Got cossy - actually got 2. Went with DIL to aqua zumba last night. Had a good time and quite a laugh. Stayed down shallow end cos am a short ars* but didn't feel out of place which was really nice. Lots of moving and will take me time - quite a bit of time I reckon - before I can work out all the moves since there are bits of me that seem to be stuck in one position (my spine for one) but this might help loosen it.

Got tour of a different gym this pm and then need to decide what I can afford and where I will enjoy the most cos that will keep me motivated.

Lou did you go for your jog yesterday? or have I missed reading it.

Any ideas for packed lunch for day out tomorrow. Going to do a frittata - oh sorry chit chat. Will move to lounge a bit later.

Tried to multi-quote earlier - mucked it up!!


Multiquote never seems to work for me wither - i just dont worry about it lol. just do lots of seperate posts if you need to!

good news about the cossie and aqua zumba. (Thats about 340 calories burned).

t2g - i only used to eat back my calories if i was having an evening out or social event where i would use more than my usual calories. a lot of people do eat them back but i always thought it made the exercise a bit pointless? I only ever did it about twice but i didn't calorie count for more than a couple of weeks as I had a gain on it.

babybuffy - good to see you in here. see lou and faery's posts above and give some more info so we can advise you better. stick to your food plan today (looked good to me) NO QUESTIONS!! Are you exercising at all?
Hey all, just coming on to report on my hellish weekend of diet sabotage which is on the way...

1. Tonight, dinner with my alcoholic landlady. Is going to involve some wine, but I am bringing the dinner. So cals today will prob go over but not by much (having a low cal day to reduce the damage as much as poss and of course low cal dinner).

2. Tomorrow night, dinner with large group of friends. Eating at someon's house and have just received email saying 'I hope you're ready for pie and profiteroles!' Eeek. May or may not drink - am trying to drive so I can't but it looks like we will stay, because next day - will have to have a v. low cal day to compensate;

3. Sunday lunch with OH's parentals (who live close to friends). Big roast - there is always stuffing and loads of potatoes etc and a massive pud. I can limit damage as much as poss if I can serve myself - i.e. no potatoes etc. So rest of day will have to be extremely low cal to compensate.

It's not fair - I am grateful to have lovely family and friends, and I cant get out of any of these because I have neglected them all a bit since this diet began, but at the moment I feel so determined, I really don't want to be forced to eat food that is going to hold back my efforts. I don't want to be doing this diet forever, I want to get it over with and I feel like with the weekend I have ahead, I may as well forget loosing this week. And I resent having to practically starve myself during the daytimes to make up for dinners I don't even want to eat!

Gosh, what a childish tantrum, sorry! I did 60 lengths of the pool last night and will of course be doing a long training run at the weekend, I just feel like my loss is being taken away from me this week, and I am having to still work really hard. Oh, woe is meeeeeee!
Hey all, just coming on to report on my hellish weekend of diet sabotage which is on the way...

1. Tonight, dinner with my alcoholic landlady. Is going to involve some wine, but I am bringing the dinner. So cals today will prob go over but not by much (having a low cal day to reduce the damage as much as poss and of course low cal dinner).

2. Tomorrow night, dinner with large group of friends. Eating at someon's house and have just received email saying 'I hope you're ready for pie and profiteroles!' Eeek. May or may not drink - am trying to drive so I can't but it looks like we will stay, because next day - will have to have a v. low cal day to compensate;

3. Sunday lunch with OH's parentals (who live close to friends). Big roast - there is always stuffing and loads of potatoes etc and a massive pud. I can limit damage as much as poss if I can serve myself - i.e. no potatoes etc. So rest of day will have to be extremely low cal to compensate.

It's not fair - I am grateful to have lovely family and friends, and I cant get out of any of these because I have neglected them all a bit since this diet began, but at the moment I feel so determined, I really don't want to be forced to eat food that is going to hold back my efforts. I don't want to be doing this diet forever, I want to get it over with and I feel like with the weekend I have ahead, I may as well forget loosing this week. And I resent having to practically starve myself during the daytimes to make up for dinners I don't even want to eat!

Gosh, what a childish tantrum, sorry! I did 60 lengths of the pool last night and will of course be doing a long training run at the weekend, I just feel like my loss is being taken away from me this week, and I am having to still work really hard. Oh, woe is meeeeeee!

