Cheers Lou and Rod - yes Lou I am really pleased. Getting there slowly but surely. For info my average is a loss of 1.375 pounds per week.
Wow! I think it's really noticeable. Well done :)

Thank you so much guys!

BOOM! 1lb off for me this week so just 3lbs away from target now. And BOOM! I now have a "healthy" BMI - not bad saying I was "morbidly obese" to start with! :)

Great job Sue! Awesome work. You're a real inspiration to the rest of us who still have a way to go yet!

wow fl great pictures hun, you can definitely tell!!

Cheers Lou, you are looking fabulous too! Love the dress in your last picture and obviously you can tell you've lost loads of weight :D

well done Hannah and Sue

great shots Hannah well done for posting

Can't let the Big Bad Bass down now, can I? ;)
I am here for some of this infamous tough love!
I am a classic yoyo dieter, got down to a low weight last year on a VLCD, got pregnant and BOOM back to 17 odd stones.
I have invested in a personal trainer this time around to lose it once and for all.
I have been going to the gym as and when I am told and working hard, but this weekend I let my eating slip again, over the smallest thing! My other half went out for the night and I saw it as an excuse to order a chinese! I ate some, felt guilty and put the rest in the fridge vowing to work it off today and give the rest to OH. WRONG, just ate half of it for breakfast.
Need to get my head in the game and need a firm boot up the backside please
I am here for some of this infamous tough love!
I am a classic yoyo dieter, got down to a low weight last year on a VLCD, got pregnant and BOOM back to 17 odd stones.
I have invested in a personal trainer this time around to lose it once and for all.
I have been going to the gym as and when I am told and working hard, but this weekend I let my eating slip again, over the smallest thing! My other half went out for the night and I saw it as an excuse to order a chinese! I ate some, felt guilty and put the rest in the fridge vowing to work it off today and give the rest to OH. WRONG, just ate half of it for breakfast.
Need to get my head in the game and need a firm boot up the backside please

You know what you did wrong, and you know why. You made an excuse to go off plan. Fact: you can have results or you can have excuses? What do you want?

If you're committed to doing your best, then we will help you but you have to really want this. No half-heartedness here.

Firstly, why is your OH going out an excuse to go off plan? Can you only eat well when he is there? And why eat the takeaway for Breakfast when you slipped up the night before? What was going through your head?

A night in by yourself is always great but there are other ways to treat yourself- you can still eat well within plan, but you don't have to go crazy and pick the worst things! For example, I had an Indian tonight BUT I picked something without a sauce and still managed to have enough calories for rice and a naan! I'm still on plan. I just chose sensibly! It sounds like you didn't.

And you do not have to reward yourself with food. What about having a pamper evening or renting a film or going to the cinema or doing something you like? It's nice to have a night alone but it doesn't depend on food. You can still eat something delicious that won't take you off of your plan.

You seem to know that you've made an excuse. Now you need to make changes so that a slip up like this doesn't happen again. The fact is that the only person responsible for what goes in your mouth is you. So refocus, make changes so this particular slip-up doesn't happen again. And we look forward to hearing about your future results!
You know what you did wrong, and you know why. You made an excuse to go off plan. Fact: you can have results or you can have excuses? What do you want?

If you're committed to doing your best, then we will help you but you have to really want this. No half-heartedness here.

Firstly, why is your OH going out an excuse to go off plan? Can you only eat well when he is there? And why eat the takeaway for Breakfast when you slipped up the night before? What was going through your head?

A night in by yourself is always great but there are other ways to treat yourself- you can still eat well within plan, but you don't have to go crazy and pick the worst things! For example, I had an Indian tonight BUT I picked something without a sauce and still managed to have enough calories for rice and a naan! I'm still on plan. I just chose sensibly! It sounds like you didn't.

And you do not have to reward yourself with food. What about having a pamper evening or renting a film or going to the cinema or doing something you like? It's nice to have a night alone but it doesn't depend on food. You can still eat something delicious that won't take you off of your plan.

You seem to know that you've made an excuse. Now you need to make changes so that a slip up like this doesn't happen again. The fact is that the only person responsible for what goes in your mouth is you. So refocus, make changes so this particular slip-up doesn't happen again. And we look forward to hearing about your future results!
Thank you!!!
there are no excuses and I was feeling weak and sorry for myself which is pathetic! If I want results only I can produce them, thanks for the swift boot up the backside :D
Decided to go to Hyde park yesterday to soak up some Olympic fun (it was brilliant - free concert, large screens and lot of stuff to do! If u can get there make sure you go over the Olympics)

so i had an off SW plan day. I DID however still count my calories and was under the 1600 I allowed myself. Plus I walked around all afternoon/evening so at least another 2 hours to add to my 2 hours earlier in the day! And NO SNACKS!!

