Trying to get back in to the right frame of mind

Hi everybody!

Well, todays been pretty good!

its 2135, I have had most of my water (one more glass should do it) and I still have half a choc pack for a hot choc to take to bed yum! I'm so glad I discovered by accident that I like it if I make it weaker! I tried the choc hot in the early days and didn't like it.

TMI alert..... today I have been peeing all day! I know we all spend most of the day in the loo on this diet but I mean moreso than usual. I am hoping its a sign I was holding water and my weight will plummet now...... ok maybe not plummet lol, but at least start to go down hopefully!

Today I had a raspberry muffin, with a spoonful of a choc pack made up as a runny sauce it was yummy, then veggie soup at lunch. A hot choc when i came in from work (half a pack), a big soup made up with a veg soup pack and a savoury drink mixed together, and my hot choc for bed.... lifes not all bad on a VLCD after all!

sigh, it was a rubbish week but I'm feeling so much better already.

my hairdresser is coming to give me and Hannah a trim tomorrow, I am going to discuss my chosen haircut for when I get to my goal with her! In the afternoon we have a kids birthday party to go to so that'll be fun. Lots of fun for Hannah and for me!

I always struggle a bit with water on a weekend though, I will need to make a real effort as I want this week to be the best loss possible on thursday!

Hi Mags,

You had a tough old week of it alright and yet you made it through and have some weight off to show for it and I expect you were retaining water and should have a very good week next week.

How is Hannah's cough?

My friend swears by a cut onion on a plate in the bedroom at will have a smelly bedroom but the cough might be gone or ease off.

I like the sound of your fat page and a slim pagel:)

I love changing my hair and I feel like a new hair colour...

I like playing with virtual model to get ideas...did you ever try it?

My Virtual Model - Home

I find Saturday difficult:( Must try and keep really busy tomorrow.

Love Mini xxx
Hannahs cough is getting a lot better thanks! She is just a little tired now.

We are getting our hair trimmed shortly, then a nap for Hannah and off to a birthday party this after noon.

had one food pack so far today and slow with the water but I can catch up soon!

well, I have spoken to the hairdresser about changing my hair and we have it all planned now! In 4 weeks time I am having it cut and highlights put in, so excited.

I did want to wait until I was at target, but I think I need something to look forward to and a bit of motivation.

I also wanted to treat myself to having it done somewhere nice, as my hairdresser comes to my house to do it and I just wanted to have a reward of being pampered. However with the money situation at the moment i can't really afford to do that and my hairdresser is great and I trust her so it makes sense. As it is its going to cost £40-£50 which is still quite a bit really but I'd be at least another £30 at a salon I guess.

Thinking ahead 4 weeks, hopefully I will be down to 10 or less pounds to go, and I checked on the LL website I only need to lose 11 pounds, and I will be officially 'healthy' so I'm very excited by that! my goal at present is 6, to bring me a stone from target, after that my goal will be 5 to get to bmi 25, after that I will only have 9 to my final target.

Anyway, its 1350, I have had 2 food packs, still behind on my water but I'm working on it! Feeling very positive.

I'd better go and get ready, Hannah is having a nap and we have to get ready to go out!

Hey Happe, yeah I'm finding the scrapbook quite fun and helpful at the same time!

Your goal just reminded me, to wear your wedding ring again, that was my first goal, but now I can't wear it again because my fingers have shrunk so much! Once I am done losing weight I will need to have it adjusted!

Its quite strange because I am now just about the weight I was when we married so it should still fit.... its not fair, why can't the weight come off my bum instead of my fingers? rofl

Good luck with 'goal 2' and the scrapbook, and thanks for popping in to my thread, its much appreciated!

oh dear... lol

Today I have eaten, half a chicken nugget, a spoonful of ice cream, a tiny slice of cheese and a mounthful of birthday cake!

Best to confess I think, I am pretty sure it was such a tiny amount and will make no difference.

I had to throw the cake to my dog to make sure I didn't eat the rest of it, it was just a slice of birthday cake anyway my daughter didn't want it and it called to me...

Anyway, I know I am in ketosis and I am convinced it will be ok but I still thought I should confess.

My hot choc tonight, I may just have half the pack....

we'll see lol.

Last night, i skipped the hot choc just to be sure, and I am fairly confident all will be well.

