Tuesday Weighers

Forgot to mention - bought a 6-week countdown this week after reading on here how it saves me a week every time. Thanks to whoever that was - it had never occurred to me! Daft question though - does that mean I don't have to queue at the pay station before weighing, or do I still have to do that? The queuing just about kills me lol.
I dont know can I live without my slimming world chips, its what makes my day knowing I'm having them, I will be having a soup everyday and I have my mushy pea curry ready now so hopefully * week will come today and that way at least I know that won't affect my weigh in next week

Just wondering has anyone ever noticed that having the weighing machine on carpet does this make a difference. Last week we were in another room and the machine was on carpet and our consultant noticed that the losses were huge and I remember actually getting my 5.5st award in that room and this week it was on a wooden floor and there were some serious gains in the room and a lot of people were wondering why, they felt they had a better week
Amanda, you still have to queue to have your card go through the machine, there are stats kept of how many members went through, sorry
Welcome Target140, great to see newbies here, ask as many questions as you would like here, have you been a member before
Orla you could still have slimming world chips on a red day as you could have a weighed amount of potato as a HEB as long as you leave the skins on (and this wouldn't effect whatever HEB you normally have as you get 2 on a red day.
Snow, I would eat a lot of sw chips every day, how much weighed are you allowed
I usually eat 600g potatoes every day, thanks for all the advice lads, ye have cheered me up a lot today and I know you all understand what it is like but part of my emotions is the fact that * week is about to happen, I have never cried so much as I did this morning and I'm avoiding eye contact all morning. I will keep going with the soup and melon and hopefully I will be down a lot next week
I'm just hoping they arrive soon and gone before next class, was texting my consultant and feel a lot better now, my very close friend is doing a life skills course and she is good at seeing how people think and what makes them tick, she was so accurate with me that I actually cried in recognition but just tried to reassure me and I'm feeling good now

Do you know Snow, looking back on my last few posts, I never actually thanked you for all your advice, this place is just as important to me as my own consultant is so I just want to say thank you
I'm going to make myself unpopular and come in with some tough love, but I hope you know my heart is in the right place and I am saying it to help you Orla. You've lost an awful lot of weight by sticking to the plan but it honestly sounds like you're in a rut. Eating the same food day after day and week after week must have you so bored, and it doesn't encourage weight loss. If you don't want to do red days, you still need to change it up a bit. You body is used to melon and mushy pea curry and speed soup and SW chips, you need to surprise your body into burning off some fat. If you really want to stick with EE I would say you need to have a week where you don't eat any of your usual foods. Replace the chips with the SW sweet potato wedges, do some of the casseroles with rice or pasta or mash or baked potato. Try some new soup recipes. Give up melon for a week and have grapes and strawberries instead. I know you're sticking to what has worked so well for you, but from an objective point of view you've been very disappointed lately with your losses and I think it's because your body is no longer recognising that you're making changes. Shaking it up is scary, but you have to think about how the whole plan seemed scary when you started and remember that changes are worth making. You know that saying, that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Take the leap of faith that the plan works outside of patterns you're in at the moment, they could very well be holding you back.

For what it's worth, I am a fiend for the carbs, especially rice and potatoes and I think that's why I do better on a week where I do even 2 red days, and believe me I don't go hungry on those days. Plus you get extra HEXA on a red day so can have milk AND cheese :) Good luck for this week, no matter what you decide to do and remember we are all here for you. I hope you don't mind what I've said.
Laura, I dont mind at all and I prefer honesty because at the end of the day I'm on here to get tips and advice to lose weight, my consultant and my sister say the same thing. To be totally honest, I'm not sure can I do every day where I dont have my sw chips and maybe yes that is a habit I need to break and yes it is a very difficult decision to make. My consultant advised me to do 2-3 days of success express and I think I might try that over the weekend where I am able to cook 2/3 super free. I do actually eat a lot of strawberries due to the fact that they are both super free and an SS food

Will keep trying this way and having the soup anyway and do a big shop where I pick out an actual recipe out of one of my many sw cook books that I never use and see how next week goes as I would have to gear myself up for no sw chips but yes Laura, I actually agree with you and secretly I know why I had such a big gain yesterday

Thank you
You are very welcome Orla - you give so much advice and have done so well. Lots of people have helped me this year and I want to help wherever I can. Is there something you could maybe mix something else up while you are working up towards no chips - I was stuck a while a go and cut out having bread as my b choice - now I try to only have it as a b once a week and though I like to have porridge I try and have alternate b choices once or twice a week just to mix it up so maybe that would be something easier to try?
As someone who was recently stuck in a rut, I'll tell you what I changed.

I haven't changed what I eat really, just how much I eat. I think my problem was portion size so I've cut down.

* I no longer have a bowl of cereal fit breakfast but wait till I get to work and have a banana (I used to have the banana anyway but realised one day that I didn't need both so this way I get to have my hexb later in the day).

* On weekends I no longer have a whole packet of Savoury Rice for my lunch. It's free, and I used to fill it with lots of superfree which made it even bigger. I still have it now but I have half and keep the rest for another time. It reheats really well. Instead sometimes for lunch on a weekend I'll have a yoghurt & a banana.

* I stopped drinking normal tea at work. I never measured my hexa milk out and it might be that I was having too much, especially with the cereal. Now I have herbal tea at work and normal tea at home.

I don't know whether they worked or not but I've been losing weight recently (fish and chips aside).

I don't think I could give up SW chips and wedges either, I eat loads of them.
Thanks for all the advice, to be totally honest I'm with Amanda on this one, I'm not sure could I give up my sw chips, this alone is the reason I love slimming world but I could change what fruit and veg I eat so that wouldnt be too painful and maybe eat more pasta dishes (not a big rice fan)

Ye have definitely given me food for thought here, thanks very much
I think the important thing is to make changes you think you can live with. There's no point cutting out potatoes if you are going to pine for them for ever more! I'm quite happy with all my little changes although I must confess that it just about kills me to watch my husband scarf down a fish finger sandwich for lunch when I'm sitting there with my banana & yoghurt. :D
I agree Amanda the whole idea of sw is to enjoy what you eat while losing weight but at the same time it is important to change every so often so where is the balance

today I got two grapefruits and I bought a small bag of sweet potatoes so I'm going to try them out not a big fan of grapefruits but I shall try it out