Well I like stickers :kissass:So kiss my skinny ass!! Nothing I like more than seeing my shiny 7s on my signature.

My weekend mantra, "Don't Stick It In Your Gob!"

Just done a tough Kettlebell session straight from work. Sweating like a piglet now. Lovely. xx
Well, despite everything, i lost 1.5lbs :) I am pleased and surprised by that.

Nice one Lisajade - so that's pounds off and inches off. Promise you'll take a deep breath now and calm down and get focused on getting rid of your implant and concentrating on your wedding. Keep focused and you will be able to achieve everything you want. Going into headless chicken mode like the other night will not help you. :)
Nice one Lisajade - so that's pounds off and inches off. Promise you'll take a deep breath now and calm down and get focused on getting rid of your implant and concentrating on your wedding. Keep focused and you will be able to achieve everything you want. Going into headless chicken mode like the other night will not help you. :)

Haha! I do headless chicken pretty well, don't I? I guess I am just feeling so tired and drained lately, I'll be glad when its all sorted and my brain is less foggy.
Great stuff. You must have done something right this week. Keep calm and carry on ;)

Thanks Lou, I will :)

OK Bassers, here's what I need from you all today: I know that exercising will help me feel better all round with everything thats going on. My motivation levels are so low, I have started to grow moss. My flat is a tip, and I have let pretty much everything slide. So, I'd really appreciate some tough love to get me off this sofa tonight. All I do these days is go to work and then sit on the couch. A big butt kick is needed please!
All I do these days is go to work and then sit on the couch!
That was me until two days ago. Then I came on here and admitted I'd bottled out of the exercise I promised. Didn't want to repeat that, so went out yesterday, and I'm heading on out in five minutes to do it again.

A one mile walk. Takes 15 minutes. There's no excuse not to do that.
Start one room at a time. Put some music on, get your Hoover out and plug it in ready to go, get the duster and polish out and just start on it, a tidy house=a tidy mind. Cleaning is great exercise and you kill 2 birds with one stone. You know what you need to do but no matter what anyone says you have to WANT to do it. No one can do it for you. It's all in your head, you choose to sit down and do nothing, you can choose to get off your backside and make a start. You've lost 1.5 pound this week but sitting down doing nothing will probably see that back on next week plus more. C'mon get up NOW!!!
Start one room at a time. Put some music on, get your Hoover out and plug it in ready to go, get the duster and polish out and just start on it, a tidy house=a tidy mind. Cleaning is great exercise and you kill 2 birds with one stone. You know what you need to do but no matter what anyone says you have to WANT to do it. No one can do it for you. It's all in your head, you choose to sit down and do nothing, you can choose to get off your backside and make a start. You've lost 1.5 pound this week but sitting down doing nothing will probably see that back on next week plus more. C'mon get up NOW!!!

Ok, here I go :) thanks!
I don't go to group either. The only thing I miss out on is stickers lol - I hit my half stone week before last. Might pinch your idea and make one - never thought of that!! :)

Good luck. We will all be rooting for you!

You might have a look down the pages at

Zeke did a brilliant job at getting SW stickers available to download on minimins, but you'll need to see which posts give the info, as it's been a while since I needed them (now doing a VLCD) :)

Also see post #1397 on this thread where the poster has used them in their signature.....
Lisajade has been offline for over 45 minutes and is hopefully tidying that flat of hers. Go Lisajade! I'm picturing Doris Day in Calamity Jane tidying her cabin and singing "A woman's touch" . . . ah my favourite movie!

I, in the meantime, have been sitting on my sofa having a go at creating a Basser badge. I'm sure someone can do a better job, even me, but I'm tired and lacking in imagination and creativity this evening. I did a 3 mile run earlier so deserve a little slouch on the couch :)

Edit: it definitely needs to be bigger - I'll be back!
Boom! Decided at the last minute to up the walk to 2 miles. Great idea, I'm properly worked out now. That's the distance to hit from now on - further would be too much. 34:57 time, so 3.55mph. I even built a couple of bailout points into the route, partly so I could use them if I needed them, and partly so I could enjoy walking past them. Chose the second option of course - Bassers Don't Bail!

Got my first Tough Love Battle Scars as well, when new shoes + rain + shiny metal manhole cover = me going for a Burton. Thought I'd got away with a scraped knuckle, but got back and whipped my trousers off (sorry ladies for that image) to find blood pouring down my leg.

This is, of course, excellent news for a man, since most things are only worthwhile if there's blood involved!

ok clever people this is your badge to doctor

think up a suitable caption like

1stone lost
2stone lost
3 stone lost


and at the bottom it will say something like

buckle down or hit the road sister

I dont do geeky clever stuff like doctoring snaps but if anyone can go for it

my mate Nick owns luremasters and has been very supportive of me, so he'll be pleased to see the angry bass helping you guys as well

this is me and Nick in May when I was 17st 7

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Liking that, but will leave it to someone more creative than me . . .