Tuesday Weighers

Good Luck Everyone!
Hi ev1 :),

I lost 1 lb this week, so I now get my 3 stone sticker :p really chuffed with that. Best of luck to you all for today !!

Kay xx
Really good week for me I went back to basics cause I had been sloppy recently and this week lost 4 1/2lb getting my 2 1/2 stone award and won slimmer of the month again so I am really happy hope to get my 3 stone in the next 3 weeks xoxo
Fab losses peeps!

I'm down 3.5lbs this week and got SOTW and SOTM! Only 1lb to go now for my SW 1.5 stone award, hope to get that in the bag next week!
Oh man, I'm so nervous about WI tonight! I've had a really bad week - unplanned meals out (and not even healthy ones!!) and then today at work I've eaten minstrels!! :O :(

I'm going to need all the luck in the world to avoid a gain tonight!
Oh man, I'm so nervous about WI tonight! I've had a really bad week - unplanned meals out (and not even healthy ones!!) and then today at work I've eaten minstrels!! :O :(

I'm going to need all the luck in the world to avoid a gain tonight!

Don't worry we all have good weeks and bad ones, sometimes our bodies take time to catch up. Fingers crossed, all will go well for u tonight hun.

Kay xx :)
Don't worry we all have good weeks and bad ones, sometimes our bodies take time to catch up. Fingers crossed, all will go well for u tonight hun.

Kay xx :)

Thank you so much. I'm just frustrated because I have 2lbs to 2 stone!! I psych myself out whenever I get close to a milestone!! lol! Congratulations on your loss! :D xxx
Well done everyone :)
Just lost 1lb this week which I'm disappointed about as another 1/2 would have gotten me my first stone at SW but I was ill this week had afew days of no food at all and 2 of junk so tbh I barely deserved that 1lb.
Still, i won slimmer of the week again and I'm ready to have an amazing week :):)
Lost 2 and 1/2 pounds this week not sure i deserve it given i had a kfc which means ive finally lost just over my first stone feel like ive been hovering round the same weight for a while been complacent with syns back on plan now. Well done everyone on your brilliant losses :)
Half off last nite. Ok considering over syns last wk. did try to cut back this wk but had workmen in & parents visiting which all equaled stress. B good this wk - no plans.

Well done to all the losses, if u gained, it's a new wk :)
Stayed the same this week but had visitors all week who are still here so hopefully a good week, well done everyone x

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Hi everyone well done on all the losses. :)
Lost 3.5lbs this week in my first week and totally loving slimming world! Feel like I haven't stopped eating!

Was just Wondering how Anniewillo got on?

Thanks everyone,

Kate x
Thanks for liking Kay003. Its such a confidence boost!
Cant wait to have made more profile posts and then maybe I can like you back! :p

Kate x
Hey guys

I unfortunately gained 0.5lbs - I was expecting a lot more of a gain though, so I'm not as disappointed as I could have been. I'm definitely feeling determined to have a big loss this week!!!

Lost 1lb last night...pretty pleased with that. Had a couple of naughty days so got off lightly, this week I REALLY have no plans and my head is back in the game!just 7 more lbs to target.

Well done on everyones great losses :)
Lost 1lb at weigh in. 4lb left to lose again! Hopefully don't do too much damage this week with my bday I'm feeling like splurging! Gonna try make healthy treat choices tho and eat lots of superfree :) I need these 4lbs to go away now