Time is going soooo slow to my 2nd weigh in! Its on thursday so I have whole day tomorrow to think about it! I dont feel like Ive lost this week, but I felt the same last week to fingers crossed I might be able to crack a smile again! I will be so nervous to step on those scales!! he he! So my target is to lose 30lbs by my birthday, which is May 25th, so that means Ive got roughly 108 days to lose 25lbs he he, thats an average of 0.23lbs per day and 1.62 per week! he he!
It doesnt seem that hard when I put my mind to it! My lovely boyfriend has decided to count points with me to help me on (even though hes 15stone of bouncer muscle!!) he he! So I will look super hot on our second holiday together! Ive started to pick out my hopefully once again sizw 10 bikinis he he Not buying yet, I would rather save the money, and have a big spend when Im at target!!
Every time the sun has came out recently, it's made me smile so much, and think of the real summer to come, with the linens and vest tops, and drinking a nice cool drink on the beach. I dont want to be the person wearing clothes that cover every part of my skin!! My night out also helped, I looked around and the girls were full of energy like I was a year ago, and all looked so tiny against me! I cant wait to be one of those tincy girlies again
Now when I hear dance music I think of this, and it makes me physically smile.
Anywho Im rambling as usual, hope all is well on the dieting front xoxox