What are you doing RIGHT now...........?

Waiting for a friend to ring to say she's in for us to catch up for coffee xx
Just about to leave to go to the college for a manicure! I don't do this often but my mum has come to visit so we're having nails done this am and hair cuts this afternoon! :)
Trying my very best to ignore the apple crumble that some kind soul has brought into the office and plonked on my desk! arrrrrgggghhhh!!! :sigh: Hurry up 12 o'clock!!!!
Thinking about last nights dream... ooo er!

It was clean (i think..) but its strange how its made me feel good today
(I do tend to have really vivid dreams that I remember and occasionally have to ask OH if something really happened the next morning - I know this one didn't though as I went to the gym and ran 2 miles for some reason!)
Lol elb, sounds like u had a GREAT dream!!!
I'm collapsed on settee after doing a session of 30 day shred DVD, legs shaky!
Can see how it would get results tho if u stick to it!
I am wondering what to wear when we go out to dinner tonight !!!
I'm checking here and facebook then getting ready to go to WI.
Watching telly and thinking about chocolate. ARRRRGGHH
Cuppa in one hand, on here and one eye on Midsummer Murders! xx
Wishing the clock would hurry up and get to 5pm so I can leave the office while it is still sunny and nice outside :)

And by being on here, I am skiving whilst doing that!!