Weight loss again

That one glass of wine will be oh so lovely to start with but then it brings a a whole heap of regrets which will last a lot longer than it did to consume it. If tomorrow come around and youre still in ketosis on track and feeling like you passed over the chance on the mini fail, I think you might class that as a bigger treat. No judgement we ve all been there

I love this song and sometimes it helps me stay strong
I really liked the song, dragon. The video is rather touching also..thank you x
Day 39. 69.2kg.
A bit up. Oh well.
Need to focus, focus, focus.
Kicked in another day. With more focus. Took it very very easy though..5k steps, 2.5l water and 3 exantes.
Shopping list for huge delivery on Saturday is coming together as well as plans for getting the house sorted for the fridge delivery tomorrow and wardrobes on sunday. We will have a lot of sorting and cleaning to do plus my batch cooking for food week while measuring up all recipes (Sunday). I gathered I'll only need to do each recipe once in a certain way and it will become automatic to know how many caloriea each portion has. It'll all be frozen im set portions to help me eat on the go when needed.
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Day 40.69.2kg.
Have defo reached a plateau here. That is fine. The alcohol the other day plus extra food may have contributed too hence I am giving it time. Also just want to finish this week on 600 - for the sake of consistency and because I'm finally doing well again. If I don't get a whoosh by Monday at least thats when I start food week anyway so it will be a great opportunity to see if that has any effect on the weight loss. Depending on how that week goes I will decide what strategy I want to stick to going forward - either 600 for another 3 weeks and then 800; or 800 until target; or maybe intermittent 600-800 weeks. Testing the last two seems appealing.
Day 41. 69kg.
Yesterday was a good but tiring day. After work, fridge arrived, moved furniture, cleaned all the downstairs and set the old fridge for defrost. Living room looks lovely now. Today it's time for moving furniture upstairs and actually washing the old fridge. We need to make space for the 2 wardrobes we need to build tomorrow, have the clothes prepped to go it and the kitchen tidy for the large shop due to arrive torrow and my batch cooking. I also cleaned all the pantry nicely and I'm proud of the space i made for future preseves ill be making. Finished yesterday on 3.75l and almost 13k steps. I had 2 exantes in the day and a lighterlife spaghetti bolognese (tastes amazing at 150cals!) with some spinach and an egg for dinner after housework was done.
Together with yourselves here i have 4 more friends telling me to up my calories already as i look mighty slim and that moving to 800 will do me good. My office colleague also told me he's a bit worried for my future health if I don't choose to do that. Points taken but sticking to it for another 2 days albeit i may put some spinach or egg in my meals if my activity levels are this high.
Roll on today.
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So...I said I'd be writing on here the food plan I made for myself going forward. So here are my steps.
Step 1 (current): 600 cals from exante meals and min 1 day of exercise per week (or more if I can). Keep until healthy BMI or within 1 point from it. After food week I will decide if I want to revert to it temporarily or not.

Step 2 (trial starts on Food week1, Monday 6th August). When reaching BMI 25 until i reach target or at minimum 5kg away from target (60kg). 800 cals a day divided into 2 exantes and 400cal keto meals with min 2 days of exercise per week (more if energy and time allows. Steps per day are included).

Step 3. At target (55kg) to help me continue to loose 2-3more kilos for expected bounce back. 1000calories made out of 2 exantes and 600calories of keto food. Increase exercise to 3 a week. This will be the shortest step I expect.

Step 4. When slightly below the target increase to 1200 cals made out of 3 meals a day of 400cals each - i may include exantes here too if i find it easier to manage. Increase exercise to 4x a week.

Step 5 and rest of my life. Switching to here when i see that my weight has stabilised within Step 4 above somewhere between 50-53kg. 1500cal meals made out of 3 meals of 400cals and a 300cal snack. Exercise 4 times a week minimum and more as and when time and weather allows (i.e. cycling to work again which I may actually start slowly from Step 2 or 3). I am not certain I will be able to eat this much every day and I won't promise the snack or some meals wont actually be exantes for the ease of it. But ill see.

