WeeMo's Diary

yay for you, well done, keep going hun, you'll reap the rewards xxx
Thanks Bayside and Rainbow xx

Well so far so good, still 100%, I know I have the rest of the day to go but am doing Extra Easy and have my dinner and snacks sorted! I am also determined to stay away from the scales this week, got my hubby to take the battery out and told him not to give it to me under any circumstances until Friday.

Still not feeling great though so will have to go back to the doctors tomorrow, think I need antibiotics.
Morning Mary - hope you had a lovely weekend. Great idea to get hubby to hide the battery!! Loving that :)

Here's to a good week for you chick.
Love Jay xx
Morning Weemo I hope that you are feeling better today. I had a 1lb gain this week so determined to get it shifted this week.

Hun don't be down on yourself for having a gain, I know it might sound mad but when you are not feeling well and not wanting to eat quite often you do weigh more as you body is trying to compensate. You will be fine this week you'll see.

I have only had one blip this weekend and that was going to see Prodigy as I drank rather a lot but then yesterday we went for a 1.5 mile hike with the kids which I felt a lot better for. We have decided to do that every Sunday now as it is so good for all of us including the dog (and next week I get to push the buggy up the steep inclines yeah!!!).

Its my mums birthday today and as is the tradition in our family I'm baking her birthday cake this afternoon. I got 6 punnets of strawberries in Sainburys yesterday for £2.50 (mega cheap) so I think it will be victoria sponge with strawberries and cream - I'm only having a tiny slither though I promise!!:D
Morning Mary - hope you had a lovely weekend. Great idea to get hubby to hide the battery!! Loving that :)

Here's to a good week for you chick.
Love Jay xx

Thanks Jay ~ I am tempted to weigh myself but I refuse to ask him for the battery as he said I won't be able to stop weighing myself ~ trying to prove him wrong!! Hope you have a good week too xx

Morning Weemo I hope that you are feeling better today. I had a 1lb gain this week so determined to get it shifted this week.

Hun don't be down on yourself for having a gain, I know it might sound mad but when you are not feeling well and not wanting to eat quite often you do weigh more as you body is trying to compensate. You will be fine this week you'll see.

I have only had one blip this weekend and that was going to see Prodigy as I drank rather a lot but then yesterday we went for a 1.5 mile hike with the kids which I felt a lot better for. We have decided to do that every Sunday now as it is so good for all of us including the dog (and next week I get to push the buggy up the steep inclines yeah!!!).

Its my mums birthday today and as is the tradition in our family I'm baking her birthday cake this afternoon. I got 6 punnets of strawberries in Sainburys yesterday for £2.50 (mega cheap) so I think it will be victoria sponge with strawberries and cream - I'm only having a tiny slither though I promise!!:D

Hi Shirley, still not feeling 100% but getting there ~ got antibiotics today and also have to watch what I eat to see if it is a specific food that is triggering my symptoms. With that hike Shirley that little 1lb will be gone (and more!!). Glad you had a good time at the concert. Hope you have a lovely day for your mum's birthday, strawberries and cream sounds delish! xx

3 100% days completed ~ every little nibble that passed my lips has been recorded, only used 21 syns over the weekend which is a big achievement for me!! Taking one day at a time and aiming for 100% each day. Have had a green and 2 EE days so on a red to-day. Going to work soon and planning a long walk in the evening.
Glad you are feeling a little better weemo, I hate having to watch food to see if it is triggering IBS, I do know that milk will make me ill though (but can drink milkshake from mcD without any side effects - strange) so I have to avoid that or my IBS goes into hyperdrive.

You have done really well to only have used 21syns, lots to use for the rest of the week then!!!! x
Reading with interest! Well done on your weekend syns. I am sure your 100% will reap rewards :)
Thanks Shirley and Hellie :D:D

Another 100% day completed ~ yay! Still have tons of syns left though did use some on salad dressing and a bag of cheese curls!

Was feeling a bit low :sigh: earlier thinking about how much weight people have lost on here whilst I have just lost a paltry 5lbs :eek::eek:but when I mentioned this to my hubby he kindly pointed out that I had lost 1 stone before joining SW so that cheered me up no end! To be honest I never thought of counting it (don't ask me why~probably because I wasn't on a diet as such, just healthy eating and it was over a long period of time!).

