WeeMo's Diary

Thanks Fuzzy and H and I did make some extra to freeze H, thanks xx

At least that is Monday over with :) Diet wise I have been very good, am actually not very hungry today, really tired and my joints are aching, the cold must be making them worse :( Not sure what I am going to have for tea but it will be something very quick and handy! Might make some meals tonight and freeze them, other than that all is very quiet with me ~ going now to catch up on other diaries xx
Hi Mary, well done on making your own burgers. Glad your day is going well food wise. Hope the weather warms up soon, i love the sunshine:)
Sorry to hear your joints are hurting
something I know only too well
hopefully if you can keep them warm it will help
Still not feeling great, have only had half a mug shot (don't know why cause I'm not that fussed on them!) and a banana. Might try some chicken soup for dinner. Busy and horrible day but I'm home now and planning on a nice bath followed by watching TV, I like My Big Fat Diet Show, though wouldn't fancy the diet that they are doing!! xx
Hope you are ok today and have a great one :):)

will try to catch up with you when I am at work

H xx
Thanks everyone :)

Feeling a little better though have a really bad headache and feeling very tired, I did sleep well but feel like I could go back to bed again! Haven't had anything to eat yet but might have a bit of toast. Quick jump on the scales today, sts, so will see what WI on Friday brings. I have been good though haven't ate that much as past 2 days. Nothing much planned to-day, too tired to declutter or too do much so think I will have a lie down in the afternoon before visiting my mum. Hope everyone has a good day xx
Hey Huni I'm glad you are feeling a little better today. I am finally getting back to work today as the snow was really bad with us yesterday and Monday so the school was shut and the roads were so bad I didn't dare venture out. Funny you mentioned your Joints hurting, my hips were agony walking round belfast on Saturday and then again on Sunday. I don't normally suffer much joint pain so it really worried me (didn't stop me wearing a pair of high heels on saturday night though!!).

I hope you have a good day. x
Did someone mention burgers? ;)

Glad you're starting to feel better. I'm not a doctor (despite my initials being D.R. lol), but I would suggest you don't worry about SW or the plan or anything except resting up, taking the right medicine, and lots of water. Got to get yourself better before you worry about SW again.

Good luck :)
Hi hun, how are you, hope you are feeling better xx
Just stopping by to say hello xx
Well done on your loss that is brill - sorry about your job, not so brill :(
Thanks for all the lovely messages peeps *hugs*

Still not in tip top form, my appetite has practically vanished and if wasn't for my hubby making me small meals to nibble on I don't think I would eat at all! Probably picked up a bug and that coupled with my job news has made me feel crap ~ I'm not one for staying down long though!! Just totally exhausted at the moment, I could sleep the clock round. Going to have nosey in other diaries now, then for bed! Thanks again for the visits xx