Step 1 Sole Source Whats your woop for today?!

Woop Woop over half way through the 1st week and haven't passed out or killed anyone yet :) x
My 'whoop' today was managing to resist my brother's leftover take-away pizza and chips from last night! Even had them on a plate and was walking towards the microwave and I just decided that it was NOT worth it. Very happy with myself :)
I got weighted today and have lost 21 pounds and 14 inches in five weeks.
Whoop had to get changed when I got to work today - I had left my size 18 jeans in the car from martial arts, so put my size 20 jeans on and they were huge on me! Like stupidly so. They fitted me last week! They now have a saggy ar$e, baggy knees and a spare few inches round the waist!!!! Madness! Does mean I only have one pair of trousers that fit again though... argh!
Whoop had to get changed when I got to work today - I had left my size 18 jeans in the car from martial arts, so put my size 20 jeans on and they were huge on me! Like stupidly so. They fitted me last week! They now have a saggy ar$e, baggy knees and a spare few inches round the waist!!!! Madness! Does mean I only have one pair of trousers that fit again though... argh!

Yay well done! I've been getting second hand clothes from eBay for now! Xx
As of this morning 4 stone has gone! Vamoosed! Disappeared! Fat has been cannibalised by my body!

And I get to wear a tight fitting size 12 dress to go out tonight that doesn't bulge in the wrong places!
My whoop is not caving in when I really just want to binge on salty chips, cheesy pizza and biscuits, end of day 6 of step 2 (810)
My whoop is bagging up 3 ikea bags full of clothes that no longer fit as I have shrunk out of them!
My whoops for today is fitting in to a fitted dress a size smaller than usual, 2 and a half weeks in 11 pounds down at last weigh in. Not expecting great things this week been picking at some sweets earlier in the week- naughty I know!! Although I was rather impressed with my self control, went to McDonald's with a friend and had nothing while he layed into a feast! And came home from work last night to my family tucking into a Chinese! It smelt so good but I had none of it :) !
I collected my new midwife uniform today- size 10!!! Whoop! My previous uniforms were size 16&18/maternity trousers
Getting back into my size 12 and 14 clothes comfortably! Had great fun trying on my wardrobe last night! :)