Totally worn out...


has started again!!
Hi everyone, gosh I missed not chatting to my new friends yesterday. I wanted to ask, I was mid wk 4, and I felt just as bad as I did in the first week. I was shaky, wobbly, absolutley worn out. I truthfully felt as if I had low sugar, and seriously wanted to eat something....anything.

Thankfully I didnt, but I went to bed unbeleivably early, feeling dizzy and a bit faint. I slept so deeply and for ages, just woke at 5.30am for a wee, then straight back to sleep for another hour, before work.

Is this normal? Do you run against brick walls from time to time? I dont feel quite so bad today, but yesterday I thought I was dissolving from the inside out...:psiholog: Any advice very welcome!

Yes I felt like this in week 2-3, my legs felt like they were gonna go from under me, every step taking a lot of effort.....thankfully it does pass.
hi sez you are not alone. i think i needed a full month to get back to 'normal' ie, energy levels and a right frame of mind. TOTM does really play with my mind...ur not
Oh, I am soooo glad I asked! Feel much more "normal" now!

Week 4 weigh in tomo--- wish me luck!