Tricky Third Week

Right, 5th weigh in a day early because having planned break for next week. Lost 2lb. Its ok, but I was really hoping for 3 to make it two stone in 5 weeks.
Going to spend Easter weekend with my family, + mum, brother, sis-inlaw, pregnant niece and her boyfriend. I'm cooking Easter dinner for them. On Easter Monday have Mother-in-law, other niece, her daughter and my nephew coming for dinner (I'm coking again)
Then on Tuesday, going to Scotland with mum and my two boys (hubby staying behind to replaster dinning room). In Scotland will be visiting my hubby's brother and his wife (she's a really good friend).

Going to stay on LT during day and eat salad and chicken for evening meal for next few days. Then, when in Scotland having complete break, but going to try very hard to exercise all the self control I'v developed over the past 5 weeks and stay away from bread, potatoes, chocolate and wine!. Back from Scotland week on Sat, so booked an appointment with pharmacist for the Monday to start straight back on LT!

Will be posting over next few days, but after that no internet connection where we are visiting in Scotland, so you'll get a break from my drivel!

Off to Cheshire Oaks Shopping Village with my mum and aunty now. Have you ever tried to take to Senior Citizens shopping before? Its like trying to herd puppies. They keep wandering off and looking at stuff thats completely unrelated to what they've come for like skiing gear! I practicing holding my tongue even now!
Had to laugh a mum just like that and she not even that old lol :)
Must be a mum thing! Enjoy your break ( just no tooo much ) xx
Back to week 1!

Right, that me back from my hols and back on the Lipotrim train!

Funny that when I started LT it was my intention to just do it till my Easter hols and then go on to SW after that. the reasons for my initla thoughts were that
1. I never thought that I'd be able to stick to a TFR diet
2. The thought of how long away my goal was and therefore how long I'd have to go without eating was too overwhelming
3. My hubby was on permanent nights till Easter and so I didn't have to cook tea. I thought I wouldn't be able to cope with cooking for him and the boys whilst not eating.

So, when Easter came it wasn't going to be a planned break (with all the controversy that's caused on this forum). It was going to be a planned stop.

However, I found that my fears are what was holding me back and not the reality.
I can stick to a TFR
I can achive my gaol, no matter how far away it is
I can cook for others and not shovel it in my mouth as ....
I am in control!!

So, not looking forward to the headache(s) of getting back into Ketosis, but i am looking forward to whole new future of being in control!
Welcome back!! You sound like you are in the right frame of mind for this. Good luck xx

Just keep slimming just keep slimming xxxx
Well day three of being back in control, and I'm happy with how things are going.

Last night had a bit of a fall out with a member of staff, where I didn't conduct myself as well as I should have. she did do something that was bang out of order, but instead of walking away when I'm cross and then talking to her when I've calmed down (which I do do most of the time) I made a comment in front of someone else. The had to sit in staff meeting feeling like a right unprofessional heel and watching her sit there with complete face on. After meeting, I went straight to her and apologised for making a comment in front of someone else rather than waiting. However, she then burst inot tears and told me I'd humiliated her!!

I was still cross with her over what she'd done in the first place, but also felt ashamed that i had upset her as it could easily have been avoided. So, (comng to the point of my long moan now) Wednesday is pub night for me and hubby, and feeling like I did when I left work I would normally have gone out and got quite ratted! (Yes, more unproffessionalism). However, I had a rant to an LT buddy and that helped me to get some calmness and relaised that using food as an emotional outlet is what got me to this place, so i was in control and stuck to water in the pub!
What a day!! Well done for sticking to the water and being strong!! xx
Thanks Rose, still feeling pretty bad about the whole situation (specialy as the member of staff is obviuosly avoiding me) , but not using food as the emoitonal blanket I would normally cover these feelings with! Clutching bottle of water as I walk through work instead!!
Hi, I've started LT this morning after reading through as many of these threads as I can. I love reading the stories of your challenges and how you over come them. It's so interesting to see that, as the weight comes off, you gain more insight into your eating patterns. I know that I have massive problems with food and, like you Janey, I've been on a thousand diets, been to a thousand slimming clubs and wasted thousands on gym memberships! I feel that the only option left for me is LT - no thinking about what to it, just DO IT! I'm off to Glastonbury Festival in 9 weeks and have been going for about 20 years and every year I weigh more than the last. This has really affected my enjoyment of the festival and I have had enough! Hope you don't mind me joining your thread but it seems really supportive on here and thats exactly what I need right now.
Anyway, I'm off to try and edit my weight details!
Good luck to everyone and keep going - you're all so inspiring
Hi Dollygirl,:welcome:

welcome to the forum! Feel free to join in any time. 9 weeks should give you a good loss before your trip Glastenbury and mean that you can really enjoy your time there. Funny how we have repeating events in our life whihc we use as yard stick to measure ourselves with. We've been going on a family holiday to Portugal every other year since by youngest was 4 (he's 12 now). :character00255:

Its usually the only time I have my photograph taken,as I really don't like looking at pictures of my self. In the photos you can see how my weight has increased year on year (despite the fact that everytime I said "This is it, next time I'll be thinner"). So, I've got a photo of us 4 years ago as my current mobile phone wallpaper as this is pretty close to the weight I am now. Once I'm past that I'll use the photo from 6 years ago etc. i'm determined that when I go I'll bear little resemblence to the woman of 8 years ago!

