What happens when you have a tummy tuck?

Thanks, I will try and post some pictures tomorrow, is actually very hard to take pictures without it showing a little too much so will get Jo to help me tomorrow and see what I can come up with.

LMAO!! I'll blow out the candles then and stop plucking my eyebrows...
JUst caught up on this great thread Mike! I echo the sentiments about your story telling prowess too!

You are doing all of us considering a TT, a huge favour in terms of your real experience, and not just a sales pitch. I have lost just over 6 stone with about 4 or maybe more, to go. My tum is wrinkly ans flabby but maybe magic knickers will do it for me. My lovely hubby has huge reservations about me having surgery. It was him who talked me out of wanting gastric surgery in the first place.

I think the surgery I will try to go for, purely because look so dreadful, is on my upper arms. One strong breeze & I could take off!

Thanks so much again Mike and I will keep following this amazing thread, cant wait for the pics.

Hope you feel on top again very soon.

I have just found this site but am booked in for surgery in 5 weeks and 4 days. It was great to read your account and have some idea of what to expect. Going to private hospital; NHS turned me down:cry:Thank you and I am sure you will be pleased with the results once you are in less pain.

When are you going to write this book?

You are amazing!
I was about to mail you!! Got my Arnica this morning and thanks very much!! Got to take them every 2 hours today and then 4 times a day from tomorrow.

They have got some serious work to do as the bruising is getting worse not better at the minute.

Anyway thanks again and much appreciated


No worries Mike, it was a pleasure, I'm glad they are being used! and good that they got to you so quick with the postal strike and all that!

Hopefully they should sort the bruising quicker than normal..

Day 13 - Filling Up!

Oh dear, Jo noticed last night that my right side is getting bigger and not smaller and over night has got a lot worse and now have a profound lump on my right hand side which clearly is full of fluid so glad I am at the hospital tomorrow as assume it is going to need draining out, feels very strange but trying to stay positive as it makes the other side look better lol.

Jo is going to look at a new house today that we might move to and would love to have gone but just not going to happen so stuck to looking at rightmove!

Today is Sunday so the end of the hard week as next week must be easier than this as my strength returns and the pain goes away.

Wish I had never had this done though and don't think that time will change that opinion.

Anyway have a good Sunday all!! Hope the weather cheers up
Aww Mike, bless you, make sure you get to that appointment, and honestly the memories will fade and you will forget the bad bits, dont be concerned about the drainage, it doesnt hurt as they will go in near the scar area and this is numb, completley, as they nerve ending have been severed, i totally freaked and left London like a bat out of hell when i knew i needed it, soon felt to uncomfy and went crawling back!!!!!
Who was going to Waddington airshow, but its ben cancelled:cry:
Mike, I've jsut read right through your blog, I have so much to do indoors but who cares.
Hang in there it will get better & you will be pleased you've had it done. A good friend of mine had the full op 5 yrs ago, she said a week after surgery that if she'd known how severe it all was she'd never have gone through with it (and her family all said they'd never have let her!). 2 months later though it was a very different story & she's never looked back, she's been over the moon with the results ever since.
I'm booked in for a full tummy tuck & breast uplift at the same time on Thurs 9th Aug. Surgeon says I can expect to be in hospital until the Sun or Mon and hopefully will only need two weeks off work!! We'll see about that I suppose.
When I went to see him on Tues, he showed hubbie & I very graphic photos of TT surgery in progress - the abdomen actually cut from the body and being lifted - it certainly showed what a major op this is. Also the breast lift which is what I need as opposed to implants, is unfortunately a bigger op than having bags a silicone put in.

Anyway, keep hanging in there and keeping us all up to date with your progress, feel better soon xx:)
Mike, have just read this through from start to finish, what an informative and honest diary..

Dont get too down in the dumps, recovery from surgery isn't easy and you're probably starting to get the anaesthetic out of your system now too which will make you a little down.. Plus the frustration too of not being able to do stuff - it's understandable!!

Really hope you're feeling a little better in a few days, get that fluid lump checked out - and looking forward to seeing those next pics!!

Take care

Day 13 - Drain me!!

Now definately looking forward to going to the hospital!! I have a large lump on my side which is clearly full of some liquid (blood, water or spicy tomato soup) and needs someone to drain it off. Jo has just gone out to get me some seriously baggy trousers to wear as the thought of putting on jeans makes me want to blub!

Been doing a pin test this morning for numbness and numb on the inside of my legs almost down to my knees!! They never told me that but they did say any numbness is likely to be short term so hopefully that will come back soon enough.

Jo got me some tape removal pads to get off the tape marks which has been fun for an hour!!

Hi Mike,
Sorry to hear about the swelling, the numbness may be due to the fluid collection, the pressure of it on the nerves, just a thought.
Thankyou as always for posting on here, Just to remind you, you got me threw my first few months of cd, and I'm forever grateful for that,thankyou.
I know your at a low ebb at the mo, but please don't loose sight of what an amazing person you are,and all the help you have given so many people.
Best wishes to Jo too, she sounds like she is as amazing as you.
Hi Mike

Just a quick note to say i hope you get better very quickly!! It's a amazing the difference a day can make and i'm sure that in a few days you'll be looking back on this and thinking nah it weren't so bad!! The mind is very good at forgetting about pain otherwise women would never have more than one child!!! lol.

Good luck with the hospital appointment.

Thanks for sharing so much with us all, as you can see we are all riveted!!

All the best,
Day 14 - Off to the hospital

Well just about to get in the shower and get going as we have to drive for 45 minutes to get to the hospital. Hoping that they have a serious needle ready to drain my right side as it has it's own heartbeat now and the throbbing reminds me of Tom's foot when Jerry hits it with a hammer in Emily's Tom & Jerry video.

Hoping also to get the consultants opinion on how it all went and whether he is happy with the scar and whether he thinks I might ever be able to wear clothes again :)

Also want to check about the numbness in my legs as he definately never mentioned that!

Will report back later and hopefully a pound lighter as there has to be a litre of fluid in my side as it looks like I am hiding a bowling ball under my t-shirt.
good luck at the hospital mike
hope you come back feeling better

It says in the hospital information I got that it is really common and I know other people who have had it have had to go back and have further draining. Something to do with how the fat is layered apparently !

Good luck, hope you managed to get it drained ok!!