Right (hope you are ready!!) cut the flim flam RIGHT NOW!! Woe is NOT you - you can take control in certain areas here. You do NOT need to waste your loss or even sabotage your diet as much as you think (so quit whining) 3b you are meant to be in charge with me atm - you cannot start to feel sorry for yourself for 'having' to eat junk!

We are here for prep to help you do;

1. Dinner with alcoholic landlady - do you need to drink wine? I suspect not as i am sure she will love having your share for you (sorry i am being a bit flippant!) You can limit how many glasses you have. So, low cal dinner is a great plan - follow it up with a glass (can be a large one but only ONE glass) of wine with her - or two smaller glasses topped up with soda? This will help you stay in control. In fact - make sure that there is only one bottle of wine on offer soyou cant have more than one/two glasses max. Take a fruit salad for pudding and the water from that will fill you up and hopefully make you drink less.

2. Pie - ok your friend has made you dinner and its unhealthy. You can't do much about this except ask for a small piece as you are 'full up from a big lunch'? Fill up on veggies - email her back and say cant wait and hope you have lots of veggies and gravy to go with it mmmmm' or something like that so she knows you want veg too. Try to limit the mashed potato is there is some - just leave a bit on your plate and say you are full (which you prob will be after a pie!!)

There is no need for you to have desert - say you are full up from dinner and might have some in a bit (but dont actually have any) or take some fruit with you - like berries - and say you though they would go well with the profiteroles....then just eat them! AND noone can force you to drink so just say 'can i have a soft drink for now please? Im really thirsty' when asked what you want. Then when its refill time just say 'no im alright at the mo ta. (great trick that i use all the time)

3. Sunday lunch - fill up on meat and veggies. Limit potato's or skip them altogether if you want to - i think yorkshires are quite calorific (can anyone confirm?) and stuffing as well so have small portions of this. If you can serve yourself then just give yourself a small enough portion that you feel will have least sabotage. And again use the above excuse for pudding. (honestly it works a treat - as does the soft drink one)

Your f&f are indeed lovely for wanting to cook you lovely dinners and spend time with you - but they are not making you put the food in your mouth bonnie. Thats down to you - remember what Rod says about 'owning it'? This weekend is all about making the smartest decisions possible so even if you take a few of these tips it will help - i.e maybe you do want to drink at your friends house.......fine but dont drink with the alkie landlady as well then. Or have pud at your OH parents house but not at your friends (as you are having booze there??)

Now start thinking about what you can do for damage limitation - i have suggested what i would do. I know its really tough but if you are really determined then you will make something work. I struggle at times too - my friend wanted to go our for thai tonight as we are planning our holiday (to thailand lol) but i suggested she comes over instead and I cook thai. That avoids all the grease in the restaurant cooking - i am making mine using just green curry paste with chicken and a few veg and then just stirring in some light philly instead of coconut milk (39 syns for a can!!!!!)

I am sure your lovely friends will understand - in fact i bet at least one other of them is thinking 'oh god that pie is going STRAIGHT on my hips!'

I know you CAN do it - now you have to just ACTUALLY do it. so put your teeeeny violin away and start thinking positively!

WELL DONE ON THE SWIMMING - 60 lengths is awesome!!
Aww thanks Sparty, what a lovely long reply. I just wanted to have a moan really. You have made me think and I agree - I don't have to eat or drink anything I don't want to. If i stick to the limitation exercises you have suggested, I guess this week may not necessarily be a write off. May also squeeze in an extra run to see if that helps. Will also make sure I track every single last calorie so that I know exactly what the siguation is and how bad the damage has been. I do usually skip pudding and have a coffee instead but obviously that is trickier at someone else's house, especially if they don't usually make it (I, on the other hand am a coffee monster and always have a pot on the go). Will report how it goes.

But seriously, what a good idea with the Philly light in thai food! I made a thai curry the other day and used coconut milk and just lost the cals elsewhere, but that is a really good idea. Sometimes I use normal milk with some sweetener too.

Feel much happier now. Will be strong!
Aww thanks Sparty, what a lovely long reply. I just wanted to have a moan really. You have made me think and I agree - I don't have to eat or drink anything I don't want to. If i stick to the limitation exercises you have suggested, I guess this week may not necessarily be a write off. May also squeeze in an extra run to see if that helps. Will also make sure I track every single last calorie so that I know exactly what the siguation is and how bad the damage has been. I do usually skip pudding and have a coffee instead but obviously that is trickier at someone else's house, especially if they don't usually make it (I, on the other hand am a coffee monster and always have a pot on the go). Will report how it goes.

