Wednesday Weighers

Its scary lol - apparently its harder to maintain than it is to lose. I want this gone by Easter so I reckon 1lb a week for next 4 would be good any more would be brill then it gives me a little bit of room to play with on Easter weekend when Kathryn (Mrstore) is coming to visit whoop x

Oooooh so close - u've done so well - I'm sure u'll be a slim, fit Easter Bunny!! Bet u'll crack maintenance too - we'll all be foll ur progress and looking for tips when our turn comes (when???)
It's the award you get for keeping three pounds within target for twelve months :)


That's super Well done, we have 3 target members at group and they all say staying at target it harder than the weight loss ekk!

How have you found it?

That's super Well done, we have 3 target members at group and they all say staying at target it harder than the weight loss ekk!

How have you found it?

It has its own challenges. You obviously cant return back to your old style of eating because you will return back to your old weight. I dont want to be that person who lost loads of weight and put it on again. Ive read so much on here, and heard about it from others. I really love being the weight i am right now. I dont want that old me to come back. I also get the impression that losing it a second time is a lot more difficult. I cruised from my 21st9 to 12st9 at a fairly even rate. It took thirteen months, and no real blips.

No, what i do is i keep much of the lessons that SW has taught me. So, i still 1/2 superfree every meal, i dont add extra fat or sugar to my meal, i keep a very very keen eye on the cheese and milk i have, and i weigh out my bran flakes.

I will have treats, actually i have lots of treats. But i try to appreciate them more. I wont buy a four pack of double deckers for £1, because i know i will eat all four, but i will buy a single one now and then. I try not to over eat bread. I dont get takeaways. I'll make my own food. Even though much of it might be high syned.

Its harder to keep to the SW plan all the time while at target, depending on how i have been, ill either keep to 30 syns or i'll make sure i dont go over 2,000 calories.

Every wednesday still has the ritual though, with the weigh in. If I've been bad during the week, i will try to limit my food intake for the monday and tuesday. Not so much a food fast, but definitely a drop.

The difficulty is you are no longer achieving. You have got to the top of the hill. Slimmer of the weeks are rare (though i managed to get one three weeks ago), slimmer of the month even more so. No more half stone awards. No more "two pounds off again this week, what kept you motivated to lose?" type questions.

Ive been over my three pound target weight band once, and below it once (each time you are given a grace week to get back into target). Weighing every week keeps me alert and it also allows me to fire back the "you are still losing weight" comments i get now and then. Even though i'm not.
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Gazter, as a bloke who has lost over 9st in 11 months (very well done, I'm so jealous!), what advice can you give for those who are finding i hard to stick to SW like myself. I absolutely love my food, but I'm a fussy eater so there's some things I just never eat because I don't like them. This seriously limits the type of stuff I make myself and I get bored of the same things day in day out. I have 4 months until a holiday and 7 months until my 30th birthday. I would love to have as much off as possible, but sicking to SW is the problem. There's so much temptation around everywhere. I'm also not losing that much on it per week and some weeks even when I believe I've been very good I just stay the same which is disheartening. It's insprigin to see another bloke having done so well on SW and I only hope I can emulate your success. :)
I'm a new Wednesday weigher :) hoping for 2lb a week for the next 2 weeks to get to my 2 and a half stone before I go away on holiday for a week!! Eeeek so anxious about being good on holiday!
I'm a new Wednesday weigher :) hoping for 2lb a week for the next 2 weeks to get to my 2 and a half stone before I go away on holiday for a week!! Eeeek so anxious about being good on holiday!

Welcome and good luck - 2lb a week sounds realistic - I'd suggest u focus on that - then keep posting and nearer the time ask here if u need ideas for ur holiday - try and think of the old saying - we only have 1 life - enjoy it!!
Gazter, as a bloke who has lost over 9st in 11 months (very well done, I'm so jealous!), what advice can you give for those who are finding i hard to stick to SW like myself. I absolutely love my food, but I'm a fussy eater so there's some things I just never eat because I don't like them. This seriously limits the type of stuff I make myself and I get bored of the same things day in day out. I have 4 months until a holiday and 7 months until my 30th birthday. I would love to have as much off as possible, but sicking to SW is the problem. There's so much temptation around everywhere. I'm also not losing that much on it per week and some weeks even when I believe I've been very good I just stay the same which is disheartening. It's insprigin to see another bloke having done so well on SW and I only hope I can emulate your success. :)

I made a mistake, it was thirteen months not eleven, i have edited the original post :)

Start from first principles. The plan *does* work. The more you have to lose the more it will work, the more you up your exercise the more it will work.

I found that making my favourite meals but in a SW way helped me. I loved sausages, i got my local butchers to make them with lean meat. So i have free sausages, or nearly free. I controlled myself at the supermarket. I no longer saw or cared about the foods that werent on plan. I dont drink booze anyway, I replaced my coke drinks with diet drinks.

It's important that you buy into it. That you commit to the things. Count the syns on everything.

Start an exercise programme. I did couch to 5k.
1.5lb off last wednesday, taking my loss to 3st 1lb and getting my 3st award, I weighed in at dead on 11st, so desperately hoping that this Wednesday I will be able to get into the 10's!
I joined slimming world after chrismas and have lost 19.5lb so far I hope Iv lost 1.5lb this week for my stone and half ? x