What happens when you have a tummy tuck?

Im sure once it settles in a few months you will love it.....!
Your body has been through a lot and it will soon adjust and when the skin relaxes a little more I am sure you will be fine.

Thank you so much for posting this, its a great idea to write a diary of the aftermath.

Hope you are feeling much better soon. x
Great Diary of events Mike. I hope too you are feeling better soon. Its good to hear the truth about these types of ops and I do hope that you recover quickly and are pleased with the results. Looking forward to seeing speedo pics soon!
omg drains coming out is TORTURE like someone pulling your insides out and it STINGS so bad internally owwwwwwwwwwwww
they feel sooooooo deep down too, i will NEVER forget that pain urghhhhh awful, they stictched my drain tube to my tummy higher up to stop it moving [the buch of barstewards ]
was not impressed lol
it all sounds pretty awful dont think its for me im a big wuss, will stick with magic knickers ta, there is always duck tape for special occasions haha
I've been absolutely rivetted reading your diary and thank you so much for sharing it with us.

You're a fabulous writer and you definitely have (at least) one book in you...

I'm sure you'll be more positive about the whole experience once your pain has improved. Take care of yourself, and spoil yourself to bits :)
Hi Mike,

What a fascinating thread.

I do hope your'e feeling more like yourself soon.

I just wanted to say about the scars. I know it is not the same, but I had a breast reduction of the NHS 3 years ago. I hated my 32FF breasts (they looked like that character from Titty bangbang!) on my (then slim) 5ft 2in frame.

Anyway, I know all people heal differently, but even with my scars I wouldnt change my boobies now. The scars were red and angry, but now I dont even notice them (faded and silvery). I hated my boobs so much, that even scars, I decided (before I was done) couldnt be worse than they were before.

Once you regain your strength I am sure you will feel great about it. It is normal to feel low after such a traumatic time (physically and emotionally). That fear of 'have I done the right thing?' is what got me most.

Stay strong, relax, dont try to do too much, too soon,and enjoy the time off!!

Take care

Well Mike
I have read this from start to finish and have to say it is DEFINITELY what is needed on this site. I lost 7 1/2 stone on lighter life in 2003 and have horrible loose skin - surprisingly, not particularly on my tummy, but my legs, arms bust - well - just horrible. I have said that when the time comes - money/courage/vanity - I will have some surgery.
I don't feel attractive at all naked - obv nobody would ever know from good clothing - no shorts or swimwear, but hey not everybody wants to strip of like a model when its sunny (ok, so im lying, I would if I had the body for it) anyway, I have looked extensively on web - pictures/stories etc - pm people on here who have had surgery etc. But, what I think everybody considering having something done needs to know is EXACTLY what the deal is.
I just wanted to thankyou for your honest account of how this has gone for you, how you have been feeling with regards to "did I make the right decision" and how this will affect you in the future. I am not saying you have put me off surgery, but that it definitely is not something to be taken lightly and those who have/do not suffer with loose skin will not understand how it can affect your self esteem after achieving so much with large weight loss.
Good for you for having the courage to do this, I do think that maybe a couple of months down the line when things have healed and settled that maybe you will be pleased with the result and it maybe will have been worth all the pain and discomfort you are going through right now.
Take it easy, do as you are told & keep us informed.
Thanks Icemoose. I'm sorry you are uncomfortable and in pain... :patback:you'll be back on your feet in no time I'm sure! :)

I know you are having doubts about having had the surgery, but it's done now, and when you're 100% healed you'll probably be very happy with the results *fingers crossed*

Just think, if you hadn't had it done, you may have spent the years ahead of you wishing you had, and sooner rather than later.

I would like to have this surgery myself, however, plan on having more children in the future and am hoping my tummy will sort itself out to a certain extent... maybe one day....

:vibes:Sending you lots of get better vibes!!!!!!!
Take it easy :hug99:
Mike it will be worth it in the end, and hopefully you will forget about alot of the pain! Hope it becomes bearable soon and bet you can't wait to stand upright!

What a treat to read something that tells it like it is. Written whilst everything is very fresh in the mind. I think you have done us all a real service here Mike and it will make lots of people really understand what a full on op this really is. I wish you fit and well as fast as poss and am sure that in time you will be chuffed with you new tum, but I do appreciate your honesty that even now you are not sure if it was all worth it.

Thanks everyone, I do think that obviously once the wounds heal and it stops hurting that I will be more positive but I definately underestimated in my own mind the operation, I have been saying "Going for a tummy tuck" like I was popping to the cinema but you do need to get your head round what you are really letting yourself in for.

I think maybe in a few months I will be on here saying "Go for it" and that it was well worth it but regardless you definately need to really question is it right for you.


Thank you so much for your honest diary of your op. You really should get it published when you're ready:D There aren't many people who can put so much emotion into print and manage to make the reader feel everything you're feeling.:D

Feeling down is natural after such a huge operation, and for what it's worth, you were right to have it done and I don't think you'll be questioning your decision for much longer.;)
Hi Mike

Just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed reading this account of your op - it does make fascinating reading, as already said you really are a talented writer.

I admire your honesty and I'm sure many people will find this account of your op very valuable in helping them make such a decision.

