Wednesday Weighers

This week has been ridiculous. Got my stone award then went and had two boozy nights out, a curry and lots of wee squares of chocolate. It's definitely harder this week as I have an exam on Friday so all I am craving is sugar!

Going out for dinner after WI tomorrow, but after that I'm back on track :)

Not going to beat myself up about it, I could always be suprised, ha!

Good luck for tomorrow guys! <3

Lost 3lbs! Even after eating all that rubbish, obviously having that hour swim did me the world of good.

& I also got my club 10! First time I've seen 10 stone 12 in AGES. 2 stone off, here I come!
I lost 5lbs!! Dont really know how but SO chuffed! It was definitely the motivation I needed! :) x
I put 1.5 on, but it's not entirely surprising given my weekend!

Oh well, that still works out to 1lb lost over 2 weeks, which is my average!! Am going to try my hardest to get that gain off though!!
I lost half a pound this week, am happy with that as am currently off work sick so am not as active as usual due to an injury.
Am just so pleased that i have stuck to the plan and not put on :D
Another loss of 0.5lb this week. I suppose I should have been pleased but since I put on 0.5lb last week I feel as if I've done nothing for the past 2 weeks............!

Oh well - next week is my * week and I tend to do well, so I am going to make a huge effort and hopefully I will get a good loss.
Aw man! I sts AGAIN - this means I have lost one and a half measly pounds since Christmas....I'm really getting fed up. My consultant told me to go away and have a bad week - can't say I really rate that advice, although she is nice.
I know it's going to get harder and harder but I am getting annoyed - especially as I'm paying good money! I mean, I still enjoy the SW plan, but I'm really getting to the stage now where I think, what's the point? My motivation is really flagging now. Since Christmas I've been faffing around with the same pound. One week, my consultant told me to do a red week - well, I'm vegetarian so I didn't really want to. She said, it's not about meat. So do I just eat vegetables then? I thought well, i'd rather do the Atkins then and get to eat cheese too! (even if I know Atkins isn't healthy and SW is) By the way, i didn't go down the Atkins road but once again, this evening I'm thinking about it!
I'm the first to admit, I'm a lazy bugger. But I have been trying to do a bit more walking.
I have showed the consultants my diaries - she says all is well and I'll have a breakthrough soon.:sigh:
Anyone been in this position? I didn't want to just lose a few pounds and get down to pleasantly plump. I wanted to be slim.......:(

You do seem to be having a hard time of it. If you are showing your diarys to the consultant and she says everything is OK then I don't think it can be that.

I have been doing this plan for a looooooog time, and tend to have months where nothing is happening.

I do try to shake it up a bit then by eating different things (I do tend to stay in a rut with my 'favorite' meals) and have even done the express success for a bit. I did have a good loss that week but then ended up staying the same for the next month or so after. :rolleyes:

What about buying the magazine and following the weeks suggested food plan - I know it may be difficult since you are a vegetarian, but maybe you can adapt any menus with meat in them for quorn.

Other than that - maybe she is right by saying have a non SW week. Sometimes I think we can get too rigid with ourselves. Again, I remember staying the same for ages...... really p*ssed off so one day I ended up with pizza, garlic bread, red wine - the works. Next week at WI I lost 5LB (my biggest loss ever). God knows how it happened (& I don't advocate doing it every week) but sometimes I think we do need to give our bodies a jolt.
I lost 5lbs!! Dont really know how but SO chuffed! It was definitely the motivation I needed! :) x

well done you!! :D,
well done on your loss today too :) you follow red/green/ee?

im struggling a bit recipe wise..bit bored of what i cook/eat lol....

have a good week!
It's going to be my first week this week, the 31st is pay day so no excuse not to go along and get started.

I know the extra easy plan inside out but feel the classes will help give me the boost I need. It's not so much willpower that I struggle with, mostly I just don't believe I can do it.

I thought this forum might help too :)
Will somebody smack me round the head very hard. :(

I have had a really good week - syns around 8 per day. As its also my * week (which is when I get my best losses) I am really hoping for a good loss tonight at WI - hoping for at least 2lb.

Anyway, stupid, stupid me jumped on my bathroom scales this morning for a sneak preview (they are actually quite good and usually very close to WI scales) and it looks like I have stayed the same. :mad:

Now I know its not my 'official' weight, and things could change before tonight (although I know you go 'up' during the day and not 'down') but I am just so frustrated :cry:

Why did I have to jump on the scales - really ruined my day..............:cry:
Carolynn, my day didnt start too well either!

My weigh time IS on a morning, before I get in the shower etc.

So - I have to admit that I can get a bit obsessive about things, and I KNOW that I shouldnt be doing this but I did anyway because I couldnt resist.....anyway - I have been on the scales every morning over the past week, and things were looking really good! consistently good, so when I got on them this morning, I was expecting to see 13st 5lbs which is what my scales have been telling me I have been going down to over the past week......

lo and behold, this morning I am 13st 9lbs! exactly what i was this time last week. My boyfriend could hear my howl from three rooms away.

I know I am being ridiculous weighing myself everyday. I have even worn the battery out so now I cant weigh myself at all. so when I buy my new battery - I will not be putting it back in my scales until next week.

What a prize moron!

good luck to everyone else xx
I know we 'shouldn't' weight ourselves at home, and I truly understand the logic of weighing yourself on SW calibrated scales at the same time time every week (I'm the WI lady FFS!) BUT I do like to monitor how I get on through the week.

For me, its not so much counter productive - when I am showing a loss, I feel motivated and want to do even better, and when I'm not doing so well and showing a gain I really want to work harder to get that loss BUT it does affect my general mood.

Because I never do as well as I'd like I tend to get really moody and depressed about it, and that means 7 days a week rather than the single WI day.