Tuesday Weighers

Thanks Laura, all you said makes perfect sense, I'm not juicing veg so then it is totally free

I have one banana in the morning purely for the one third super free but also I'm aware eating too much bananas is not good for you and I wouldnt do that
Ahhhh sure why would anyone juice veg? That's just mental!

Bananas aren't super free though Orla.... :(
I saw them too, they definitely are. I only realised this a few months ago when my former consultant said it at group, I was shocked
When did you get your book Laura, I joined in January 2013 and definitely they are listed on page 10
Bananas are superfree but are not a speed or superspeed food x
Yeah I knew they werent super speed, the only foods that super free and super speed are melons and some berries
Laura, maybe you misread it like I did? I thought because it didn't have the little symbol next to it that it wasn't super free but it is, the symbol means super speed, which bananas are not.
Funny Amanda, I was thinking the same as you but once it is listed on page 10-12 (on my book) then it is super free
I've been good for the most part. Finding it harder to lose though so I don't know what to expect tomorrow! Good luck, hope you get your award! It's such a nice feeling.
Awwww Tanyalina sorry to hear that. All bad things seem to come at once. Just take some time, get yourself better and then give yourself a nice fresh start! You are capable of losses that I can only dream of so get back on it as soon as you're up to it! Hope your grandad is ok x
* week about to hit so just dont know, was kinda off plan yesterday but nothing too bad
Laura, don't worry, I thought for ages it wasn't superfree, I thought the same about blueberries. It was only when I came on here that I found it I was (thankfully) wrong! But yeah you should limit bananas though. I have just the one every day.

Anyway I have been mega good this week except for snaffling a bag of crisps today, but that MIGHT just be within my syns. And I went out on my bike twice this weekend and have done 74 lengths in the pool tonight. But it isn't a free pass to a guaranteed loss.
I think I am just nervous because I've never been below 13 stone and every time I get close I rebound back up. I would love for today to be the day that doesn't happen! I was slightly over my syns on Saturday but I've been good every other day and I walked LOADSA this week. Just desperate for it to be enough! Going to drink a tonne of peppermint tea today!
Laura, I look back over the last few months and I have been the same only thing for me is that I'm mega stressed and I reckon that alone is what was causing me to fluctuate but once I stopped worrying my losses have been steady and good

I know it is easier said than done but try to forget about it and just do your normal day and go to class like it is stress free and fun to be at, fingers and toes crossed you will be in that 12 st bracket soon (please bring me with you)