Hope you feel better soon & keep on writing - we're all hooked :)
Day 1 (The Day Before!)
So off with the kit (apart from the socks!) and they take loads of photos from the front and side, breathing in and out etc etc. I am sure hospitals don't realise that patients don't enjoy this sort of thing as the guy was laughing when I was bending forward which was kind of offputting!
No Mike, of course they know,that's why they employ people with no sense of shame right down to the frankly sadistic to carry out the most undignified bits.
I thought as an NHS employee you of all people would have been let into this secret.
Anyway back to the ward I went (was about 4pm by now) and they had a bed (woohoo!) so I went through a full clerking and pre op assessment, this takes around 45 minutes and covers the basics of weight, height, blood pressure, etc etc and a questionnaire around piercings, teeth etc etc.
so were they offering to do some for you then?
Then around 7pm the anaesthatist came round to explain what was going to happen (they knock you out was about the main bit!) and I had to sign the consent. Basically I was told about the possible side effects of the operation (not waking up but normal things like pain, numbness, irrititations, scar tissue, dog ears, etc etc) and then he went.
Please what are dog ears. Or o put it better, I know what dogs ears are but what relevance have they to your op?
Around 8pm the plastic surgeon came in, he was a lovely guy (Mr Logan if you meet him!) and he came in with a big black marker and pulled round the curtain, 2 minutes later I looked the man out of the world in action start sequence and was covered in black marker, he pulled me about in ways men shouldn't pull other men about and was trying to ascertain how much to cut off! Anyway he left me all marked up and off he went.

I then went to the loo and stood in front of the mirror in just my socks (I must remember just socks aren't good!) anyway the black marks he had marked were from the pubic line (literally above where the pubic hair stops) and then the 2nd line was 10 inches above (yes 10 inches!!), it was definately 10 inches as I measured it with my tape measure I had took with me, I have to say it freaked me out a little as I couldn't see how you could take that amount of skin out and still join me up!
He didi promise to join you up did he?
So then I decided I ponged a bit so grabbed a shower, (you know what's coming don't you!!) anyway while having a shower remembered that after a big operation it can be hard to have a number 2 so decided to have a number 2 so went to the loo, then I kind of lost track of things and went back into the shower with my little radio on and the molton brown out!!
I thought motlon brown was one of those collapsible bicycles!

I dived into bed after being told I was 3rd on the list the next day so could have a lie in until 6:45am!!
Did you manage to get any sleep? suppose I'll have to read on to find out. My guess is what 'not-a-lot'
Thank you Mike for an honest account of your TT. It has been gripping reading. In a few weeks you will forget the pain you have endured and see the benefits.
Irene xx
Mike thanks so much for that really honest account of the op, it's fascinating :)

I hope you take it very easy and let your body recover properly.

If it's any consolation I had an Emergency C Section 5 years ago and the scar has faded massively. You can still see it and feel it but it's not horrific :)
WOW. Just to echo all the other sentiments. Well written. Graphic. True. Honest. For sure it has made me think. Hard. I have had 2 c-sections and the pain from those were horrendous. Will keep reading with interest on your progress and be very interesting to see how you feel in a 6 months and also a year from now...

Thank you for the gripping insight.

TT x
Mike thanks so much for that really honest account of the op, it's fascinating :)

I hope you take it very easy and let your body recover properly.

If it's any consolation I had an Emergency C Section 5 years ago and the scar has faded massively. You can still see it and feel it but it's not horrific :)

Me too, i have had 2 c sections, and the scar doesnt bother me all! Now, the flab hanging over the scar, well, thats a different matter....:p
quote :
I then commented to him on the fact that my bits were literally black and blue and very very sore, it felt constantly like I had been kicked there and was making me feel sick all the time, he had a quick look and said that when they move you about they have to use things to get grip!!! I thanked him for changing me from Golden Balls to Melon Balls and he went on his way....

Omg I laughed so much reading this section, sorry if it seems a sore point for you..you definately cheered me up! :p:rotflmao:
Awww bless you, hun!

So sorry that you're in pain - you're a better man than me - I know I couldn't go through with it. I scar really badly, so it's just a non-starter!

I'm sure that when everything's healed up, you'll be cock-a-hoop at your new tum.

BIG ((((HUGS))))

Day 9 - Bed Rest

Well been in bed most of the day, Jo and I keep clashing over me getting up as I appear in the kitchen making myself a coffee and get sent back upstairs. It is funny that a full cup of coffee is actually really heavy when you have had the operation as you have no core strength at all.

Also today my belly button is hurting, where it isn't covered by the bandage (the bandage fell off it!) it has dried out so the 20 or so stitches are dry with blood and not only itch but also sting whenever I move, I talked over with Jo whether to dress it and hope it softens but she said it is best just to leave it.

In terms of core strength I don't have any, I am really struggling on getting from a laying position to upright and have to hang off of things to stand up. This will obviously come with time but look forward to getting on my balance board in a few weeks as that will be great for building back up the muscles and getting me fit again.

I am trying to be happier today, I am not one for laying about and get down in the dumps quickly but am trying not to make Jo's life a misery by constantly moaning about how much it hurts and how bored I am.

Jo has gone out to get a bed wedge as not comfy last night so am just having a quick look at the air con in our bedroom as it is leaking everywhere, she won't know I have been out of bed so making me feel really naughty I am up but you have to do these things as the patient!!

The dressing really does need changing before next Monday as not only it is covered in blood but some idiot tipped food on it at lunchtime so is covered in bean juice!!

Got to phone doctors and get a sick note as work will want one so hoping that the doctor says to pop in so I can get the dressing checked out and also generally have the doctor see how I am!

Back ache still here and not a nice feeling so taking lots of voltarol to try and ease it, might put some tiger balm on it later as if nothing else it will stop the smell of me with the smell of that!

Early night tonight as didn't sleep much last night but going to try and get comfy and watch Henman in a bit.