Looking after the twins tomorrow after nursery finishes so that will keep me busy! Got them Bolt to watch, can't wait to see it! If it's a nice day I might prepare a picnic and go for a walk. Can't wait to feel better so I can get back into exercise again :rolleyes: ~ paid the holiday to-day so just about 12 weeks to get in shape :eek::eek::eek:
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Another lovely day so taking the twins to the park and will have a picnic. Hoping I will get a loss on Friday but I'm not sure, I feel bloated and stuffy. Hoping to upload some photos of me at my heaviest or there abouts so that I can see how well I have done so far and it will be great to upload one when I'm at target.
Hi Mary , how are you doing, well done on your 100%, i'm going to try for a 100% week from today. I will look forward to your pics, i will need to upload some too. Keep up the good work!! xx
Hi Mary,
I too will look forward to seeing some pics chick. I must put some on of me..... everyone else has pics on here!
Hope you've had a lovely day, this summer weather is gorgeous :) Keep with the 100% - I'm proud of you!
Jay xx
Hi Mary , how are you doing, well done on your 100%, i'm going to try for a 100% week from today. I will look forward to your pics, i will need to upload some too. Keep up the good work!! xx

Great to see you back again Betty :D, good luck with the 100% week.xx

Hi Mary,
I too will look forward to seeing some pics chick. I must put some on of me..... everyone else has pics on here!
Hope you've had a lovely day, this summer weather is gorgeous :) Keep with the 100% - I'm proud of you!
Jay xx

Awww thanks Jay :eek:, must say I'm quite pleased with myself too for staying on plan, still having my treats but synning them. xx

Another sunny day and I'm off to window shop with my mum and have a spot of lunch. Might call in at the local forest park and go a walk on the way home. Yesterday was another 100% day and to date have used 42 syns so gives me some to use today and tomorrow. I don't actually feel any thinner but will have to wait and see ~ am having withdrawel symptoms at not being able to weigh myself!!

Have put on some piccies of me (in my profile album) when I was nearly at my heaviest (late 2007) I was approx 10stone 3lbs, one of me in January this year when I had managed to lose a stone by healthy eating (9stone 3lbs ~ my SW joining weight) and then one of me when I was about 9stone 7lbs back in 2006. To be honest I don't have many of me when I was at my heaviest, tried to avoid the camera ~ that is why I only seem to have photos of myself when on hols! Now all I need is one of me at 8 stone ~ hopefully Ibiza 2009!!
Morning Weemo, congrats on your 100% days you are doing really well.

I'm doing terribly and had lots of cake on Monday and had yorkshire puds with my dinner too. I so was determined to have a "good" day yesterday but ended up having a "99" and 2 danish pastries at Callums sports day! I just couldn't stop eating last night I was searching the kitchen at 11pm for something to snack on!!

So, Today I AM going to be good and eat well, I am only allowing myself a few syns in order to claw back some from Monday and yesterday! Saying that I went for a mile walk yesterday so maybe not that bad. I don't understand it though I really want to have some more weight off by the 2nd july but I am still eating totally off plan! Why do we do it?? :confused:

You are just right to add your 1st loss pre plan as at the end of the day you have lost it. Don't be harsh on yourself about taking your time losing the weight, I have taken ages too but its better to do it slowly as the weight is more likely to stay off. Just think you could lose 6lb a week eating very little but it will come back on just as quick. Just be happy that you are heading in the right direction. Your hubby sounds like he is very supportive and level headed. Lucky girl! x
Thanks Shirley ~ hope you get back on track soon hun ~ I do know where you are coming from! I don't know why we do it either, my hubby says it's a woman thing! Good luck for WI on friday xx

Had a great wee day with my mum ~ gorgeous lunch and bought some lovely stuff in the sales, really good bargains for my hols, really pleased :D Came home and made a massive salad which was so scrummy ~ really pleased with myself as I have only used a few more syns today bringing my total to less than 50 with one day to go before WI. Will be interesting to see my WI on Friday cause everyday bar one has been EE which is a first for me.

