Tpotts restart day 28 and off the wagon again!

well done you

Well done you i am really plesed that it feels right this time :D and the weight is coming off can't wait to see how much you lose in a week.
Hi Guys!
Yes I really do feel different about SS this time around, not sure why? I guess it's because I know I have to beat my demons! I also think it helps having a date to work towards. I always work better under pressure!
Tracey, you are doing great! I think you are right, having dates to look forward to help the goals seem more real. I have got 2 dates in mind. 1, holiday in October by which time I hope to be inthe low 14's(8 weeks to go and I am 15.5 so that should be very do-able) and then Christmas, when hopefully I should be in the 12's. Then I think I will have to see how I feel. It is so long since I have been under 15 stone that I don't even know for sure what will feel right. Anyway, good for you, you are clearly back'in the zone'! Love
Restart day 4

Good morning peeps!
Well day 4 of the restart is here and I'm still doing SS! So yeeeeey me! I really struggled last night and really wanted to eat, I ended up going to bed early so that I couldn't raid the fridge! I always seem to find day 3 tough, I'm not sure why?
Well today is a new day and I'm determnd to keep on the straight and narrow. I havn't lost any more weight yet, but I know that by the end of the week another couple of pounds are bound to drop off! It's only a matter of time!
My mad Mum is coming down for a visit today and we are going to pop to town for a coffee! I'm really looking forward to it! I haven't been out for a coffee for weeks and weeks! I will be very good and not eat, which is hard when I'm out with Mum because she loves her food too! I also worry about her health because she is overweight and in ill health, but she has trouble sticking to diets! In fact I cant honestly remember a time when Mum wasn't struggling with her weight, as I grew up she was always starting new diets. I remember her going to WW, SW and of course the Fplan! Oh boy that was fun, I remember she had the most terrible wind LOL. I don't think there is a diet Mum hasn't been on. I also cant remember a diet I haven't been on!
The women in my family on both sides are all big! I was a chubby child and a skinny teenager and then a fat Mum! When I look back at old family photo's my mum was exactly the same. Isn't funny how we all end up in this cycle of constantly dieting and trying to achieve what sometimes feels impossible. Of course I know it's not impossible to be slim, I was slim before I had my children and I was slim last year after 4 months on SS. It just sometime feels impossible and thats the cycle I want to break!
I know I want to be slim and I know I can be slim! Now all Ive got to do is become slim and stay slim!
Sorry to ramble on I suppose I just needed to purge!
Have a lovely day
Ive just had a thought I wonder if I'm yet?? I don't feel quite so hungry today. I havn't got any sticks to check! Oh well I cant really afford to spend £4.99 for them so will just continue with the water and assume that I will be in ketosis soon. I have got a tongue like an old used flip flop today so I think I must almost be there!
Bye for now
Tracey, your tongue sounds most attractive! I am so glad your day 4 is going well, good for you planning to stick with just coffee. It's not easy when all around you can and do eat is it? I had a delivery at work today and it included a box of complimentary shortbread(thats right, shortbread that tells you you are looking good!), my favourite downfall. I resisted them and gave them to my staff but I really wanted one! Pass the halo when you've finished with it!lol
Have a good day, Love
Well done tpott on reaching day 4! Certainly sounds like you in the pink if your tongue is so attractive!!LOL!!:)

Barb - flap those wings and shine that halo angel girl!!!!:)
can you smell acetone.................think your in the pink Tracey:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
not really think your doing really well keep going and glugging.
been off work today breathing really bad.....went to visit my dad yesterday he has been staying with my sister, s e has a Dalmatian my eye came up last night breathing today good i looked attractive:eek: got to be better for the queen tomorrow:)
can you smell acetone.................think your in the pink Tracey:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
not really think your doing really well keep going and glugging.
been off work today breathing really bad.....went to visit my dad yesterday he has been staying with my sister, s e has a Dalmatian my eye came up last night breathing today good i looked attractive:eek: got to be better for the queen tomorrow:)5 Hours Ago 12:44 PM

Yep June my breat stinks now! Yikes!!! My px's tomorrow will be thrilled LOL.

Hi Barb
Well I don't have a halo yet, but I'm working on it! LOL.
Ive had a fab day out and sat and watched MUM eat a big Danish pastry and I watched plate upon plate of taosted panini's and cakes go past me, and do you know what? I didn't even fancy anything to eat at all! What a result eh?
I think I might finally be on the road to slimdom!
way to go girl,,,,,,keep refusing

water water water that the prob.not be taking any fluid in:eek: how come i can give advice but no drink myself:eek:
Restart day 5

Good Morning All!
Well Day five is here and I'm still going strong! I had a great day out with Mum and feel really chuffed that being surrounded by Danish pastrys ect and I wasn't even tempted! How wonderfull and rather empowering!
Well weighed myself again this morning and drum roll please............ Ive lost another 2lb! Yippeeeee
That is exactly 7lb since Friday! Wooooo Hooooo!! Life is good! I really feel fantastic and I just cant believe I have finally come to terms with SSing again! I feel as if nothing is going to deter me from my chosen path of slimdom! I really feel that this is it! No more eating untill October! Long may this wonderfull feeling continue!
I'm back to work today for the first time in 3 months, I feel a little aprehensive about it, after all it's a long time to be away. Hopefully once Ive been back today it will feel comfortable again. I have missed the girls, well most of them LOL. There are a couple of exceptions LOL.
I'm still very tired and not sleeping at all well, but hopefully a hard days slog at work will exhaust me enough to knock me out tonight!
Well have a fantastic day everyone and it's Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to work I go!
Oh Tracey, you sound so good - I can hear your enthusiasm in every word you write. This is IT for you, you are on your way, fantastic, mind if I hop on board too?

Love and hugs
Oh Tracey, you sound so good - I can hear your enthusiasm in every word you write. This is IT for you, you are on your way, fantastic, mind if I hop on board too?

Love and hugs

Hop aboard Barb! We are on the road to slimdom! Yipppeeee!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I have had a very busy day at work, but I have enjoyed it! I'm exhausted and my feet hurt, but I feel great! I feel as if a nasty cloud has lifted and now life is sunshine and rainbows! Long may it continue!
I think I must finally be in ketosis because I'm not at all hungry and Nikkie also told me that my breath stinks! LOL.:rolleyes: Good job she's my friend!!!! I had to rush round to Boots for some Gold Spot spray! :eek:
I'm looking forward to my usual girly night out around HellyBelly's! We all sit around guzzling water, munching our packs and have a right old gossip! I think tonights main topic will be about our holiday next year, looks like we are all going to Dubai! Yeeeeeeeeeey! I cant wait to book it!:) Nikkie, Helen and Kelly have all been before, but this will be my first time! I'm a Dubai virgin LOL!
Right I'm off to cook my families dinner, then it's off to the shower!
Have a lovely evening everyone!
Good Evening!
Well I have had a very nice and rather exciting night out with the girlies!
We have booked our holiday to Dubai! Yippeeeeeeeee


Look! Thats us in the desert! LOL
I'm sooooooo excited! I'm going to have sweet dreams tonight!
Nighty Night Everyone!