Also I am now menstruating, which is a pest as I'm not supposed to lol. I am on the mini pill, which you take all the time without breaks and don't have periods. I had to take double the dose because I was overweight and then once I was 70kg I was able to take the 'normal' dose. Once I had lost a bit of weight I started bleeding quite a bit, my doctor said it could be a sign that my body was trying to work. That is such good news if its true as when we were trying to have Hannah it took almost 2 years and my cycle was very erratic, at one point I went over 100 days without a period! So its comforting to know that by losing weight I may have made a difference to my fertility, as we hope to have another child and will try in about 2 years time, I will be 33 then. I'm going to start and note on the calender when I do bleed to see if there is any regularity, if it is a problem I may have to change my pill. That will be ok though as the reason I'm on this one was because of my high blood pressure..... which I don't have anymore since losing over 3 stone!

Lots of good things in that little ramble I think!

Anyway, the day so far! It is 1115, but we've only been up for 2 hours (Hannah had a long sleep yippee) I have had one food pack and a litre of water so I'm doing fine having just been 2 hours.

We are going to make ourselves a bit more decent, ie out of the pj's and hair brushed lol (into clothes obviously) then we are going to visit Nana (hubby's Nana, Hannah's great gran!) and maybe take her to Asda if she needs it.

I am going to have a big soup (soup and savoury drink together) before I go, whilst Hannah has her lunch and won't drink much till later as its a 45 min car journey and you lot know how it is when you really need the loo.....

I'll try and have another half litre in the next half hour, which should expel itself before we go, I'll have a couple of drinks at Nana's and there will be 2 litres approx left which I'll have to try and drink later. We should be in by about 4pm, so it should be fine.

Toodleoo for now

well, its now 1910, hannah is in her bed having had a fun day!

I thought I ought to get her feet measured, and took her to Mothercare in Aberdeen they have a clarks there. I was a bit miffed to be honest, apart from the fact I didn't like any of the girls shoes, they actually didn't have a pair to fit her in the whole shop anyway! She is a size 5 E, which isn't a particularly weird size.... The excuse used to be 'sorry theres not much until they are size 5' well, whats the excuse now??

I'm also not overly impressed with the way they measure, the place I went last time, which incidently has a better range suited to my taste.. is Shoe-bee-do in Stonehaven, they seem to actually look at the foot as opposed to just relying on the measuring thingy. They told me last time she didn't have a wide foot but had a deep instep which made it appear wider on the measure. So anyway I am going to take Hannah there on Wednesday (my day off).

Its not that I am overly fussy about shoe design, its just Hannah is really active, walks/runs/climbs all day and a pink, or patent shoe really is going to look crap within days. I'm also not big on loads of flowers or bows etc, I don't mind small details but I don't like them all over.

At Clarks today I even looked at the boys shoes but even then they didn't actually have a pair that fitted.

The annoying thing is, for myself I love Clarks shoes! (especially boots!) They are so comfortable and wearable and durable!

Anyway, back to the diet!

I still have 2 foodpacks and about a litre and a half of water still to drink, but its a few hours till bedtime yet so I should get through it. I am going to be slightly naughty and make crisps, which will mean 2 cooked packs today but if it means I stick to it I'm prepared to sacrifice a nutrient or two!

I'll be having my 2 hot chocs later as well, it feels so indulgent!

well, not much to report today!

I've had my water and I've had my packs and I'm going to bed lol!

oo ooh, and I beat Lardass in phenomenal style to become fishing champ! you can tell I needed to distract myself in the arcade can't you??

Hope no one knocks me off my perch too soon! tee hee

confession.... I'm a daily weigher! but I don't worry about the days it goes up, I just log it in my book the days it falls.

Its been gradually dropping just a tiny bit and its finally showed a pound off!

So thats me now 5 pounds left to my mini goal, 9 left to my valentines goal (that I'm unlikely now to make) and 19 in total !! less than 20 yippee!

Well, I'm not feeling so hot....

Have sore throat, my right tonsil is all red and swollen and the swelling is making my teeth, ear and head hurt all on that side. I have taken ibuprofen so hopefully it will kick in soon. Hopefully I will waken up tomorrow and it will be gone! it does sometimes happen that way with me!

Well, I have half a litre of water still to have, and 2 food packs. Off to have some now, its 1920 so I'd better get a move on!

I'm not well!

My tonsils are all red and swollen, and the swelling is making my whole head hurt. I took Ibuprofen, and nearly passed out when I got up this morning. I think it was because I took em on an empty stomache. Not a good idea when I have a 2 yr old to care for. Thankfully wednesdays are my day off!

Anyway, overall I don't feel too bad, but swallowing is hard so the water is gonna be a challenge today.

I want ice cream! Its just a hankering to my youth as my Mum always gave me ice cream when I had a sore throat! Making a food pack with ice isn't really the same though!