So have about 20 syns or so for tomorrow and my hubby has suggested we go to the beach and take a picnic so really looking forward to that ~ stopped off at Tesco and got lots of fruit (cherries, raspberries, strawberries, grapes ~ all 69p in their reduced aisle :eek:) and other healthy nibbles ~ really looking forward to it!:D:D:D
Hey Weemo, I hope you have a great day today. Good going on the low syns!

I had a good day yesterday and had no syns and going good today, will probally have a few this afternoon, but still under total syns per week which is good. I'm really not looking forward to wi tomorrow, I am really trying to get a loss but I don't think I will, I am going for a walk tonight and then again on sunday in the hope that I will have something lost before I go on Thursday morning!! I'm getting desperate now!!!!!:rolleyes:

I'm glad you got some bargains in the sales, I haven't been out looking yet as we had to buy Jon a new suit at the weekend and with the christening and flying over there for 6 days money is being allocated elsewhere!! I'm having to buy a new car in august - just before my brothers wedding so I might have to wait until the winter sales at this rate!!!! At least I will have to get something for the wedding so I can have a field day then!
Hi Mary,
I really have my fingers crossed for you for WI tomorrow, you so deserve a cracking loss with the week you've had - looks like we are all pretty fired up at the moment, I need to be. The support of you guys really helps.
Will be checking in tomorrow, I haven't been able to be around that much later and I've missed catching up with you all. Work sucks sometimes ;-).
Catch you later.
Jay xx
good luck for your WI Mary, sounds like you have really stuck to plan this week so you deserve to do well:)
Morning Mary, Good luck for the WI. You deserve a big loss as you have done so well this week and stuck to plan.

Yesterday I went on my walk with the OH and kids as planned however 1.5 miles in half a hour turned into 5 miles and 2 hours!! We got a little lost exploring some new trails in our local forrest park. My eldest boy whos 6 wasn't impressed! Thankfully though we had the push chair for our youngest so we didn't have to carry her!! I'm wi just before lunch today so will report in and let you know I get on. Fingers crossed for both of us! x
Hi Mary,
I really have my fingers crossed for you for WI tomorrow, you so deserve a cracking loss with the week you've had - looks like we are all pretty fired up at the moment, I need to be. The support of you guys really helps.
Will be checking in tomorrow, I haven't been able to be around that much later and I've missed catching up with you all. Work sucks sometimes ;-).
Catch you later.
Jay xx

Thanks Jay ~ your support really helps me and keeps me focused ~ hope you have a nice day on Sunday (if I remember correctly it's your daughter's birthday?) xx

good luck for your WI Mary, sounds like you have really stuck to plan this week so you deserve to do well:)

Hi BaysideJ, thank you ~ this is the first week as long time that I have been 100% and it's also my first EE week too ~ hope things are good with you xx

Morning Mary, Good luck for the WI. You deserve a big loss as you have done so well this week and stuck to plan.

Yesterday I went on my walk with the OH and kids as planned however 1.5 miles in half a hour turned into 5 miles and 2 hours!! We got a little lost exploring some new trails in our local forrest park. My eldest boy whos 6 wasn't impressed! Thankfully though we had the push chair for our youngest so we didn't have to carry her!! I'm wi just before lunch today so will report in and let you know I get on. Fingers crossed for both of us! x

All that walking should help Shirley ~ looking forward to hearing how you get on, xx

Well I lost 3lbs and am so over the moon! That was my first week of EE (all but 1 day) so it has made me want to keep on doing it though I will probably throw in a couple of red days.

Had a fantastic day yesterday ~ my hubby and I went to the beach, it was so sunny and relaxing, had a fantastic SW picnic (tons of fruit, chicken, lean ham, other low synned nibbles) and did plenty of walking. Later on I had a small icecream and half a piece of fish and a few chips so that used up all my syns ~ maybe even went over but I used to have 105 syns but cut them down to 84 this week.

It's less than 12 weeks to my hols now and I have 9lbs to go ~ I know it will get harder the closer I get to target but this loss has spurred me on.

My hubby and I are staying at my mum's for the weekend as my brother is away so that will be difficult as she is a fab cook but I am determined to stay on track. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xx