Wednesday Weighers

I'm the only one who has gained this week, double boo hoo
I will soon be changing that- the dreaded post holiday gain, still I need to know so I can get on with getting the pounds off again... Hurry up 6:30 (I'm social team so I weigh first ;))
Oooo I know! Tell me about it! I want to lose 2lb tonight too so I've lost a stone in 4 weeks! I can never judge it either though so just wait until tonight! Nervous times! X
-2.5lbs - Got my club 10 and am 0.5lb away from 1.5 stone :)
As suspected a 1.5lb gain, so I pledged a 5lb loss for next weigh in.

Well done everyone.

+5.5lbs holiday gain, really pleased with that, was expecting 8lbs at least!
+4 for me after a trip away to Germany. Still in Target range. Will have that off next week. Worth every pound.

Well done to all the losers :)
Not been for a couple of weeks but maintaining. Lots of festivals and going to family so swimmimg regularly and keeping track of what I eat. Will keep on here though and weigh in. X
3lb loss - that's 1 stone in 4 weeks :D

also slimmer of the week and slimmer of the month!
1 off for me, better was so good this week too, maybe next week I'll get my elusive 3 stone
Well done on the great losses!

ggrrr I'm so annoyed! I've worked hard this week at the gym and swimming and been sticking to plan and still managed to gain 1lb! Had some great losses in previous weeks though! I've added my syns up tonight for this week and I've only had 40 for the whole week. I also feel like I haven't eaten as much this week so I don't know whether that has something to do with it!

Oh well... Onwards and upward from tomorrow!!!
I've been so busy this week, not had a chance to post... I lost 1lb this week so still to reach that elusive 1stone Mark! But I am now in the 15s and that feels great.

I must admit... I don't think that 1lb is an honest one! My weigh in jeans (lol) were in the wash so I wore my black trousers, which are way lighter! So it's more likely I really sts, but I've been weeing loads since then and don't feel so bloated, so fingers crossed for next week! I'm back to dayshift next week too, so I have to suffer the lovely smells from the works canteen :( I might go out at lunchtimes lol