My minigoal is to be in the 14s for xmas, definitely very achievable. But 12 stone is definitely the golden number! I have just gone for 50 weeks to lose 50 pounds for now, as I would be thrilled to consistently lose a pound a week!

Today is my 4th day on the wagon, and I'm ON IT! My cravings have quietened down, and I even had a healthy breakfast (I always skip breakfast!). Man, I so can't wait to get into the 14s. I know its early days, but I do believe I am out of the cycle. My mindset is where it needs to be. Something has just clicked again (Thank Gods!).
there ya go :) so 14st 13lb for xmas? :) thats a nice realistic goal! glad to see how ON IT you are! i was feeling like that til tuesday, but iam getting back in that mindset again!! lol x
lottiebird said:
Conlou, thats a great start :) Now hang in there! The first few days are always the worst, aren't they? And hormones DO NOT help!

Loolahoop - Good to hear you are getting back into the zone... everything is easier "in the zone" :)

Thanks :) I had a tiny but of pizza but I had syns left over and it was 1/8th of a 9 inch thin base cheese and tomato pizza so I'm not worried. That's what syns are for eh? I had 9 left and I would be very surprised if it were more than that. Came back and had my planned food. I feel satisfied and in control :)
Glad to see things are going well, Lou and Emma! :)

Having a good week too. I've been on it since Monday and have already done all my planned exercise for the week. So anything else is just a bonus! :) I'm a bit concerned about this fireworks display tomorrow but I'm going to have a small breakfast and do my best to stick to my cals. I know I can do if I practice my 'No, Thank You!'
faery_lights said:
Glad to see things are going well, Lou and Emma! :)

Having a good week too. I've been on it since Monday and have already done all my planned exercise for the week. So anything else is just a bonus! :) I'm a bit concerned about this fireworks display tomorrow but I'm going to have a small breakfast and do my best to stick to my cals. I know I can do if I practice my 'No, Thank You!'

Well I did say no to the pizza but was nagged then caved. A bit annoyed but trying not to get into a guiltmindframe as that's a massive binge trigger, I just need to stick to my guns next time. I couldn't find how many syns it was so I'm just having to move on. I'm sure you'll do well hun just don't cave cos once you do you'll end up picking all night ;)
India! It sounds to me like everything is out of control around you, so you've let your eating get out of control too. You can definitely do this- commit right now to making your next meal a good one. Not the whole day, focus on it a meal at a time. Honestly, sliding back into control in regards to food and exercise will make you feel so much better and you know it. So now it's time to go out and do something about it!

Sorry it took so long to reply, I don't think I was quite ready to listen. I didn't get back on track that day and have continued to eat badly, I skipped WI on friday as I was too terrified and ashamed to see how much of my hard work i'd undone but I finally plucked up the courage to do it this morning and it's nowhere near as bad as I expected, it's a huge weight off my mind and has given me a bit of a boost in confidence to get back on track. I'm going to just take it meal by meal as you said as I don't think putting pressure on myself is a great idea right now but my spirits have lifted a bit and I'm remembering all the reasons I wanted to lose weight (i.e not just for him!!) Thanks for the support honey, hope you're doing well xx
hows everyone doing? ive been so busy this weekend!!!! im not sure how well ive done but i dont seem to have eaten much of anything!! one thing losing weight has done is give me the confidence to follow my dream of becoming a makeup artist, ive put a link below for anyone who wants to have a nosey at stuff ive done, im really enjoying it :) i never had the confidence to do it before, but i feel like im coming back out of my shell again...its a nice feeling, i was looking at pictures of myself and i definitely want to lose at least another stone, im very flabby still on my back and arms, i bike for around 2 hours every week, i have 2 physical jobs so i dont understand how im still so flabby, so ive come to the conclusion its because i need to lose more weight.
wow looks great lou! so pelased that you are persuing this - im sure you will do great!

I had an on/off weekend really but today has been good - i made some home made bread at the weekend and so I am using that a my hex this week (its the perfect size as i used a little tin) and I also made some carrot and coriander soup so i will be having that most of the week to keep me warm and filled up.

I did make some cookies for my bf following a millies vookeis recipe and it works out at 9.5 syns per cookie!! I seriously need to adapt that recipe somehow to make it less syns.....i wonder if i could replace the caster sugar with sweetner?? hmmmmmm....that might be worth a try!

I also made syn free pate this weekend so i have been a busy busy bee! but it also means i have no excuses to eat junk when i can eat those lovely things for free!
sparty said:
wow looks great lou! so pelased that you are persuing this - im sure you will do great!

I had an on/off weekend really but today has been good - i made some home made bread at the weekend and so I am using that a my hex this week (its the perfect size as i used a little tin) and I also made some carrot and coriander soup so i will be having that most of the week to keep me warm and filled up.

I did make some cookies for my bf following a millies vookeis recipe and it works out at 9.5 syns per cookie!! I seriously need to adapt that recipe somehow to make it less syns.....i wonder if i could replace the caster sugar with sweetner?? hmmmmmm....that might be worth a try!

I also made syn free pate this weekend so i have been a busy busy bee! but it also means i have no excuses to eat junk when i can eat those lovely things for free!

Thanks :) I have some mackerel to make pâté with which ill be doing tomorrow :) well dobro the food prep I'm up fora great week this week who's with me
My pate was chicken liver and bacon. Putting some in the freezer tonight ad I made a big batch.

Never tried mackerel - must look out for a recipe
OMG LOU!!!!! That's frickin amazing! Wow! Feel like I should hang my head in shame and bow to your greatness lol

Well bloody done girl!! :) massive boost for you!!
sparty said:
OMG LOU!!!!! That's frickin amazing! Wow! Feel like I should hang my head in shame and bow to your greatness lol

Well bloody done girl!! :) massive boost for you!!

Thanks. Not sure what I've done really, I think I've just made healthier choices. But if anything I've eaten more, but I've exercised more too. Had some chocolate tonight and got an options for later. Tomorrow I am going to cook some really healthy meals and quiches :)
Hi all, haven't been posting much myself as had surgery which knocked me for six a bit, then had a bereavement this week too, but have decided I'm back on track from tomorrow doing SW.

That said I haven't been stupid this week, got weighed Sunday and had sts which was great, it'd be good if I could do the same this Sunday though.

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