Step 1 Sole Source Whats your woop for today?!


Climbing the mountain...
What's your cwp achievement today? Staying 100%? Doing a bit more exercise? Still going out socialising and having fun even though no food? Getting into jeans or a dress you had in the back of your wardrobe?

Celebrate the mini milestones that help spur you on to your journey of becoming a mini you! :)

Woop to getting into the next bmi bracket of overweight and no longer being classed as obese!
Getting to day 2 (post binge) without eating and using the "I'll start it again tomorrow" excuse that I've been using for the last few days x
Losing an inch and a half off my waist in the space of 4 days!
That my hangover has been sooooooo bad today that I am looking forward to getting back on the wagon tomorrow and not drinking again for the foreseeable future?!?!
Getting to day 4 is my first whoop for today. Although I ache every where n very tired :(
Getting to day 22 today and not caved. Getting into my jeans on Sun for the 1st time in 4 years. My hubby to be telling me last night how amazing he thinks I am for sticking to this. He doesn't want to praise too much as in his words has always loved and fancied me whatever size I have been.....
Getting to day 22 today and not caved. Getting into my jeans on Sun for the 1st time in 4 years. My hubby to be telling me last night how amazing he thinks I am for sticking to this. He doesn't want to praise too much as in his words has always loved and fancied me whatever size I have been.....

Aww, love supportive and genuine people!:clap::bunnydance: You've got a good one there Rachael78!

Mine for today is putting on the lovely Warehouse dress that my OH bought for me as an extra incentive for my friends wedding on Saturday and it fits! And looks nice! Big smiles!
Yay I love it when things start to fit. Enjoy the wedding on Sat I'm sure you'll look and feel gorgeous. Just noticed you weigh the same as me. My target is 10,10.
I love this thread already! I got weighed this morning and lost 6lb (4 of which I put on over Easter). I can now put on a size 14 pair of trousers for work! They don't fit comfortably enough to fasten yet lol but it's on it's way! Woop :)
My whoop for today is that I tried on a dress in Bharat today and it fit! It's two sizes smaller than all the clothes currently in my wardrobe!! Whoop!!!
My early morning whoop is I'm feeling positive today :)
My whoop is my little man telling me I'm not as fat as before now I'm only bit lumpy :) lol love him x
My whoop is actually sticking to the plan 100% for more than 30 days! Yeah! Bring on the next 30 days.
Whoop almost through day 2 lol