Wednesday Weighers

Well I go away to benidorm in June so I've ordered 30 day shred after hearing so many people talk about it in the forums.
I've also decided its time I stopped messing around at class and stuck to it.......I can't remember going & getting weighed n losing 2 weeks on the trot, so new leaf turned and I've been counting everything and I've even been laying off going to the pub

Really hope I can lose some off my belly before in laid on holiday. Me in a bikini is a daunting thought at the minute but fingers crossed I have a good May
I've read the posts on the 30 day shred and it sounds horrific but effective!!!!!

I.m really stuggling this week - have kept to plan apart from a pizza out for OH bday (but it was more salad and veg toppings than cheese at least) but gone up to between 12- 15 syns to stave off the chocolate munchies, and usually stick to 8-10 so am thinking I many not have lost at all
I'll be happy to stay the same this week but would also take a gain on the chin.

Rugby at twickenham doesn't bode well for sticking to plan!
hi lovely ladies, can i join you please? I started SW last wednesday, looking forward to my first weigh in but feel nervous! xxx

I still feel Nervous every week!!!!

Hope you have a fab first week, it really does spur you on to see a loss of any kind.

I still feel nervous every week.....I never can get it right when I feel like I should have a loss I stay same or gain n then sometimes I go get weighed expecting a gain n's a mystery lol
Wednesday is nearly here again...hope everyone has had a good week xx
mariebee1 said:
Wednesday is nearly here again...hope everyone has had a good week xx

I've been saintly this week do I'm hoping to see some reward when I get on the scales or I'm gonna be miffed.
I have tried really hard and feel much more confident this week, I can feel a big difference in my body do hoping it shows on the scales- really want my stone award but that means 3.5lb off so that's quite unrealistic for me... Fingers crossed any ways

Sarah xxxxx
I've been terrible this week. Think I need to see a gain on the scales to give me the kick up the butt that I need. Feel like I'm slipping off it.
Been a good enough week,, hoping for a miracle of 4.5lbs to get my 2 stone award :)
I'll be needing a miracle this week! Been off plan since Sat, a hell of alot of booze has been consumed, cocktails, shots. Got a £15 indian take away on Sunday night (not the good stuff) & couldn't get back on plan yesterday either. I'll be happy with a 2lb gain!
shezam said:
I'll be needing a miracle this week! Been off plan since Sat, a hell of alot of booze has been consumed, cocktails, shots. Got a £15 indian take away on Sunday night (not the good stuff) & couldn't get back on plan yesterday either. I'll be happy with a 2lb gain!

Ive been the same. Allday drinking sat. 2 takeaways. Choc. Crisps ect lol as was my birthday. Weigh in this morning so hoping not gonna gain more than 2 lol
Ive been the same. Allday drinking sat. 2 takeaways. Choc. Crisps ect lol as was my birthday. Weigh in this morning so hoping not gonna gain more than 2 lol

Good luck! i keep getting told it might not be as bad as I think but no one else saw what I was consuming! Let me know how you get on xxx
I was up at 8 making two SW cheese onion pies, one for tea, one for taster day tomorrow, as I'm off for my hair done in a while. I hate early cooking! X


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I'm expecting a gain this week. I'm feeling really bloated and heavy and its not even *week :cry: Then again the food on Sunday at my nieces 4th birthday probably didn't help. I did start out good on carrot sticks, blueberries, other fruit, SW friendly quiche, but then the stress eating started when I hit the point of wanting to tell everyone where to get off and to act like adults as I was sick of the smutty jokes, the snarls between people who didn't like each other, and my daughter ignoring me when I told her to stop doing stuff! Then I started on the pringles (only one at a time, and I bit them in half rather than shoving a stack in like I used to!), white cheese & mayo sandwiches, some indian platter stuff (from iceland apparently), pizza, jaffa cakes...

Then last night I had boiled rice from the chippy, and a portion of curry sauce (although I've only used half of it for syns) while my daughter sat there and stuffed her face with a chicken burger balm & chips smothered in salt & vinegar & ketchup. I was showing a loss on Sunday (wanted to see how much damage the party caused) and now I'm showing a 1 3/4lb gain :( Going to try to stick to all free foods today, and plenty of water to see if I can get things moving again ;)