But seriously, what a good idea with the Philly light in thai food! I made a thai curry the other day and used coconut milk and just lost the cals elsewhere, but that is a really good idea. Sometimes I use normal milk with some sweetener too.

Feel much happier now. Will be strong!

good for you bonnie :) thats what we like to see!

I used philly with curry paste for the first time the other day a bit by accident as i had some paste to use up and i just kinda chucked it in so not to waste it (counted the syns obv). It was soooooo yummy - i had it with thinly sliced turkey steaks, mushrooms and red peppers. so tonight will be the same except green paste instead of red and chicken instead of turkey lol. one of those one off moments that end up in a little gem i think!

the extra run will definately help shift some extra cals and make you feel better about it all. You cant be miserable when you are out in your f&f's company but you can make choices to limit the damage - then you wont hate yourself come monday morning.

i use the booze and pudding excuses about one a week lol. My friends have gotten used to the fact that i limit these things now and as a result 1) they mostly get a chauffer when we go out and 2) its more fun (and cheaper) when i DO go out and let my hair down as it only takes me a couple of drinks these days lol.

I'm luckily fussy with puddings anway - the extent to which i can be tempted is choc cake (CAKE NOT TART, MOUSSE, SURPRISE OR ANY OTHER POSHLY WORDED RUBBISH), ice cream and sorbet :) I guess I am lucky there - my vice has always been more actual chocolate or crisps (which i dont even miss these days)

A little gloat on this subject is that i bought my bf a pot of pringles last night (poor thing doesnt get to have them anymore as i have stopped buying them lol) and I didnt so much as have a sniff of one! Didnt even cross my mind to have one!
Hi everyone I was recommended to come here for some tough love by Sparty !!
I so badly want to loose weight but as soon as I have some stress thrown my way I eat and eat and comfort eat yesterday 49 syns on a Maccys !!! :(
Hi babybuffy, and welcome to the TL thread.

First up, go read the rules. You need a date for that goal.

Now, as a former McD's addict, I know how you feel. You've sat in the drive thru queue for five minutes, and instead of just ordering up a small meal (which is all your body needs in terms of calories) you have a large meal. And why not just add a double cheeseburger as an appetiser eh? Hmm, those onion rings look tasty. But they only put a few in the packet - let's have two packs, eh. And that's an awful lot of savoury stuff, isn't it - let's have a McFlurry for a little pud. After all, sweet calories satisfy a different part of the appetite, don't they.

Like I said, that used to be me. And I got up to a BMI of 49, where I stopped being able to walk properly - I could only waddle. It was disgusting. Is that what you want for yourself?

There's no such thing as 'comfort eating' - you are a food addict. Think about it - how can it possibly be 'comfortable' to shove fistfuls of food into your mouth? There are things that you can do to break that addiction, but you have to have real willpower. Throwing yourself headlong into another diet is NOT going to work unless you get in the habit of planning ahead and avoiding those moments. There are things you can do, but getting mentally tough is the cornerstone.

Easy changes to make:

1) As others have pointed out, plan meals ahead, and stick to the plan. Count your calories, points, syns, whatever and DON'T LIE. It's only yourself you're lying to.
2) Stop snacking. I've done a few posts in the thread on this, but the basic point is this - if you eat between meals, your body cannot use its stored fat as an energy source. So you will never lose it. Three meals a day, and water inbetween.
3) Avoid processed food as much as possible. Be wary of the words "syrup", "starch" or "modified" and anything ending in "-ose". You don't have to do the whole 'paleo' diet, but the basic principle of only putting in your body things that are recognisably food is simple to follow and sound advice.
4) It's a simple trick, but leave your money at home when you can. If you go to work, take a packed lunch and enough change for the bus/train/whatever. If you don't have your purse, you can't buy a McDonalds.

Looking forward to hearing about your successes.
( QUOTE=emma_partington27;5519148]Lost 3lbs :)

Well done Emma. Going the right way.