I may amend this as I go along and see how I adapt but this is the initial plan.
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Fridge, kitchen all tidy. Guest room and bedroom cleared/cleaned and furniture all moved. Bathroom is my boy's responsibility now. Storing stuff moved to the loft and all washing done and out. Next tasks - clear clothes in wardrobes when thw arrive, cook, and clear the study which received a lot of boxes of thingies throughout the past 2 days. But later all of these.
Man, I am knackered. Been going at it for 10hours. This is where i stop. Still need my dinner!
@Alecto_on_LCD was thinking about you today how is your pain?
Heya! Aww thank you for thinking of me (blush). Thank you for asking.
It's been on off in the week and when On usually at around a 2. So Id class that as fine.
Today/now its pretty bad. Around a 6. Started after i was at about 7hrs in my housework. Doesnt help that muscles are all in pain too but at least that's good exercise. But yeah. Ive slightly overdone it today. I'm gonna do less active stuff tomorrow. While things are boiling im planning a long bath. Then no more housework etc and takin it easy during the week and im gonna get some treats (non food) in place for myself.
Im worried that upping to 800cals is gonna stall my progress even more - not really been making much progress although I am patient without trying much. Thinking about the stall - that's irrational, right? I mean...im being silly because objectively ill still be...400cals minimum under what a human should eat. Right? I'm just being silly surely..
Im worried that upping to 800cals is gonna stall my progress even more - not really been making much progress although I am patient without trying much. Thinking about the stall - that's irrational, right? I mean...im being silly because objectively ill still be...400cals minimum under what a human should eat. Right? I'm just being silly surely..
Not irrational, Alecto. this is important - so we sometimes overthink it. However - Dr Michael Mosley has raised the calories for his 5-2 diet from 600 to 800. He says people still loose weight and find it easier to sustain on the two days they eat 800. So go for it!
Day 42. 68.8kg.
A bit lower. Yay! Yesterday i finished on 11k steps and 5.2l water. Dinner was the same as yesterday - i really like that bolognese with an egg in it. I should order some more 'cat puke noodles' soon as I clearly miss them lol
Week 7 (Food week 1). Day 43. 68.7kg (10.81st, 151.4lb)
Week loss = 0.6kg (1.32lb)
Overall loss = 8.9kg (1.45st, 19.62lb)

Things are getting very slow I see. I will check how this week goes in terms of losses or if I can at least maintain given that I have 3 'break days' coming up - 2 restaurant outings and one BBQ. We finally calculated and we have a whooping 20 people coming to the BBQ so it's going to be pretty massive.

I ended yesterday well after having finished most of the housework. 3 exantes, 6.9k steps, 3.75l water.
I batched cooked a lot for this week and I will have stuff in the freezer, calculated in terms of grams per portion and calories, for easy reach.

Starting today I will have posts about real foods - for anyone reading this who feels peckish and doesn't want to read that sort of stuff.
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Wow, you've caught the busy house bug! Hope all goes well with your plans. I had 800 cal most days last week (ham and babybel because I'm gourmet like that) and had my best loss outside the first week. Body needs what it needs. BBQ in this weather will be lovely indeed... Fingers crossed!
All very organised 🙂 madam, I have gone completely the other way, far far to tired for housework and currently am living in a stig of the dump esque way😉 so am very impressed by you. There isn’t much you can do about the break days so my advise is really enjoy them and then right back at it.
Day finally done. Phew another busy one. In a different than the cleaning-the-house way but..yeah. I did have a couple of drinks by the end of it. Not carby drinks, took it easy, and im not having any more until Saturday and then I'm back on the ball. Otherwise had 2 exantes, the best omelette and salad in the world at just under 400 cals, 15k steps (I was super busy!) and 3.75l water. Got myself some extra vitamin supplements and good skin moisturisers. More busy days ahead so bed time.
Been thinking and it seems to me that I'm falling off the alcohol control wagon. I need to think about that. While trying to not beat myself up about it. Maybe put less pressure on myself to do tonnes of things in a single day? Ensuring I don't go overboard (although I have an extreme energy boost atm) and I have daily chilled me-time. As I went full on for the last few days and that's when it creeps back in. I shall ponder.
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Day 44. Maintain.
Same weight as yesterday. Not bothered - the meal yesterday left me feeling as full as a piglet. Also weirdly although Ive not had TOTM in months (im on a single hormone pill and Ive maybe had it once in about a year) now I have it... Explains the specific and recognisable tummy pain I had yesterday!
Anyhoo. First gp appointment due. Off i go to speak to Mr Doctor.