Week 13 results

yasmin i'm fiona and new to this and you are an inspiration hope i have your stamina to keep at it .well done so far , i'm looking forward to those smaller jeans too.
Thank you very much. I started wearing size 18 jeans, now I'm size 14. Very pleased about that.

People are different though according to their frame. You see I have wide hips, so you and me could be at the same weight and same height, but we could be wearing different size clothing.

Wow, well done! You're doing brilliantly!
I have HUGE hips and am currently in size 20 jeans (loose round waist though) and size 18 tops. I am 14 stone 10ish at the mo (weigh in on Thurs)
I hope I'm in size 16 at 12st ish.
Would be happy with that!
Keep up the good work, you're an inspiration to me!
Helen x