Now there are different ways at looking at this. Because you are on VLCD you have expectations each week of large losses. I don;t know much about these diets but do know that a PMA is ALL important. You seem to be building up for a fall. What are you going to do as and when your losses become smaller, - as you become smaller. Exercise is limited by the very nature of the diet at least for the present - but working on your mental attitude is very important and I think you need to try to be a little more positive in your outlook.
You have been given good advice by others and I reckon that a little bit of realising that each loss is getting you nearer to your goal.
Sorry, not very good at TL at the moment - will keep working on it - just as you WILL keep working on your own journey.


this is what i have been sayiong for weeks.....vlcd shows massive losses at first but they slow, your metabolism slows to meet the new lower amount of food...i think vlcd's are good but i think sometimes unrealistic expectations are put upon them. but unfortunately it seems to fall on deaf ears and smiley likes to be a bit too hard on himself for my liking...dont you science boy? :D

I think I'm going to calorie count for a couple weeks, see if I can regain some control that way! I am losing weight, just too slowly and not through motivation - more luck. So, I'm gonna start at 1400 calories daily. What r folks opinions on eating back calories? X

weight doesnt come off cos your lucky, it comes off because youve cut back and used more cals than have gone in.....if your losing but want more then up the stakes...your in control

Got cossy - actually got 2. Went with DIL to aqua zumba last night. Had a good time and quite a laugh. Stayed down shallow end cos am a short ars* but didn't feel out of place which was really nice. Lots of moving and will take me time - quite a bit of time I reckon - before I can work out all the moves since there are bits of me that seem to be stuck in one position (my spine for one) but this might help loosen it.

Got tour of a different gym this pm and then need to decide what I can afford and where I will enjoy the most cos that will keep me motivated.

Lou did you go for your jog yesterday? or have I missed reading it.

Any ideas for packed lunch for day out tomorrow. Going to do a frittata - oh sorry chit chat. Will move to lounge a bit later.

Tried to multi-quote earlier - mucked it up!!


hey good job, your getting stuck right in there well done!! yes i did indeedy go for my jog, was hard as hell as id onl;y had 400 cals and felt like i was dragging myself round so lesson learnt i will go on the days i eat more cals in more session to keep committed to this week...sunday...check up on me please? :D

Hey all, just coming on to report on my hellish weekend of diet sabotage which is on the way...

1. Tonight, dinner with my alcoholic landlady. Is going to involve some wine, but I am bringing the dinner. So cals today will prob go over but not by much (having a low cal day to reduce the damage as much as poss and of course low cal dinner).

2. Tomorrow night, dinner with large group of friends. Eating at someon's house and have just received email saying 'I hope you're ready for pie and profiteroles!' Eeek. May or may not drink - am trying to drive so I can't but it looks like we will stay, because next day - will have to have a v. low cal day to compensate;

3. Sunday lunch with OH's parentals (who live close to friends). Big roast - there is always stuffing and loads of potatoes etc and a massive pud. I can limit damage as much as poss if I can serve myself - i.e. no potatoes etc. So rest of day will have to be extremely low cal to compensate.

It's not fair - I am grateful to have lovely family and friends, and I cant get out of any of these because I have neglected them all a bit since this diet began, but at the moment I feel so determined, I really don't want to be forced to eat food that is going to hold back my efforts. I don't want to be doing this diet forever, I want to get it over with and I feel like with the weekend I have ahead, I may as well forget loosing this week. And I resent having to practically starve myself during the daytimes to make up for dinners I don't even want to eat!

Gosh, what a childish tantrum, sorry! I did 60 lengths of the pool last night and will of course be doing a long training run at the weekend, I just feel like my loss is being taken away from me this week, and I am having to still work really hard. Oh, woe is meeeeeee!

well i was going to give you a verbal good hiding but i see sparty beat me to it hahaha.
right i just want to add in all seriousness that i think your viewing this all wrong....i completely think your determination right now is amazing but your seeing it as all or isnt all or nothing and that approach will wind you going back up the stones as its not sustainable to put your social life on hold until youve lost weight...and then what? you can suddenly eat these high cal meals and drink lots of wine and the weight wont go on? WRONG. you need to learn balance in your life, your seeing this as a diet that once you reach goal you wont have to do need to find a way to do it that you can do for life, it needs to be a lifestyle change. i say this cos im the same and i get panicky when i have social events and its wrong...i have to learn to either accept that my weight may temporarily go up on those occasions or control what i consume on those occasions or just not ever go have to have a life bonnie and i understand you really want to keep going the way you are as your doing well...really well, but if you dont go to any social events until you reach goal will you be happy? is it enough? are you pinning all your happiness on losing weight? i completely get that your worried that one bad weekend will spiral you or set you back, but it doesnt have to. you have a RARE social weekend..half your portions on everything, eat very few cals around it, limit the booze, up the exercise and i bet it wont alter a single thing and youll have a great time, its one weekend, it doesnt have to be the end of the world. ive had a full month of one thing after another and whilst i havent lost anything in the month of july, ive more or less sts...which actually is pretty god damn amazing considering everything ive had going on and ive thoroughly enjoyed it and i actually dont mind the fact ive not lost more weight, i am re grouped and re focused on my weight loss mission and i have until the 29th september to get another good chunk off. your in this for the long game weekend is a small drop in the ocean when you take a step back and look at it long term
Bonnie, this is what I wrote for lou when she had a similar situation a few weeks back:

