Wednesday Weighers

Hi ladies, it's my first WI this evening and going by my own scales I haven't lost a thing. :sigh: TOTM due on Friday as well so I'm presuming that's what's stopping me. Am trying to stay positive as I stuck to the plan religiously! Am actually quite nervous about this evening now!
2.5lbs off this week - thats my first half stone gone!!

Positive thinking! Do you feel like you have lost weight? Sometimes you cant feel it has gone but it has gone from somewhere!

Let us know how you get on! x

Well I don't know about lost weight haha I feel much better, like I'm eating properly, cooking etc. Plus I haven't spent any money on snacks/takeaways so am LOADED! Will do :)

Laura you will be fine if you have followed the plan hun - good luck

100% all the way :D thanks!

Fret not Laura :)
My totm and I actually feel like a whale ready for wi..

Good luck :)

Thank you, good luck to you too! I'm sure you'll be fine! Wondering where my TOTM... :/
Good luck Wednesday weighers! Worried I haven't lost this week. Been really good all week just don't feel thinner :(
4.5lb gone in my first week back since coming out of hospital <3 so happy!
I'm getting worried about my weigh in. When I weigh myself at home the scales show me losing more than I do at the meetings and the scales at home show that I have only lost 0.5lb despite not going over my syns all week! eeek!!

I'm going to stop weighing myself at home!
This is why I dont have scales at home! I end up weighing 2-3 times a day! When I was on weightwatchers I weighed every single day, and I started weighing straight before weigh in - but soon got into the habit of deciding not to go to meeting if i hadnt lost! I would say to myself, I wont go this week cos ive gained or maintained, ill have another week to lose it before going back! But it never worked like that, if I missed meeting I got complacent and thats where it all went wrong for me at WW I think (That and the fact that the more weight I lost, the less food I was allowed to eat, and ended up always being hungry!)

I refuse to have scales in the house anymore as I dont want to do that to myself again!

So, now I HAVE to go to weigh in, to see how well ive hopefully done, or how bad the damage is!

I'm not one for weighing myself constantly but I saw them earlier and I am the most impatient person ever!! I will always go to meeting though because I go with my boyfriend.

Anyone else get the sweats on seconds before stepping on the scales?
Just got back from WI. 15st, 1lb off. Bit miffed not to be back in the 14s but will be there next week!

1lb is a loss so well done :)) bring on next week eh!
4.5lb loss this week and SOTW - happy me!
well done all you Wednesday weighers that have already weighed in this week 0- some good steady losses :)
-2lbs for me this week so very pleased with that, only 3 to go til I'm in the magic 10s.

Keep up the good work - we can do it!
Hi guys, I've been about the forum for ages now and was a Sunday weigher (did it alone) but tonight I joined group so was hoping to join this thread if that's ok?
I weighed in at 9st 0.5lbs eek! I was 8st 7.5 at Christmas! The consultant would only let me lower my target to 8st 7 tonight and said 'we'll see' which I don't understand as I thought a bmi of 20 was considered healthy so I imagine ill lower my target again but I'm going to change my target on here again ton 8st 7 when I get the chance to get on the comp. here's to a good week!
5lb lost this week!!! 2 stone 4 1/2 pound in 10 weeks :) xxx
-2 lb for me this week. I've had 3 good losses in a row now, enjoying the plan and not stressing about it like I was at the start :) I think this is helping the most.
1lb off for me tonight. A bit miffed as I had a really good week :( oh well a loss is a loss!