Wednesday Weighers

being good today :angeldevil:
so far
If I don't have a good loss tomorrow I might cry! I have been 100% since last WI, I have averaged ten syns a day and I have eaten more super-free than you could shake a stick at!
Yeah i just hate talking cos i am embarrassed. I tried posting on my groups fb page but noone answered x

Thats a bit pants for you if theyre not going to reply!!

Do you do Green because you dont eat or have a lot of meat? Have you tried Extra Easy?

If you have the books from class or have access to SW online thats invaluable and gives you a list of HEX's on all plans - failing that your consultant should always reply to calls or texts never be afraid to ask, its what you pay them for at the end of the day
Good luck at WI today everybody!
Happy Weigh-Day!!! :553:
Stayed the same - mega fed up - but will have my usual few treats today and get back on the wagon in the morning - good luck to everyone else!!
Hi - I stayed the same - mega fed up - well will carry on regardless - good luck to everyone else!!
Stayed the same - mega fed up - but will have my usual few treats today and get back on the wagon in the morning - good luck to everyone else!!

I feel your pain!!! I've been the same weight for the last 3 weeks.
Better than a gain though! *hugs*