When do you have your packs


Full Member
I have a pack at 2pm, 6pm 8pm then at 10pm is this ok ? Today I had my first one at 5pm cause I having only 3 packs and protein.

I feel fine before 2pm/5pm it doesn't bother me at all!

I do suppose once I start losing the weight I should have a breakfast/lunch/dinner ones as I was like this some days on food as well not eating till late on! And I never had a breakfast have to break that habit!
Yep that's absolutely fine. I have mine at 10am, 1pm, 7pm and 8pm (or thereabouts).
I try to start mine as late possible as I always want more in the evenings so always a coffee when I wake up but normally have mine 11.30am 2pm 5pm then between 8-9pm once baby is down x
6am, 12noon and 7pm. I'm fine all day cos I'm busy but I'm finding the evenings hard as that is my usual binge time. I ate 5 olives and 2 cloves of garlic last night to stave of the pangs. Not sure of that was ok or not but I guess it's got to be better than reaching for the toast.
I'm having my 10am 2.30 -3 ish then I eat my protein about 6/7 my bar I have now and then if I feel peckish al have a bit here and there but save majority for after my tea :)
I have mine in the eveing, I have a double chilli/spag for tea and then a double milkshake as a pudding. Some people will say this is wrong, but it works for me and the weight is still falling off.

I personally think as long as your having them, doesnt really matter how you have them.
usually hot shake at 11, meal for lunch at 2, meal with veggies for dinner at 6/7 ish and a bar around half 8.