when will it show if im out of ketosis?

California girl

On a mission!
Hi all had a blip this weekend (FIRST ANDLAST I HOPE!!) just got fed up of being only sober one (new it couldn't las!!) had a couple of vodka and pepsi zeros well actually three (singles) fri and four sat. i confess that it made me EXTREMELY WASTED having been on ss for 2wks but i didnt follow it up with a chinese or four bags of cheese and onion crisps which would be the usual pattern - just drank a litre of water and went to bed. When will i know if im out of ketosis? am a bit scared to test in case it says im not then later i am,
i am not sure .... you will only know if you check...

i was very lucky when i had my blip cheese and pickle sandwich i didnt come of ketosis.. was weird ...
okay going to check now fingers crossed!! its like doing a pregnancy test!!!
Hi there, not sure about when it will show but please be careful, drinking whilst on SS is not a good idea and can be dangerous.

As soon as you go out of ketosis you will feel very, very hungry - which will happen within an hour of your binge
Ethanol is not carbs so won't take you out of ketosis, haven't heard of pepsi zero - do you mean coke zero or pepsi max? If it had citric acid in then it might affect you but it's unlikely to kick you out of ketosis completely. Your weight loss will slow down though as your body can use the calories in the vodka for fuel, and it will do this first, before burning fat for fuel. There are worse things you could have done, but please be careful with alcohol on a VLCD, you don't have anything in your stomach to help you absorb it, hope you feel ok this morning.
Drinking alcohol when in ketosis is dangerous. I cannot remember where I got this snippet from but its worth a read:

Alcohol is a powerful inhibitor of gluconeogenesis. In fact, it forces part of the gluconeogenic metabolic process into reverse. This means that if all the glucose in the blood is being derived from gluconeogenesis then the consumption of alcohol will inevitably cause the blood glucose level to fall. Worse still, the alcohol also stops ketone body production, thus leaving the brain entirely without fuel.
A person who is ketotic is 100% reliant on gluconeogenesis to maintain adequate levels of glucose in the blood. If, under these circumstances alcohol is taken, the person will become disorientated and might lose consciousness, not just from the alcohol, but from low blood sugar. Needless to say, this could be very dangerous, and even fatal.
Alcohol does not have these effects if the glycogen stores in the liver are normal. Under these circumstances the blood glucose level in the blood is maintained by the breakdown of liver glycogen, a process that is not influenced by alcohol. If a person becomes confused under these circumstances it is due simply to the pharmacological effects of the alcohol!
my favourite bit:

If, under these circumstances alcohol is taken, the person will become disorientated and might lose consciousness, not just from the alcohol, but from low blood sugar. Needless to say, this could be very dangerous, and even fatal.

showed this to my sister (who is a doctor) and she said that it's the same as the worst hangover ever, plus a bit of death on the side.

I soon didnt fancy that voddy and coke!
thanks everyone - i already felt rough but now i feel worse, but good to know its put it in perspective. happily i am still in ketosis and not pregnant lol!! thanks for all your great advice back to the water for me!!!