Back to 1200 for today even though I'm having a BBQ.
Hi all,
Been a bit absent lately, have been misbehaving which has left me very unwell. Have always had digestive problems but just had a flare up of ulcerative colitis which has left me exhausted and disheartened. I had to take steroids again which means that instead of my great, nearly 13st, I am now back to 13, 8. So, so upsetting, I honestly feel like throwing in the towel. I won't though...I do need knuckle down to better diet and exercise planning though and face the demon truth. What bought on the attack was a massive blowout of chips, pizza, fried chicken...etc etc. It's not the first time I've self sabotaged a healthy recovery and diet loss, but I thought I had broken that particular habit this time. No idea really why I did it, I just went a bit bananas, and honestly while I was eating every bite, I was will be so ill from this, you will hate yourself for giving in, but I kept shovelling away!
I am really glad to see everyone doing well here...and that the appropriate a** whopping is dished out when needed! I could do with sympathy for my insides please!
anradharc said:
Hi all,
Been a bit absent lately, have been misbehaving which has left me very unwell. Have always had digestive problems but just had a flare up of ulcerative colitis which has left me exhausted and disheartened. I had to take steroids again which means that instead of my great, nearly 13st, I am now back to 13, 8. So, so upsetting, I honestly feel like throwing in the towel. I won't though...I do need knuckle down to better diet and exercise planning though and face the demon truth. What bought on the attack was a massive blowout of chips, pizza, fried chicken...etc etc. It's not the first time I've self sabotaged a healthy recovery and diet loss, but I thought I had broken that particular habit this time. No idea really why I did it, I just went a bit bananas, and honestly while I was eating every bite, I was will be so ill from this, you will hate yourself for giving in, but I kept shovelling away!
I am really glad to see everyone doing well here...and that the appropriate a** whopping is dished out when needed! I could do with sympathy for my insides please!

Oh dear. This isn't just a weight issue this is a serious health issue, why on earth would you do that to yourself? If you were diabetic would you sit eating sweets and not do your insulin? You've been really daft and you know it and are paying the price. Accept the fact you can NEVER EVER EVER eat that crap again EVER it's the way it is. It's life, if you eat it you'll be poorly as you know and have proved. You must feel really ashamed of yourself, your damaging your health for what? Pizza???? I hope this teaches you a lesson and that you never do it again. For your bodies sake.
You are spot on. Good health and stable weight vs pizza...should be an easy decision! I am so cross with myself, actually disgusted is more like it. It's going to take me a wk or two to get back to feeling OK again and drop those few pounds again and I have no one or nothing to blame but myself.
It's a harsh lesson to learn and I seriously hope it will be the last time you have to learn it. Learn to love yourself enough to not want to
Do this to yourself, everything starts with our mind, change your thought processes and you will literally change your life.

Well I had lots of cals yesterday in alcohol, BUT I did at least 2 hours of dancing, and over 3 hours of walking and according to MFP I was stil under my cal goal so I basically used all my exercise cals. Back on it today, nice chicken and veg for tea :)
Bad news from my end. I just weighed in and I've put on half a pound this week.

No excuses. No lady fun time, no bunged up-ness. I have clearly eaten too much. I think the main culprit is that I have simply eaten out far too much this week. I counted and it was roughly 7 times. Even though eating out is really cheap in Korea, it's ridiculous on so many levels. I think I got carried away with thinking everything fitting into plan as opposed to thinking as healthily as I could have. I'm also on holiday so probably not moving around as much as I thought I would and rather than my healthy school lunches, my lunch choices probably haven't been that smart. And my portion sizes have probably been sneaking up too.

I'm also disappointed because the most number of weeks in a row I've had drops for since starting in March is 4 and this was going to be my 5th... I really thought I'd cracked it. That and last time I lost weight the lower 13s were tough for me and I really wanted to smash through it this time.

