what was your turning point?

i will be posting more too,it definitely helps,and thankyou for all your kind words,your such a strong woman and i feel so bad for your daughter and what she must be going through,and it will help her to see you so positive,maybe she could do weight watchers with you,or maybe something similar to help take her mind of the crap,something with you thats fun,time is a great healer,and goodluck with everything hun xxxx
i will be posting more too,it definitely helps,and thankyou for all your kind words,your such a strong woman and i feel so bad for your daughter and what she must be going through,and it will help her to see you so positive,maybe she could do weight watchers with you,or maybe something similar to help take her mind of the crap,something with you thats fun,time is a great healer,and goodluck with everything hun xxxx

Hugs Blossom! Thank you for that. She may want to come along with me one day - we could certainly do SOMETHING together, just the 2 of us. That would be nice.
You keep up the great work hunny - you can do it! xxxx
Hey all, am on early before work! Support on here is fab, I too have become addicted to this site! :)
i only joined a few days ago-and i already love this place!!! lol.
thank you to everyone for replying to my thread with such honesty, and openness! we can do it girls!!!
i am honestly stuck for what to say here i know what i wanna say but not sure how to put it iykwim i think every single one of you is amazing in the strength and things u have come through and it fills me with heart ache and sadness with some of the thing people have had to deal with.
i too have had unfortunate things in my life and have just come out of counciling for pnd and went through a very low point in my life although every i had was wonderful a loving hubby 3 kids i still thought so little of myself food was what made it better! it was bad things through my own childhood i couldnt get over and i dont think i ever will but through hearing stories and adivce to others it really helped me look at things in other way and see that no matter what i was worth more than anything than some someone though so little off me for (hope that make sense)it took alot to make me see i am worth something as are we all and no matter what we have been through we deserve nothing but what we want to acheive and if we want it bad enough we can achieve it i wish us all great success in our journey to loss our weight and get to the goal we require! hugs to all (((()))) xxx

P.S. sorry that went on a bit you are all amazing x
Hugs to you too scottish jewel. It sounds like you have come through a tough time, but onwards and upwards.... and thinner :)

I think its great that we all have different life experiences, some have a little weight to loose, some have lots, yet we are all in the same boat, we want support from likeminded people on our weight loss :) and thats what we can all offer each other!

Its great to see that so many people have shared there stories on here, and are making the effort. Remember even if its a bad day, every cloud has a silver lining somewhere...

My turning point is a combination of many different things.

I did weight watchers once before but we had to leave due to financial reasons and other things too, but I wish for my hubbies sake that we never did.


Me - Well I'm most certainly not one of those people who says no to being in photos, or wants to rip them all up when I see a pic of me, but looking at my flabby arms and seeing how fat I looked at my wedding, makes me upset (that's one reason why I don't wear tops that don't have some sort of sleeve on them)

My dad does not realise how hurtful it is when he sees me and calls me fat and tells me to lose weight (its the way he says it more then what he says that hurts) Plus I have friends that have good intentions but really need to think before they speak when it comes to reminding me/hubby about losing the weight. (It can sometimes do more harm then good)

Next to my hubby who could be classed as morbidly obese. Not only is he months away from being put on insulin if he does not lose the weight, but there is a strong possibility that he will have a heart attack. Like many other couples my life would be over without him. I'd have no-one to spend hours walking round car boot sales with or to go to Sci-Fi conventions with (yeah we are both big geeks, that's how we met) plus who else could put up with my constant nagging lol.. Plus (this may sound silly) but I know he would make a great Dad, and I really want to have kids with him, and don't want him gone before there even say 2 years old..

My hubby was told the news about the insulin and I saw the 12stone 13lbs on the scales (13stone being my nemis) and that was it. He actually said he would go back to WW with or without me but I knew I wanted to lose the weight too, and for it to fully work, we would have to do it together (especially as I'm the one who cooks most the meals at home)

I want to show those naysayers we can do it, and be fit enough to go for long walks without needing to take the bus back home rather then walking back home. I want to be able to fit back into a pair of black smart trousers (with lovely flowers on at the bottom) I have in my wardrobe that I love so much, and I want to be at a point where I can be setting a good example for others (like future kids) and prove to others that YES it can be done, if your willing to give it a go, a real go...

Thats it from me for now, sorry for rambling on
I didnt have a major turning point but when I was in Disneyland Paris for my Birthday in june I was feeling really confident and hadnt realised just how much weight I had put back on---until I saw the pics :cry:
I started doing Cambridge 3 days after getting back and shifted 36lbs in 9 weeks but its so expensive so I made the brave decision to switch to weightwatchers and this is my 1st week :D

The other big thing on my mind is the fact that my eldest starts school next wednesday and I really didnt want to be the fat Mum at the gates, I am a very shy person and struggle to get to know people as it is without the added embarressment of my size on top so I knew I had to shed as much as I could before then!

I cant believe some of what people have been through on here and how they are able to keep going- I admire you all, you're strength is amazing and you deserve to get to goal and be happy :)
Zebredy hugs hun i bet u and ur hubby can do it me and my hubby are working together too! as we both need to shift it and we are enjoying supporting each other makes us stronger and more determinded to do it. x
It certainly makes it easier having hubby join in too doesnt it! (plus a little healthy competition is good lol)

My Hubby has been doing WW for 10 weeks (along with daily walking) and has already lost nearly 2 stone :) He is loving it and is probably actually eating more chocolate now than before lol, but he has cut back portion sizes and is careful with how much sauce/cream/butter he adds to things which has made a massive difference.

It really doesnt feel like we are on diets either.

Zebredy Im sure the two of you will do great and you can lean on each other when times get tough and help each other through x
Zebredy hugs hun i bet u and ur hubby can do it me and my hubby are working together too! as we both need to shift it and we are enjoying supporting each other makes us stronger and more determinded to do it. x

Thanks for the kind words, yes it can be easier to do it with someone else, we motivate each other (to a certain degree,). I know I'm not the only one out there wanting to lose the lbs and this site is just the place for me, and is really helping..
Thanks for the kind words, yes it can be easier to do it with someone else, we motivate each other (to a certain degree,). I know I'm not the only one out there wanting to lose the lbs and this site is just the place for me, and is really helping..

your welcome hun and yes i am lovign it here! x