Who has snow and where are you ???....

ours all melted about 3 days ago. but the Next village got lots... strange lol
Yep! It's coming down thicker & faster than earlier in the week :( feel awful daughter missing dancing second week in a row when dance comp only 2 week away but hubby isn't a confident driver, won't take car out in snow & it's too far to walk :(
This is outside my house and it's still coming down........


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Its snowing here in oldham and its getting thicker, we have a good few inches and my driving lesson is cancelled tomorrow... wooo hooooo! I shall be taking the kids to my dads tomorrow as he has a big garden and we will be making a snow family! love weekends!
its been raining here in swansea all day... we now need an ark to get around due to the snow melting