But despite my gain, all is not lost. I've meal planned for the week and am alternating Low GI days with days of No Carbs. I've got a 3 runs and a swim planned and I was researching some VERY easy Yoga videos on Youtube yesterday which I'm going to give a try. I'm going to aim to go out somewhere everyday and keep walking since I obviously need to be more active. There are only a few meals I have no control over- on Tuesday nights, I visit a Korean lady to speak English with her and she provides dinner but I am going to eat a big lunch so I am less hungry in the evening and on Saturday, I am going to do a 24 hour Temple Stay. However, I'm sure the food will be Korean which is generally very healthy (if carbalicious) so I'm not too worried about that since I'll be eating very few carbs this week. I've also bought some digital scales so portion sizes will no longer be an excuse.

I'm really disappointed with myself and feel like I've let myself down a bit. I feel like I became a bit complacent. I've also decided to do my mid-week weigh-in on a Thursday again to check my progress so that if nothing is shifting I can up the ante. Whilst I didn't weigh until yesterday morning, it was too late to really change anything.

Anyway, off to start the week. Disappointed yes, but as I tell other people when they've had a gain or STS it's only a reason to work harder. Got to follow my own advice!

I am also going to join the no snack group since the snacks really have added up too! My only exception is a Banana after swimming because otherwise, I get so hungry I go mental and want to eat everything in sight.
gettingfit said:
I have no pics of me without baggy clothes on.So I will put this up.:eek:
I'm trying to see the differences in the pic.I can see that I have lost by when I put my trousers on etc but can't see it in the pic.
Sorry if I put you off your breakfast.:D

<img src=""/>

Twit twoo sexy lady. Definitely see the difference here Hun well done
Hello all! I allowed myself extra calories over the weekend as I had unexpected plans. I managed to stay within my target on MFP regardless as I did a lot of exercise - about 4 hours walking on saturday and an hours exercise dvd yesterday - so I am hoping that I cancelled out the extra calories. I am really pleased that I managed to stick to no snacking as well!

I am restricting again during the week this week and am trying to plan meals as best I can. All in all I am feeling quite positive about this week as I have very little planned so hoping to squeeze in a bit more exercise than usual. I am thinking of going for walks after dinner - or walking home from the station instead of getting a lift which is an extra half hours walk per day.
Hey guys I also had extra cals yesterday, I decided as I was staying in for the next 2 months I was going to relax a bit yesterday and on the wedding I go to, I don't feel panicky about it like I used to as I know as long as its not a regular Occurance and I work hard around it I can still lose. Lady time for me too so this week will test my will power to the max! And we're all full of colds :( soooo pleased I have no plans other than the wedding cos I need some down time after my crazy month!! By the end of the 2 months of not going out I would like to have lost another half a stone so I have work to do!! Oh I finally got my scan date through and it's not til the end of August so I am stuck with walking as exercise til then
I am here for some of this infamous tough love!
I am a classic yoyo dieter, got down to a low weight last year on a VLCD, got pregnant and BOOM back to 17 odd stones.
I have invested in a personal trainer this time around to lose it once and for all.
I have been going to the gym as and when I am told and working hard, but this weekend I let my eating slip again, over the smallest thing! My other half went out for the night and I saw it as an excuse to order a chinese! I ate some, felt guilty and put the rest in the fridge vowing to work it off today and give the rest to OH. WRONG, just ate half of it for breakfast.
Need to get my head in the game and need a firm boot up the backside please

glad to see the Tough Love is infamous

in some ways I'm glad it's small and hardcore because if all the members came in we'd be in real BIG trouble keeping up

well, the start off is that your blog says paleoracheal - so you tell me what caveman ever ate rice and noodles?

I rest my case

your personal trainer will help, but he cant chain your fridge up or tear up your takeaway menus

first job for you is to forget about, or even better, destroy your takeaway menus

they have no place in your life at this point

eating chinese takeaway for breakfast is frankly pretty disgusting and shows where your mind is at - not on the job, not committed and no resolve in place.

A wobble at night, whilst not ideal, we can all understand. To mop it up in the morning, YEUUUUUUUUCHHHHHH

take a good hard look at your child and decide whether he/she deserves a 17st 5'-1" mum puffing around in the park behind them....

thought not

plan your plan, ditch the idea that you can cheat nature, start walking daily and spend the rest of the week planning the rest of the month and thats AUGUST not July

August starts tomorrow and so do you, you have today to clear the house of junk (thats into the bin, not your mouth) and have the plan in place for get go

there is no tomorrow, just what you do NOW and NEXT

I am gonna hammer that first two weeks loss out of you, you wandered into the minefield now sister