Asking for a small portion because of your diet won't offend anyone. Cutting the pasta off (especially if you've already asked for a small portion) might be seen as a bit rude.

Here's the key though: "i also dont want to go back to that place of not being in control, and i feel like one bad decision will lead to another"

Eating a small portion of a home-made lasagne in the company of good friends is not a bad decision, is it? Overnight, your body will turn that carbohydrate into glycogen, which is long-distance running fuel*, so why not enjoy the night out, and compensate THIS ONE TIME by sticking an extra half-mile or mile on tomorrows run. Then you've turned what would have been one bad thing for your old self into TWO good things for your new self.

If you believe in yourself and your new willpower, then little things like this should be seen as challenges to take in your stride, rather than obstacles to be avoided.

(* this is why marathon runners eat pasta the night before, it's called glycogen overloading. Providing you use it up within 36-72 hours, it will never go near your fat stores)

So that's your solution - have a tiny amount during the day and let all those calories be turned into replacement glycogen instead of fat. Then run it off first thing in the morning. Make sure you drink water before bedtime so that the booze doesn't turn into an exercise-killing hangover.

DO NOT under any circumstances try and starve off the calories the day after you've eaten. Your body doesn't work that way.
3 pound off since Tuesday.....just sayin ;)


Hey Lou - well done!! Up and down seems to have worked for you, along with all the exercise. How do you intend to continue as know that at the moment I could not do up and down days. Are you considering this as a long term plan or just an interim break when things stagnate? Whatever you do, you have the right mindset and motivation to succeed so long may it last.

Thanks Lou and SM, you are right. I do need to view it as a long term thing and so this weekend will pale into insignificance. It is just annoying that I am having to starve myself so much to eat food I don't even want! The festival weekend was the opposite - I took it in my stride and enjoyed myself because it was my choice to drink the cider and eat the burgers. Oh well. Thanks for your support, I will do my best as you suggest and limit the damage - and don't worry SM, strictly limiting the calories the day after isn't my style!

And I get your point about maintenance Lou, this time my focus honestly is on making it last long term - but I want to get there so that I can put all my 'keep it off' stratagies in place sooner rather than later! It's so boring plodding away!

Have worked it out and still have enough calories left for 2 large glasses of red tonight comfortably, so it might just turn out to be a 'good' day after all!
I'm over the moon, I'm not making long term plans as things change, I enjoy what I'm doing so far and will stick with it for as long as I can, of I get complacent I'll switch to something else. Long term I'll be eating healthy and find a balance that works to keep my weight stable. Whether that be fasting once or twice a week or low cals every day or perhaps a mix of the 2 depending on social functions, but all I do know is where theres a will there's a way :D
3 pound off since Tuesday.....just sayin ;)


AWOOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOOOO!!! get in there Lou! Yay! So pleased for you.

I tried to post this morning but not sure it worked - i kept off one of the 2 lbs that had come off on monday. So although it was only 1lb and not 2lb i am Pleased with a loss. Only 2lb to go so still happy and looking forward to my holiday now :)
woah welldone lou!!! :D thats brilliant! glad the up/down thing is working for u! :)

bonnie :) u will be fine this weekend! stick to the advice that has been given and u will have a brill time, not miss out and STILL get closer to those 10s!! come on u cant let me beat ya ;) lol x

im getting rather stressed n disheartened here though :( food wise im fine etc but i brought some scales (more for hubby than me as he now wants to do SW at home) but i weighed myself and its showing a 4lb gain?! wtf!? :( this cant be right can it?? i havent gone off the rails at all, and my food has been just under 1200 cals all someone please tell me theres no poss way i would have actually gained 4lb!!!
AWOOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOOOO!!! get in there Lou! Yay! So pleased for you.

