Tuesday Weighers

my first week and lost 7lb so happy
Thanks all! Got SOTW too (2nd week in a row lol, people will start hating me soon :)
Thanks all :) got SOTW again hee hee
good luck everyone x
I drink a small cup of water before 1pm and no more, and if I eat I only have fish or chicken and salad, avoid potatoes at all costs due to putting on a lb compared to morning a while back! Today I'm not eating anything I had an Alpen Light bar at 8am and chewing gum ^.^ weigh in at 5pm...I wish I had morning weigh in!! Would make my life so much easier!
Jumped on the scales this morning to record my starting weight :S

The first hurdle done, got 2 stone to lose! Now to get on the plan and stick to it!

I WI at 9 this morning and I stayed the same from last week. Gutted :-(

Discussing it with the Slimming World lady, it might be because I haven't really been doing the 1/3 of a plate of superfree foods. Plus I haven't been to the gym much this week as its been so hot!!! I must eat more veg this week and see if that makes a difference.

I was annoyed so I had a crunchie today - thats my one chocolate bar treat for the week gone already!!!

I'm thinking of signing up for the 6 week thing next week. Might be an added incentive as I will have paid upfront!
Three off! So pleased, got my 1 and a half stone award too.
3lbs off - really happy wi that :)

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Lost 2 1/2lbs this week! Got SOTW, my 7st sticker but most pleasingly get to upgrade to 'century club' on my minis profile :D
Well done everyone! Managed to loose 1 1/2 this week despite being sooo bloated all day, so.quite happy :)
Over the moon, lost 3.5 this week got 4 stone award and SOW xx