Choc shake this morning, I'm having it hot and its quite soothing, then we are going to get dressed and go out. I want Hannahs feet measured and nip to the chemist and see if they have a spray for my throat as we are not allowed lozenges on this diet!

no water yet:sigh: can't face it... may have the full lot with flavourings today and all warm it maybe a bit more soothing.

OOOOH excitement though, my scales dropped another pound this morning! thats 18 in total left to go, 4 to my last stone and 8 for my valentines challenge!

May make it yet! I will extend my valentines deadline to the end of that week on the Sunday and it gives me the best chance!

well yesterday and today have been rubbish! Swallowing has beed such an effort, I ended up having 3 packs yesterday instead of 4, and managed hardly any water.

Today swallowing is marginally more comfortable, but its still a struggle!

Hoping to manage my 4 packs today and even 2-3 litres of water would be great. I think its unrealistic for me to manage it all at the moment, but I guess its more important to have my packs? not really sure about that...

Anyway I have my meeting this evening, I have aready phoned to say I will just be popping in as I don't feel well. I'll just be getting weighed and getting my packs and coming home I think!

Well I've had nowhere near enough water, I still have a food pack to go and I can't really face it. I'm going to try and have it as surely however much I manage is better than skipping a whole one.

Hope I can swallow better tomorrow.

Had my weigh in tonight and lost 2 as expected thats what my scales showed. I am hoping for a 'good' week next week as I have a period at the moment and have all this swelling goin on at the mo, so I think perhaps under different circumstances this week could have shown 3 or 4, but I don't suppose I will ever know!

This is a nightmare! I thought I was getting better and then I spent most of last night in the bathroom!

Diet wise I am not tempted to eat especially since (tmi alert) I got to see last nights choc shake in the early hours... I can't drink the amounts of water I should, a watery pack just makes me feel sick. I have just made a muffin to try that and I have bars this week so I'll have one of those. I know it means cooking too many packs but I am going to make crisps for later. Surely its better eating (and keeping down) a cooked pack than not at all.

If I had the choice I'd be having nothing at all but I'm trying so hard to do the right thing!

xxx:cry: :( :confused: :mad: :sigh:
Sorry to read that you're having such a hard time!! :( :sigh:

I think you're right - it must be better to have too many cooked packs than not enough packs.

Are you managing to get your two litres of water down? Since you've been throwing up it's even more important to make sure you drink otherwise you'll get dehydrated and that will make you feel worse... :( I know it's not easy to make yourself drink when your'e feeling ill though. :( :sigh:

Maybe you could make ice lollies with the water flavouring? Perhaps the cold would soothe your throat a bit... :confused:

I hope you manage to get plenty of rest this weekend, although if Hannah is anything like my two that might be tricky.;) :)

I hope you're feeling better really soon.
{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}
Thanks Anna, I'm really struggling with the water and I've actually found myself craving water which must be a sure sign of dehydration. I can't have the flavourings just now as they just seem to irritate my throat but I actually am enjoying plain water because I am craving it. The problem is it hurts so much to swallow that I just can't have enoughh of it. Maybe you have come up with an idea though.... ice cubes! Could be nice and soothing!

I've not been in the bathroom (other than ordinarily!) since about 10 this morning so I am hoping that part is over, but still feeling all woozy and yucky.

I've still only had my muffin and bar, but thankfully they didn't unsettle me. Going to try some crisps, I'll need to crunch them down to nothing so I can swallow them lol.

Thankfully Hannah is a fairly good kid (for a 2 yr old) She doesn't constantly need played with, but she has been getting annoyed at me for hardly playing at all.

Hopefully tomorrow will see me on the mend, I sincerely hope so anyway.

I meant to say though, even though I've not been having everything I should I still think I have achieved something over these days. I haven't caved in to comfort food which would have been so easy, the prospect of food packs hasn't been appealing, but I'm sure I could have talked myself into eating other stuff had I wanted to.

Well today has been much improved! Still a bit under the weather but getting there.

I have discoved if I slush up ice cubes and add a little water flavouring, I can swallow lots more than when its just water so that is a saviour! Its very soothing and actually feels indulgent!

I managed all my packs yesterday although 2 out of the 3 were cooked but that seemed better than not having them. Today I have had 2 packs, but I still can't face a shake yet....

My weight has plummeted a bit on the scales to 9 st 3 (my own scales, my ticker shows my official LL weight) but I'm not going to read much into it as it may go up again now I am on the mend. However it could be right as I lost 2 pounds last week but I thought it should have been more, I was menstruating and had all the swelling in my neck so maybe....

hee hee all excited! if its stays off and I lose one more I will be down to my last stone!!!