I tried to post this morning but not sure it worked - i kept off one of the 2 lbs that had come off on monday. So although it was only 1lb and not 2lb i am Pleased with a loss. Only 2lb to go so still happy and looking forward to my holiday now :)
brilliant sparty!! cant believe how close u r to target!!:)
its a bit nerve wracking being so close to target but i am trying not to stress out about it since my melt down last week!!

now, where did you last WI? Do you do it at class? sometimes as crazy as it sounds different scales say different things (or if you have them in a different place when you WI) so maybe its just that. when is your next WI? Maybe wait until then and WI at home AND at group on the same day and see the difference. This will help you keep perspective if you weigh mid week etc.

look back over your diary, are you SURE you have not strayed? If you havent then its either bloat (is it lady fun week?) and you are retaining water, or its the scales i would think. Check over everything you have done and make sure you are following plan to the letter. then all i can suggest is that you wait and see what the scales at group say.

Lou knows all about dodgy scales and how they can make you crazy :) so be careful!!

use this as insperation though - dont let it defeat you......stick 2 fingers up to the dodgy scales and get a loss (an even bigger one) at next WI. That will teach them to show a gain....hmmph!!
sparty said:
its a bit nerve wracking being so close to target but i am trying not to stress out about it since my melt down last week!!

now, where did you last WI? Do you do it at class? sometimes as crazy as it sounds different scales say different things (or if you have them in a different place when you WI) so maybe its just that. when is your next WI? Maybe wait until then and WI at home AND at group on the same day and see the difference. This will help you keep perspective if you weigh mid week etc.

look back over your diary, are you SURE you have not strayed? If you havent then its either bloat (is it lady fun week?) and you are retaining water, or its the scales i would think. Check over everything you have done and make sure you are following plan to the letter. then all i can suggest is that you wait and see what the scales at group say.

Lou knows all about dodgy scales and how they can make you crazy :) so be careful!!

use this as insperation though - dont let it defeat you......stick 2 fingers up to the dodgy scales and get a loss (an even bigger one) at next WI. That will teach them to show a gain....hmmph!!

Yes my scales read different things each time I get on them so I just get on them
For a laugh. One day it said I weighed 10.7 so I got off and back on and they said 11.5?? Only weigh in on your usual scales and boots scales or calibrated scales are best
nope i deffo havent strayed been sooo good this week!! i so wanted a 2lb loss so am being mega good! i do usually WI on a tuesday at 7.30pm at group, so i am hoping for dodgy scales as no its not lady fun week either lol im gonna just try n resist until tues (or if cant manage to resist then ignore results lol) and see what group scales say and WI at home jst before i leave so i know the difference if any!
also soooo sorry for the TMI, but does erm, not going to the toilet very often effect the scales? lol although im still not hoping by 4lb as 2 of my kids only weighed 1lb more than that!! haha
well no matter what these scales say im still gonna do what i can to get a 2lb loss this week!! :)

wow they r some dodgy scales lou!! lol where do u "officially" weigh? x
woah welldone lou!!! :D thats brilliant! glad the up/down thing is working for u! :)

bonnie :) u will be fine this weekend! stick to the advice that has been given and u will have a brill time, not miss out and STILL get closer to those 10s!! come on u cant let me beat ya ;) lol

im getting rather stressed n disheartened here though :( food wise im fine etc but i brought some scales (more for hubby than me as he now wants to do SW at home) but i weighed myself and its showing a 4lb gain?! wtf!? :( this cant be right can it?? i havent gone off the rails at all, and my food has been just under 1200 cals all someone please tell me theres no poss way i would have actually gained 4lb!!!

Hey Loolahoop, you know that you should NEVER compare weights on scales. One set of scales only for accurate measurement. Have you done anything to deserve a weight gain??? Thought not - is it * week - anything else - have you eaten a whole chocolate cake in one sitting??? Perspective girl - although can imagine - been there - how seeing that, even when you KNOW it is wrong can be disheartening. Do you intend to continue using the scales you have bought cos if so you may just have to adjust what you know and accept that these scales will show a higher weight - but still on a downwards path. Or stop using them and use only the ones you normally weigh on.

How am I doing on the TL cos I am still practicing and don't want to go OTT?? Would appreciate feedback. Thanks