So, welcome aboard the LT journey to a new you! Good luck, you can do it!
Hey Dolly another fellow glasto trimmer!! xx Good luck!!

I'm currently on refeed bu I still hope to lose another stone by glasto!!
Well I'm now one pound below what I was before I started my break. Not bad achievement in just 4 days. Not putting in on my tracker as its weight I'd already lost, so I've my next weigh in next week, so I'll start recording weigth loss on that then.

I've found it ok getting back into TFR as I know what I can achieve by sticking to it. and I've hd lots of encouragement form my frined who knows I'm on LT.

I was thinking back to my original reasons for not telling people I'm on TFR and I think I can admit to another reason that I wasn't confident about sharing before.

I'm not teling anyone I'm on TFR because I dont want them looking down on me. I dont want them thinking that the're better than me just because they can follow a healthy diet and not give in to temptation, I dont want them looking down on me because I've no will power when it comes to food. I dont want them thinking I'm desperate (which actually I am)

I suppose what other eople think of me shouldn't matter and that I'm just letting my pride get the better of me. But thats just the way it is!
I grew up with random strangers shouting freak at me from across the road because I'm tall and dont get me going on the men who were just a bit shorter than me who stood on barstools to give me a kiss at new year just to make the point that I was taller then them. Putting myself in what I percieve as a vulnerbale position is not something I want to do as long as I can avoid it.

So I'm remaining a Secret Shaker!!
Janey, I know what you mean. I'm in two minds about whether to tell anyone at work about LT cos I know that people always feel the need to offer their opinions! And to be honest, we're all doing this for ourselves not for anyone else and their opinions don't matter. I'm just really focussed on having a fantastic summer filled with festivals and fun....and feeling alot better than I have for many years!!!
And Crunchyfrog - great to meet a fellow Glasto slimmer! I have it on good authority (wishful thinking!) that this year will be a hot one with lots of opportunities for vest tops and ballgowns!!!
Vestops = I'll be pleased
Ballgowns = OH will be pleased!

Just kidding! He's more of a bodycon kind a guy !!
Hi Janey23

you are full of motivation its great to see. I'm like you I have a wedding to go to in october I have the dress bought its a small size 12 (its my brothers wedding)and I am currently an 18 so watch this space. Friday is my first weigh in.........
Welcome to the forum 2SS,

you should certainley be able to get into that dress by the time of the wedding. just stick to the plan.

One thing I am looking forward to is having thinner feet! Sun was shinning on Saturday so went out to buy first pair of open toe shoes of the season. but its not fun shopping when you have wide feet is it! My feet bulge out of all the lovely strappy shoes, or my little toes keep launching an escape party and popping out of the side. Managed to get some in the end, but they weren't the ones i wanted. Roll on slimmer feet!
Ha ha! I thought I was the only one that couldn't wait to get slimmer feet!!

I'm sure I've gone down a shoe size as all my shoes feel rather loose!

It's going to sound daft but I cannot wait till I can buy a pair of wellington boots!! A proper pair, not just a pair that go up to my calves!

I had never ever thought about wellies before but a couple of years ago i needed some and was absolutely mortified when I couldn't get them past my calfs. I was gutted!

This year (I need them for Glasto!!) I intend on getting a pair and can't wait! Yes I know it's sad wanting to get wellies!
Your post really made me laugh Crunchyfrog!!! I had exactly the same problem a couple of years ago at Glastonbury...bought some gorgeous wellies - black with pink polkadots - and couldnt get them past my calves. This year I have bought some pink and leopard print ones from Asda and I am determined to wear them!! Having said that of course, we won't need them cos its going to be really sunny so they will sit melting in your car! We all have the same experiences in terms of how weight really effects your life and the choices you make. It's so restricting and I know it shouldnt be and that we should just be ourselves etc etc but I know that the more weight I've put, on the less sociable I've become and I actually don't know who I am anymore. And I also know that with each pound that comes off, the nearer I am to re-discovering myself again. I am soooo looking forward to being visible again......

Been feeling pretty low over past couple of days due to illness and self pity!

Fell off the wagon grand style on Saturday night and then woke up with sore throat, ears and head on sunday. Fortunatly had good friend who put me back on track on sunday before I did any more damage, but now have stinking cold.

Been 100% since Saturday night (must say cold symptoms are keeping my mind of hunger), even though lost my temper grand style with the kids this morning.
Last night I cooked tea for everyone and then went staright to bed. I got up to a filthy kitchen full of unwashed dishes. Thier excuse was that there were no bin bags to scrape the dishes into so they couldn't laod them inot the dishwasher.
Give me strength.

Off to youngest son's parents evening soon and I'm not expecting it to be a happy time. Unfortunatly he has to be centre of attnetion all the time and is very bossy, telling everyone what to do all the time. These are charcter traits I've made a career out of, but there not good in a Y7 classroom. So not looking forward to hearing what his teachers have to say.

Anyone got any tips for dealing with stress that don't involve eating or killing a 12 year old boy!
Eating food that is, not a 12 year old boy!!!!!!

Yeah, just realised its pay day today. I feel a trip to the Trafford Centre coming on to overcome the stress!!!