my poorly pooch. At least i can blend my shakes at home in my smoothie maker as my bf broke my battery operated hand held wisk the other day which i use at work to blend my shakes. I have managed to find one similar online called Princes Liongate which is a handheld blender for baby formula but it works brilliantly on shakes and is very cheap and just takes 2 x AA batteries so is easy to stick in my handbag and take to work without making loads of noise when i am blending my shakes in the kitchen. Just waiting for it to be delivered.

Well i hope everyone has a good day today, Will report back once we have been to vets and think i will wait until later to have my first shake xx
Awww poor little poppys better soon, gorgeous dogs collies :)
Hav e alovely day working from home, i work from home and love it, although i dont get much work done with MiniM's haha! xx
Oh poor little poppy give her lots and lots of cuddles!!!! We all have down days on this diet some more than others and I think if anyone is prone to depression a vlcd can sometimes make it worse on some days. Im glad you are feeling better and keep up the good work and ace weeks weight loss xxxx