please excuse the hair...had been doing housework lol so thats the "dragged thru hedge backwads look" and also have had a cold and sore throat for nearly 2 weeks hence the "death warmed uop" look lol and please excuse the belly too lol like i said was taking a pic to show hubby my new jeans fit lol! tbh im glad i have upped my target a bit, coz as much as i would lobve to loose more around my middle as in my mummy tummy and the back of my hips, i think my face, neck and shoulders r looking thin enough lol!
<img src=""/>
please excuse the hair...had been doing housework lol so thats the "dragged thru hedge backwads look" and also have had a cold and sore throat for nearly 2 weeks hence the "death warmed uop" look lol and please excuse the belly too lol like i said was taking a pic to show hubby my new jeans fit lol! tbh im glad i have upped my target a bit, coz as much as i would lobve to loose more around my middle as in my mummy tummy and the back of my hips, i think my face, neck and shoulders r looking thin enough lol!

Oh wow check you out!!! You look amazing! X
Loola!!!!! How could you not see this difference! U look fantastic. Well done you :)

Oh no..........someone has just brought in a MASSIVE cake from Conditor and Cook. A CURLY WURLY cake of all things! Oh god help!!
thanks guys, not the most flattering pic i know lol but it was just to show hubby my jeans fitting lol! will do another one at target hopefully in a new xmas dress:)
sparty, listen to GF!! lol dont do it!!! i bet the people making it were picking their bums n allsorts hahaha! ;) x
I did resist :)

loola and GF managed to a) put me off and b) see how stupid I was for even worrying about it.

I mean seriously.....I need to pretend its dog poo and bum fluff to stop myself eating cake!??!!! How pathetic does that make me look?? Lol
Yesterday in only had 960 cals all day, yet I'm still bloated. I weighed in yesterday and was 3 pound heavier than last week. It HAS to be water retention, I just simply haven't been eating enough to justify a gain. What can I take except water tabs to get rid if fluid retention. I'm already drinking plenty of water and juice, I can tell I'm retaining water as my rings feel
Tight, my legs feel heavy etc. eurgh.

Ooh I downloaded that virtual gastric band yesterday to try help with weight loss, my friend did it and lost 5 stone!!!
I have lemon in hot water with a tsp of honey and i find that helps a lot with bloating x

I have some lemons ill try that. Just got weighed a d I've put 2 pound on since yesterday....I had less than 1000 cals!! So that's 5 pound on in a few days!!!! My stomach is ginormous I look heavily pregnant. How depressing is that. I maintained weight when I was eating more, I eat less and gsin 5 pound in a few days. I log everything on MFP, and I'm not sneaky eating I'm really trying, I just don't get it.